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Posts posted by Corvidae

  1. FaxisAxis

    , HI,,

    I have played and beaten Jagermiester,REPEATEDLY as soviets,

    I have made my reds dance over axis corpses and across burning panzers,

    I have pushed italian alpini through dense soviet defences,

    I have overwhelmed russians with panzer assults,

    Alpine breakout


    Hornets nest

    A warm place to sleep

    These and more i've won,

    Ask JasonC about our test battle




    and i'll send you a turn of jagermiester, if you are up for it, you can watch my soviets NOT panic as they stomp facisti into sewage

    [ June 29, 2006, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: Corvidae ]

  2. Realisticly ,

    -the soviets suffered from poor leadership, and poor training,

    -In 41, many soviet rifles had bayonets WELDED on,

    -Soviet standards for marksmanship were a joke,

    -Soviet troops were so demoralized by red tape and overregulation, they couldnt even mutiny,

    -Soviet weapons were poorly made,

    -Soviet ammo was cheap, and it showed,,,,,

  3. ACCEPTABLE for 41

    German tanks are , hotchkiss, sommua, renault, 35T, 38T, Pz-I, Pz-II, Pz-III with 37mm gun,

    Soviet tanks are, BT2 through 7, T26, all tankets,

    AT guns are 37mm and smaller, plus AT rifles,

    Does this sound reasonable ?

    JasonC, rarity off??? ok

    John D Salt, may you choke on a bug in your salad,

    A small but hairy bug, with funny parts

    [ May 20, 2006, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Corvidae ]

  4. ?? Thats a lot of rules,

    Do not double click on enemy to see what additional info he has such as what the Infantry might have for small arms or how much armor or penetration a vehicle has.
    Since I play with FULL fog of war, it doesnt matter,



    1) FOW at full,


    3) standard rarity


    [ May 19, 2006, 07:58 PM: Message edited by: Corvidae ]

  5. I guess my point was lost.

    People are people are people, but some people just dont like to accept that fact,

    Its sad,

    The german war in the east was the last war of colonialism to have the excuse of ignorance.

    I want something good to come of the evils of that event, a lesson to be learned if you will,

    That People are People are People.

    But I guess that most people would rather ignore the lesson, even if it means the risk of repeating the mistake themselves.

    As long as we depersonalize, dehumanize and demonize the other, we will never be able to recognize and correct the faults, mistakes, and evils we place on them,,,,, when they appear amongst ourselves,

    I know it makes you uncomfortable to think that you yourselves could just like the germans who lived in the 1930s, But the germans who elected Hitler and bought into his fantasy of a new world order, were just ordinary people who wanted to be comfortable, They waved their flags patrioticly to celebrate when they were told they were entitled by god and destiny, and they believed what they were told...... just like you,

    ok, so could a moderator please lock this thread?

  6. z-warfare,

    It was hard for me to make the visualization, to see myself as a whiteman. To place myself in the position of being a white german christian.

    My own ancestors were nearly exterminated by whitemen, But placing myself in the position of the whiteman has alowed me to better understand a lot of things,


    A myth can be true, and still be a myth, perhaps i could have chosen a better word. A myth is a claim or belief that is accepted without question or though, Maybe doctrine or dogma would have been a better word,

  7. hi Tagwyn, i'm not even going to try to address your little tactic, but maybe you should actualy read my post before deciding who i do and dont love,

    the rest of you make valid points, and this probably is the wrong forum, but there are a few topics here in this forum that are basicly SS bashing fests, (i think every forum has them), unfortunately most of the bashing is in tagwyns mode of thought, Which is to point at anyone who looks deeper into history than grade B hollywood movies, and scream "nazi lover".

    I am trying to hold a middle ground position on the SS as a group of individuals, I am also trying to make people think, and question.

    I guess what i realy want is to try to get everyone to HONESTLY look at themselves, and ask themselves, if they had been a german in that era (Without modern hindsite), would they still hold the same views on the SS that they hold today?

    *If you were born in germany between 1916 and 1924, what would you think about the SS? and would you perhaps want to join it?*

    by the way, i think the SS were well dressed, over priced hamsters, with lots of cool toys.

  8. (Myth)

    The SS was a racist organization.


    While it is true that the SS had a very strong racial identity, the same was equaly true for most western military establishments at the time.

    Racism was an accepted and respected part of western social and religious thought. The myths of racial heirarchy, racial right, and racial supremacy, Were all a normal part of western civilization. The KKK was a respected social club.

    Jim Crow laws were considered perfectly fair and ethical. Racial segragation was part of life. And as long as the white man won, racial violence was ignored.

    Racialy justified injustice was universal. To point at the SS without looking at the rest of the world for a context, is a hypocritical act of moral cowardice.

    Before 1945 almost everyone was racist.

    They didnt know any better. The question is .....


  9. At the risk of being accused of having an agenda that I dont have, and holding ideologys I dont hold. I'm going to defend the SS.

    There is a great deal of mythology surrounding the SS as a whole. Some of this mythology is true, Some is a blend of truth and propaganda, And some is just propaganda.

    The trick is to sort through the mess and place everything in its proper pile.


    Every member of the SS is automaticly a criminal. Criminals joined the SS because they were criminals,


    Although the SS attracted criminals. So did every military establishment. Enlistment in the military placed the individual far beyond the reach of civilian magistrates.

    The military of most nations attracted both the guilty criminal and the wrongfully accused. The SS was no different.

    But at the same time, the SS also attracted the idealistic young men who wanted to be part of the promised social changes that the Nazi party claimed to promote. The Nazi party did not post full confessions of its insane fantasys for public consumption. They had a skillfull propaganda machine to whitewash over the many wrongs and evils in their policys. Many people are mentaly lazy, and patriotism blinds people even today. Many young germans joined the SS because they honestly believed the patriotic lies they were being fed.

    Many young men also joined to impress girls. The SS had a flashy uniform, and a reputation for exelence. Take your average 17 year old male and show him a macho recruiting poster, and he will visualize himself in the role of hero.

    Despite official party claims, there continued to be poverty in the reich. Thousands of young men from impoverished familys were drawn to the SS by better pay. An SS trooper could send home more money to his family every month.

    Just as being a former SAS or Marine can improove your chances of landing a high profile career today. So also coming up through the SS was a good career move for a german in the 1930s.

    There were many other reasons for germans to join the SS as well. The likelyhood of a given SS recruit being a criminal was generaly no higher than in any other branch or army.

  10. hullo Jason,

    That more or less sums it up.

    Too little time and no axis artilery or mortars, plus too many vehicles to be exited. Made this game unwinnable for the axis player. Even an axis monopoly on air support wasnt enough to ballance the lack of artilery, It was unfairly stacked from the word go. All the brilliant tactics in the world couldnt salvage the attack.

    It was fun though.


    The delta version will be 50 minutes long, not the inadequate 30 of this game. The axis will have a realistic kit of mortars and gun support,

    and only the 4 tigers will have an exit for points opption.

  11. Its been interesting.


    The allied briefing.

    From the sun dappled steppes of south siberia,

    One boy, raised on a horse driven farming collective. Nicolai Rasputin, volunteers with the local cossak troop. And goes west......

    The humiliating defeats of 41 are a brutal lesson, But one cossack squad stays coherant in retreat. Comrade rifleman Rasputin become their defacto leader by instinct.

    Months of just holding untill darkness, ends at the gates of Muskova

    Now promoted to sargent, Nicolai Rasputin leads his cossaks on the long and bloody march to final victory, FOR THE RODINIA!

    [ May 12, 2006, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: Corvidae ]

  12. turn 28,

    The 3 surviving tigers have withdrawn from my left flank, as have the surviving HTs.

    My center is intact, my right is recovering,

    and my left is rallying,

    It was very brutal for a while, Grenade and bayonet range, And a lot of casulties in a very short time.

    But the worst is seemingly over. The facisti have

    done their worst, and we have chewed them up and spat them out,

    There are a few orders of Lenin to be handed out.

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