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Everything posted by 37mm

  1. I don’t have time to deal with your nonsense NG Cavscout… I’ve bourbon to drink, hot dogs to eat & two episodes of Lost are about to start. So sod you!
  2. Sturmsebber, you can just ignore the likes of Michael Emrys… or if you must communicate with him keep it simple. Call him an ‘unusually small puddle of kitten vomit’ or sumfink like that… Now to begin the next stage in your ‘training’… <font size=2>BOOT!</font> <font size=3>BOOT!</font> <font size=4>BOOT!</font> <font size=5>BOOT!</font> Oh & before I forget... *Sir 37mm presents Sturmsebber with a carrot* <font size=6>BOOT!</font>
  3. Bannon DC if my wit is like a rubber knife then your own wit is like… err… an EVEN rubberier knife! Ha hah, take that scoundrel!
  4. Thanks for the link JK... correction noted
  5. EDITED... COZ I'M WRONG [ June 26, 2006, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]
  6. You want your own topic locked? I assure you I WILL NOT STUPS to an even lower calibre… I think It’s probably best that we close the thread now before the Judeo-communists come & ruin it all… as they are wont to do. [ June 26, 2006, 10:49 AM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]
  7. And now the enlightened twit has used an emoticon… DISgusting!
  8. You call THAT an acceptance speech? Dear Peng in a wheelbarrow… you didn’t even ask for cash? I’d prefer to play a QB using one of ‘The Ikes’ lovely new maps… but you can pick the setting of your destruction, I don’t really care. On a sidenote… why does stoat display no sign that he is a Squire of Rleete’s… is stoat ashamed? … oh
  9. I've just downloaded all of your work for both CMBB & CMAK... simply beautiful stuff
  10. Actually no I don’t call that a real challenge… or indeed a challenge at all… but I’m always up for a challenge even if in this case the challenge is to be the challenger who challenges you… and so I will… ... ... challenge you that is ... I think <font size=4>You Sir Noba are a fishy man… not a living, breathing, 'well adapted to its environment' fish at one with The Sea nor even an utterly stupid fish, gasping away as it wriggles on my hook… no Sir I mean to say that you are a pickled fish! And not just any ordinary pickled fish… no Sir you are a pickled fish that has been wrapped up in the rags of Dalems undergarments & then left behind a radiator for three weeks… but worse still you are not just any ordinary pickled fish that has been wrapped up in the rags of Dalems undergarments & then left behind a radiator for three weeks… no Sir, for you are infact an Oddstralian pickled fish that has been wrapped up in the rags of Dalems undergarments & then left behind a radiator for three weeks!! And now you are truly in a roight pickle… how Sir, do you wriggle your way out of accepting my challenge & getting your scaly hide well & truly pickled YET AGAIN? </font> [ June 25, 2006, 04:55 AM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]
  11. I have but three 50mm mortars; he has a battery of 105mm’s… and are you implying that being surrounded by barbed wire is a bad thing? Heck anything that can be done to keep you caged is all right by me… and likely the rest of the civilized world… and probably Noba as well.
  12. The only thing that can be truly changed is the ‘look’ of the game… nothing else. However you can do an awful lot with the scenario editor… I’m sure I have an SF scenario somewhere, set on a volcanic planet where ‘rocket men’ fight. Of course it’s just Bazooka guys, Panzershreks & clever use of the terrain editor. I know someone has made both 'Nam & AIW mods (& I know there are AIW scenarios)...
  13. Dear Peng… sigh Fine, fine… look my joke works if I replace the US Army with the Wussycunsun police or whatever so it really doesn’t matter As for you attempted insult? Lets just say it’s probably the least effective insult since juan_gigante called Sturmsebber ‘a gay’. On an interesting note…I think it's really cool that the French transported a brothel to Dien Bien Phu (the women all became nurses when the **** hit the fan).
  14. I hope you get it, I suspect the US army needs more whores...
  15. My Lord is, of course, correct & the Oddstralian is, of course, an idjit… all is as it should be Sturmy, take note of this & learn!
  16. I can assure you that I'm both utterly immature & exceptionally well experienced at insulting folk... I have to say though I don't often go for 'Judeo-communists'… ‘Enlightened’ twits though are a different matter
  17. This time I didn't get past the first sentence and its ‘Judeo-Communist victory' lark. I now see you weren't joking, you really are nuts... a shame.
  18. Dear Peng, you should be watching tonight’s game… GO MEXICO!!!
  19. I’ve just realised… I think we might've had a joke played on us
  20. I read the first few lines about 'poor misunderstood' David Irving & then realised you were likely a nut... I don't have a problem with that, be as nutty as ya want for all I care, but is this really related to CMAK?
  21. BFC haven't even confirmed whether CMSF game will feature the Peng Challenge Thread... i'd advise reading the posts of 'Battlefront.com' (aka Steve) to learn of anything that HAS been confirmed
  22. Perhaps he meant sick as in… ... like them there oddstralian freaks who aught to have been drowned (and most likely will be if they get their hands on enough Fosters) and who couldn’t win a game of CM even if they had Rune on their side*? * if such a thing be possible [ June 24, 2006, 07:47 AM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]
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