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Posts posted by vincere

  1. My impression is that target light is getting the squad to target short bursts and single shots rather than long burst. Although the guide said the guide said they should do that at range anyway, I'm still getting an untested impression that target light pushes the squad more in that direction. I guess most times I'd want them to still shoot the 203.

  2. I've been using the target light command more lately to conserve ammo. Seems to be useful; but its tricky decission in winning a firefight. Also it I think it stops the 40mm grenades which is a shame at times.

    Anybody else using it much?

    Also is there any way to just get the sniper to shot in the sniper team?

  3. One consideration is if or when they get round to a British module, they'll need to do something about on-map mortars, as each platoon has one. It used to be the 51mm, which was ditched in favour of the 40mm underslung grenade launcher , which was found to lack a little, so they've got 60mm commando mortars in.
    Just been reading about the Paras on Afghanistan. They and the attatched Irish regiment were using 51mm mortars. Seems they were also using 81mm at very short ranges in defence of the platoon houses. The 81mm seemed to have a big impact on the tactical enagements.
  4. Since you ask, I like variable difficulty battles, great if they see saw. Very great if the AI posses a few challenges. With campaigns I also like a varied intensity with the cliche climax.

    As for length, I like the longer ones, hat to feel rushed. But running out of ammo is a real bummer.

    Good briefings/ back story work in getting me into it.

    I will look forward to playing Red Red, can you tell us your back story? Any way, hats off to you, I think its fantastic the effort some of you guys put in and share.

  5. As with CMx1 the key is to steadily increase the capabilities of the TacAI. This isn't something that can be done in one go since it is extremely complicated and time consuming to program. It will be added to the game a little at a time. For example, the v1.06 patch has significant new TacAI behaviors included. Perfect yet? Nope,
    Yep, great news, keep them coming. :D

    BTW I can see what you're saying about formations without matching Tac AI. Are you considering more formations for the Tac AI?

  6. One thing I also noticed is that sometimes a squad or team is being cut to pieces by an enemy unit that it can't see (judged by icon highlighting). I wonder how much this contributes to the apparent suicidal behavior (running straight into the muzzle of an enemy gun) we sometimes witness.
    Ummm? I think that could have been the case in once instance; but in another I think that my squad was firing back.


    If you actualy watch the action you'll notice your guys generely only get hit when on "spotting" behaviour. This implys that they are sticking thier head up to look around and they get hit!

    Thanks Hev, I'll look out for this.
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