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Posts posted by Kuderian

  1. OK I have learned something else...when CMH is not open, or the CMH link to the cider file folder in dropbox is erased, the endless "spinning" of dropbox syncing does not happen.  Bizarre that this only happens for this particular file folder...solutions anyone?

    If the constant drop box syncing is the 'chat' file then it usually means more than two people have their CMH tuned into a single battle.

    The solution is to make sure no more than two people use CMH for that battle and everyone else instead copies,pastes and deletes the files manually before activating CMH for any other battle they might be playing.

    Though sometimes one forgets so you just tell CMH to clear the incoming/outgoing mail folder but not the drop box folder!


    @sttp are  the men in question definitely WIA not KIA?

    Because looting only and buddy aid with or without looting are slightly different in my experience (apart from the aforementioned speed difference).

    Buddy aid is a matter of life and death and therefore is more urgent. Looting is not always a bonus and is less urgent.

    I think encumbrance and ammo supply also come into the equation when looting but not when buddy aiding.

    If a looter has full ammo and a rifle, they won't necessary pick up a SMG whereas if they are low on rifle ammo they are much more likely to pick it up.

    Also heavy weapons can only be picked up by the right heavy weapons team.

    I only realized the other day that different armies fighting on the same side can buddy aid and crucially loot each other.

    See pic below of an Italian holding a German MG42!



  3. Thanks Odin for posting this. It is always fascinating to read the other side's perspective after the last bullet has been fired.

    I was in charge of the Recce armoured cars which you completely destroyed!

    And the  leading infantry on our left flank which your HMG's and 105 barrage broke the back of...

    Perhaps Stonecutter can post his excellent Allied AAR over here or at FGM?

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