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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. The 1st Fallschirmjager Division was air lifted to Sicily. They were very skilled and lucky not to have very many JU-52's lost. Basically the Allied Airforces had a schedule of CAP flights and the Germans flew in between flights. Ironically they were landing at about the same time the Brit 1st Airborne was dropping at Primosole Bridge. The sudden arrival of the 1 FJ was a big surprise and slowed the British advance on Catania. Pick up D'Este's book "Bitter Victory" for a very detailed, yet readable, account of the Campaign. DavidI
  2. Patboy, No he won't, he still has Panthers and Brumbars to do! DavidI PS. Thanks MikeyD, it's beautiful. DI
  3. CMNormandy - June through August 1944 CMETO - September 1944 through April 1945 DavidI
  4. Paul, Check out CMETO and CMNormandy by doing a search of this forum. DavidI
  5. Well guys I just couldn't let those stay the same. I have totally redone both of those mods and corrected as many errors as I could. I want to thank Patboy for pointing out that my fly was open, and I totally appologize to any and all who saw it. Revised ones look like this: Not perfect, but much better. DavidI
  6. Pat, I look forward to them! DavidI PS. Oh, now I see the diference and where I went wrong. Now I really look forward to yours. DI
  7. Just for Navy, ETO camo Marder II. This is the one I snow covered and posted. Why I didn't post this at the same time, I'll never know. Looks like... Enjoy, David
  8. A belated Thanksgiving present for you all. The poor neglected Marder II Late. Morphed the CMAK Marder to the CMBB one and put some MikeyD camo on it. I thought the plain panzer yellow one looked alright to so I posted that as well in the same package. The interior is a little dicey, there are some shared bmps with who knows what, but all in all better than the bright yellow with bright spots that comes with the game. Oh yeah, they look like this: At CMMODS of course. Enjoy, DavidI
  9. Done with MikeyD's awesome mod and Wicky's snow textures. Looks like... Enjoy, DavidI
  10. AndrewTF, You are and will remain the Great and Powerfull! Your uniforms are out f...ing standing. Your attention to detail and working around the limitations of the hard codes astounds me. May Fortuna grant you the ability to buy another computer that will let you continue to provide real contributions to this game. Yours, DavidI
  11. Patboy, Look great, I'm off to CMMODs. DavidI
  12. Von Lucke, I will parrot John and say thank you for some info on a campaign I knew nothing about. Off to the Library I go. DavidI
  13. Normandy SS Officer, Done with AndrewTF's (The Great and Powerful) Late War dot pattern camo and a great companion piece to his mod. Looks like... Enjoy, DavidI
  14. Pat & Dey, Thanks for the ww Tiger extravaganza! I have a home for all of them! DavidI
  15. John, Didn't notice it "in game" but sure do in the screenie. DavidI
  16. Revised Normandy Wirblewind with bits and pieces from MikeyD, Daffy, BFC and me. Looks like this: Anyway I think it looks better. Enjoy, David
  17. Dey, You bet they are. Going to tackle Panthers? DavidI
  18. Pat, Everytime COG improves CMMODS recently, it loses a feature. First it was the listing of the BMPs modded and now it's the number of downloads. DavidI
  19. They look like this M16- Common Wealth Winter Crews, actually surprised that no one has done these before. Enjoy, DavidI
  20. John, Cool, didn't even know about the M6. Passed the drawing board, but not the field. DavidI
  21. F...ing Brilliant! Unlike John, I have been there. DavidI
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