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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Phil, Your probably right on the standardization. The Division, like a small but successful franchize, grew too big too fast at this time. The expansion to Pz Korps was at the cost of the diminishment of the 1 HG Pz Div big time. Your efforts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, David
  2. Mike & Junk2Drive, The one by Beorix is perfect for Italy, but by the time the Division was transfered to Poland they did a complete change in cammo and went to the ground combat jacket. I'm not sure of how much work it would take to change the collar patches to white, but...... By the way I think you guys are the f...ing greatest! I've only been at this Game for a short while but it's the best thing since SL in 20 some odd years. I've only been on the forum for a couple of months but you have been responsive every time I've posted. Hope I haven't sounded to gushy David
  3. Sounds like a story told a thousand times in real life. It does make for pictures of a pissed off Captain turn to the poor Cpl driver and screaming, "What am I supposed to do now?" The traditional response is a shrug of the shoulders.
  4. I guess this is directed to Andrewtf, The Hermann Goering FallschirmPanzer Division (and later Korps) was THE LW Mechanized formation in the German Armed Forces. They wore white collar patches instead of the green worn by the LW Field Divisions. Could you make a "HG Korps" mod with both Flieger Blau uniforms and ground combat jackets with white collar patches. I know that there was a 1944 order that said that white patches were no to be worn in the field, but that appears to have been haphazardly enforced - if at all. besides the look so cool. :cool: I have already transfered the LW Panzer Crew white piped collar patches from your excellent mod for CMAK. Although it wouldn't break my heart if you included a version with grey shirt and black tie for CMBB. It is a shame that there are not seperate BMPs for LW Infantry and LW Mech. It is also a shame that left and right arm BMPs are the same or I would be asking for HERMANN GORING cuff titles as well. (Somethings I hope they fix in CMX2). Thanks. "Air Force Tank Divisions are the wave of the future. Thank goodness we Germans thought of it first!" Hermann Goering
  5. In CMBB - Tiger Tiger It's Sept 42, I was the Russians and the Germans were attacking with Tigers that I couldn't touch. On my right flank a Tiger and two Mk III's advanced. I peeled off the Mk III's with 45 At's and the Tiger continued alone. In desperation I sent a Russsian squad hiding in the woods against it expecting them to be gunned down. The Tiger rolls by firing it's main gun against another target silloetting (sp?) the squad as it runs by. The squad then follows the Beast and throws two molotov cocktails and a grenade. Lo and behold the Tiger grinds to a halt, the hatches pop open and out comes the crew. I saved that one! Truely beautifull.
  6. Modders, I need some help. I am changing my Late War Heer & SS units in CMAK to a more continental look so that they can be compatible with ETO (and not bad for late war Italy - maybe a shortage of cotton?). Everything goes fine from the transfer of CMBB uniform BMP's, until I get to Late War Heer Mech. LEGS. BMP #9041 changed the Infantry legs to wool, but not the Mech. boys. Is there a new number for Heer Mech Late War legs? 21st Pz guys wearing tropical pants in Normandy doesn't make it! :confused: :mad:
  7. Panther Commander, What's "HSG"? That France pack sounds very interesting! DavidI
  8. I do think PTO is a great idea. Aussies in digger hats, Indians in turbans, Early Americans in doughboy helmets, Marines in cammo. Jungles, grasslands, bamboo villages. Guadacanal, Philipines, Okinowa,Burma, China. Yeah, I could dig it. DavidI
  9. Mike, I can't wait for the next insert into your "I know this has been talked about before..." paragraph. Napoleonics. Age of Reason. Medievel. etc. Seriously - Civil War on CM level? Buy all the squads that belong to a Regiment? Line them all up in a two man deep formation? Face an enemy battalion drawn up in the same formation? Blaze away at each other until one side decides it has more important places to be? You mean like that? Gee sounds really good. I think you have missed your calling. David
  10. You guys are all too awesome. This game is the best dripping needle I've ever run across. Thanks. David
  11. Mikey, Your stuff is awesome! How can I winterize German AT Guns, etc in CMAK? The bmps for a 75 AT gun is 113300, already a 6 digit number. Help. Is anyone going to do a CMMOS type deal, or expand CMMOS to include CMAK? I mean being able to whitewash all vehicles and guns with one press of the button is pretty darn convienent. Again, Help. David
  12. Dear Modders, How about a SS M-43 style cap? Skull & crossbones on the crown and a small eagle on the left side of cap. SS mountain troops look sad with Wehrmacht caps. Is there anyway to put M-43 caps on non-mountain Battalion & Company Leaders? When I tried it appeared to stretch the M-43 cap over a peaked cap frame. Amusing, but not the desired effect. :confused:
  13. In CMBB the Gross Deutchland site listed all the BMPs for CMBB. That list was VERY helpfull for doing mods. Has anyone out there made a definitive list for CMAK?
  14. Thanks for the info. I am new to this lovely game, the best I've seen on the subject. What are the winter numbers? I think I can figure out the other stuff.
  15. Junk2, The late war LW Mech. troops (read Hermann Goering Fallshirmpanzer Korps) are already displayed with a fairly decent waterpattern jacket. A helmet cover of the same pattern would do the trick. Winter white pants & helmet covers would be the same as Heer. David PS. Airforce Tank Divisions are the wave of the future!
  16. Can Aristocat or someone come up with a water pattern helmet cover and maybe a winter mod with white pants and helmet cover for late war LW Mechanized Forces? Please.
  17. WIP, Go for the yellow series for all German Tanks. I see far more photos of yellow base painted tanks than I do of camo painted tanks! Far more! David
  18. Since you guys have figured out how to make multi-turrented tanks work in Afrika Korps, how about a patch for CMBB that would include Russian T-28 and T-35 tanks? The T-28 wasn't a bad tank for it's day and the T-35 is just too cool looking (if you're into land battleships) not to include.
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