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Everything posted by 37mm

  1. Well they did say it was meant to be released by now (then again we should also have been playing CMSF for the past few months)… so one could assume that the game should be at quite a late stage in development. Like I say, I know nothing of computer programming but I suspect (as surely you must do) that they are not going to go back & start making such major changes as you suggest.
  2. Oh no the solution sounds great for a human refereed campaign but for programming a computer game? Now I know absolutely soddin’ nothing about computer programming, but surely making such a major change to CMC so late in development is simply out of the question (especially considering CMx1 is a cumbersome program)? If it’s out of the question alternative solutions will be needed.
  3. I didn't know Budweiser was so expensive... I apologise for the misunderstanding
  4. Some would say that my post had a touch of class… that it possesses a rough, but pleasing style… and although light in body, it's full in spirit. Anyway will this be like a serious Olde One ruling or a normal Olde One ruling? Coz, for overturning it, I’ve already got the cheap booze. [ July 18, 2006, 09:06 AM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]
  5. I couldn’t give a bleedin’ rat’s arse to what you are interested in! And I think it’s safe to say that I’m not alone in expressing that opinion. So you can strut around & get all uppity as much as you like… but to me it’s nothing more than the flies crawling or buzzing around the pile. Second hint... take it out of your mouth!
  6. Gamey updates: Sturmsebber, after thrashing my rifle armed grunts with his SIX tanks, has now been forced to attack me on the Somme… around Pozieres to be exact… serves him roight . Boo ‘ Hooch ’ Radley is also facing me on the Somme… a lot of shells are falling AROUND my pasta eating German troops… I call that Boo-accuracy Joe Shaw is, of course, still missing & may we long remember him Me (Axis) & Knee-dan Won (Soviet) are playing the fifth battle in the six battle OPERATION URANUS series of Jason C’s … It is currently one win for me, one draw & two wins for he! Belgian One (also know as stikkkccccypixie ) is getting stuffed in two scenarios. I’m still waiting for turns from Noba (One month), JD Morse (One Month) & Moraine Sedai (two years).
  7. Hah ha! I tricked you, ya ‘orrible barstools! This ain’t some frigging grog paradise! This here is the Pengdamn Cesspool & is (although BFC won’t admit it) the only reason the CMSF forum currently exists! This place has rules, lots & lots of rules… normally the Justicar would tell you what they were but he’s currently missing in action (last seen during a Rune scenario)… so we’ll just have to make do without him [ July 17, 2006, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]
  8. Abbott, you are an insignificant pile of rabbit poo… if I was you I’d be less concerned with the complicated politics of the Middle East & more interested in learning how to use that soap bar you were given for Christmas. Hint… It works better when wet
  9. That may be so... but I was trying to come up with a simpler solution to the problem of overstacking… your solution* of endlessly differing map sizes & drip fed battles sounds to me like it is never ever, ever gonna be implemented. * Which was, by the way, by your own admission not 'entirely realistic'
  10. Jason C obviously has a point (which no-one appears to have addressed) but IMO his solution sounds too complicated & is unlikely to be implemented (I, of course, mean unlikely as in ‘not a chance in hell’). It seems to me that the key to CMMC will be how the artillery is implemented… will it be like CMx1 (i.e. neutered to a ridiculous degree in regards to both shell quantities & points expense)? Or will FO’s be more numerous & will they be given FAR MORE firepower. Jason C is correct in stating that defenders will be annihilated by massively superior attackers... and that is as it should be... but what if those defenders are backed up by two 122mm FO’s each with hundreds of shells? That amount of firepower can obliterate even tank companies especially if they’re ‘over-stacked’. What if FO’s can be assigned, moved around quickly & then given large quantities of ammo? Surely even a single 81mm FO dropping a thousand shells (the maximum it can have in the CM engine) will do a lot of damage to an incoming stacked Battalion? Meanwhile the FO's of the Deaths Star (please let’s stop using the term fisting) will do less damage over time because they’re bombarding mostly empty space. Does that make any more sense?
  11. Sturmy, you ‘orrible little barstard if a sodding Knight tells you to do sumfink you not only fecking do it... but you Pengdamn bleedin' ENJOY fecking doing it! Sir Stickypixie is the first Belgian around here! You, compared to him , are an insignificant smear of drool that has been left out in the sun (I hope you realise just how insignificant that truly makes you compared with those from a proper nation)! … out in the sun… ahh I’ve just been having a roight Sexy Beast moment… top Dorito! Err… anyway… Belgian One has now received his turns… everyone else now owes me turns (except Boo, but he can bloody whistle). As for Belgian two…
  12. Sturmy as part of your next level of training I order you to deal with these unpengly wafflers especially this Princess Ugly… no stone should be left unturned in your pursuit for vengeance. If you must pursue them to their dark, damp, vile home then do so. If you must lick the back of a poisonous frog whilst singing le Marseille then again do so (and remember to follow up with a shot of tequila). And if a Chinese guy just happens to come up to you & ask ‘how are your kidneys’ do not worry. Oh & remember not only is a squire-ship at stake by you pleasing me but the possible title of being the Cesspool’s first official spam sandwich ! As for me? I’m gonna bathe in the sun for awhile & read about Deville Wood… oh it’s a hard thing being a Knight.
  13. I’ve noticed that this is your second attempt at mocking me... attempt being the key word… still, ineptitude aside, it does looks like my tough training (which some might mistake for pointless, random & extreme acts of brutality) may finally be paying off. People, my serf might possibly be considering whether or not he should sprout up a shrivelled pair-esque growth! Oh I'm so proud it almost brings a tear to my eye… it also makes me wonder if now is the right time to sell him for organ transplants but that's another story. Anyhow Sturmy, go make yourself useful & clean Sir stikcypixies togs… the lads been Peng knows where & we can’t have him traipsing all over & making a mess of the ‘Pool ... well anymore than he usually does anyway
  14. Does that equate to a non turn sending git? </font>
  15. I was born in Bradford… but I’m a Lancashire man at heart
  16. I, for one, don't think that the story is funny... I mean are you saying that we just missed out on the Cesspools first Darwin award? I find it kinda tragic… so close & yet so far Just think about what the marketing possibilities could’ve been like if Lars had been gruesomely hacked to shreds? I’m talking like TV interviews & stuff!
  17. Bolding the Serfs names again? I bet you bold Emrys name when we’re not looking too. Sigh… I actually am quite tired… perhaps I was being abducted by BFC
  18. Perhaps you’re right & I agree a spot of hand crushing should be tried… but not my blessed hand! Are you fracking insane? No, the hand of my dear serf will just have to do… in some ways it’ll hurt me more that way… and in many ways it won’t <font size=5>Sturmsebber!</font>
  19. It works if you sing it the way I sing it… I’ve just woken up because something was trying to drag me from my bed… I’m telling myself that it was most likely some kind of lucid nightmare (especially as what I was dreaming at the time was ****ing bizarre)… but I’m half convinced that it’s one of you lot… either way there’s not a chance in Peng that I’m going back to sleep.
  20. Oh there once was a man named Boo He’s just sent me a set-up And if you ask real nice Then he might send you one too But I have a problem with Boo And that’s no real surprise For everyone loathes him Even the oddstralians too It’s about this bleedin set-up It’s all random you see So I’ve got a huge force On a Pengdamn ugly map Which is quite a shame you see For I told Boo about The Ike That he’s made all these lovely maps All set-up for QB Bloody Boo… is there anything he isn’t inept at?
  21. Not me my hideous companion... no, that there was a fine fellow whose death could not possibly have been prevented by anyone, EVEN ME! Oh & if the 'Don Logan' or anyone else says that he & everyone else in his platoon died because I ordered a mass attack against THE major objective over open ground without the slightest thought for conducting any recon whatsoever then… well they’d be lying wouldn’t they?
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