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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. I love CMX2s Graphics and the 1 to 1. Some things I think should have been abstracted a bit more. I don't really need an actual bullet to be traced and have to hit an actual pixeltoop as long as the outcome feels right. But I will be buying CMBN on first day available! I still play CMX1 though. Hopefully CMBN will allow me to put away CMX1 for good.

    It has its advantages. For example when using automatic weapons like SMGs, you'll get more natural effects because of the bullet spread no matter the distance to the target. If you abstract that, you would have to guess what the effect of the weapon will be as a function of the distance.

  2. Personally, I never asked to remove such a nice terrain feature. I'm not in favor of removing anything. This really highlighted the finer CMx2 mesh. Are these the same people that whinned about the infamous cherry picking that's now back? God, I hate these grogs..:P

    There has only been one comment about this, MikeyD is just overreacting.

  3. Cool thx (Don't the receivers have antennas as well? Are these obvious from engagement distances?)

    I'm guessing the HQ has more antennas (with greater range to talk to people higher up). No idea how visible that would be though.

    As for the effect in game of losing an HQ, information will passed along more slowly which reduces spotting capabilities. The units will fight worse in most cases as well, then when they are in command. So not all that different (except for the spotting obviously) from CMx1, but not obviously clear if you don't pay attention to it.

  4. Elvis, quick one regarding AI for units. Maybe it s been discussed already but not sure:

    Infantry is now modelled individually, correct?. When taking cover on one side of a wall or a building, is there any issues with some units in a given squad remaining on the wrong side of the wall or staying outside the house, or is the AI smart enough to ensure all units of the squad behave similarly when the move order is given? When I saw one of your pics with all units on one side of the wall I wondered!

    It wasn't a problem in CMSF, so I suspect it won't be in CMBN :).

  5. Thanks for the comments but the scenario I tried was urban, and immediately after a 3-4min bombardment with 3x150mm arty I cease fired to see the effect, and it was virtually nil, no suppression, just a few wounded and one KIA. (Maybe I spread out the barrage too long a linear line.) But, I see other threads here that say that arty has been downgraded in effectiveness in the latest patch(es).

    Do you find Area fire better, or is the Russian arty inaccurate enuff to get that effect thru Point fire? (And yes, I use "General.") I wonder if using "Armor" vs buildings would be more effective?

    In the several night and day ambush scenarios I have played, it seems much easier for the Muj to surprise the Russians who are lying in wait. But, I will try and not HIDE my inf at night and see if that is more effective.

    I just don't understand how hiding units at night can be surprised by a moving unit.

    Note that in a DAY ambush scenario in which my guys were hiding with small arcs, the Muj spotted them over a hundred meters away and started firing at my guys. This required me to prematurely unhide and return fire as I would have taken casualties otherwise, but my ambush was ruined.

    Did you do a headcount? Because sometimes, enemy troops rout and you won't notice it unless you count how many guys started out and how many are left.

  6. A touch of hypocrisy here surely. In CMBB you designed this so called "old, tired and unsupported stereotype" into the game when you imposed much longer command delays on pre 1943 (from memory) Soviet units compared with their faster reacting German counterparts. How does that mesh with your above statement?

    I was simply trying to suggest a way to insert a similar concept with the yet to be designed and released eastern front game, using the current game engine design philosophy.



    There was probably more proof that the leadership of the Red Army at the lower levels was not on par with that of the Germans, then say the existence über-Hans or über-Ivan. Although a broad generalization was a tad over, but you have to remember there was no way to separate command delays from experience.

  7. So we have the same Everything or Nothing Spotting System like CMSF? That was one of the worst thing in this Title.

    It was so well praised and it never lived to its expectations. The US Forces was still the Borgspotter. When a M1A1 spotted an Enemy Tank a Milsec later the whole army knew where it was.

    I liked the System overall. But the Times for other Units knowing where the Enemy is was Waaaaay to short.

    So we have the CMSF Spotting System in?

    I am quite sure the US Army in 1944 will not be able to borg spot. Just call it a wild hunch ;).

  8. Um no.

    The first bar is small arms (so that’s 5.56, 7.62, 12.5/0.50”, etc.)

    The second bar (with the linked ammunition) is for MG ammunition (again 5.56, 7.62, 12.5/0.50”, etc.)

    cf Page 46 of the CMSF Manual.

    That maybe the source of your confusion?

    Are you sure?, when Syrian troops load up on AKM ammunition the second bar is filled. In my experience the first bar is 5.56 (and the Syrian equivalent) and the second bar is 7.62.

  9. No, He said CMBB.

    Fair enough - I admit I had no idea they had increased that much. However, this is still no problem. Cos let's say a game would end up at 2gb. First of all you could make it optional to actually save the pbem's. Secondly - 2gb is nothing today concidering a "normal" hd now is 500gb+ atleast.

    We're still not even close to the Terrabytes mentioned earlier.

    EDIT: Oops did not read the other posts :). Even though 2Gig might not seem that big, you still need to be able to load everything into memory to have everything run smoothly. Loading a 60Mb save game takes can quite some time. I don't even want to try to load 2Gigs. Maybe they'll find a way to do it, but I wouldn't get your hopes up, it's not a very big priority.

  10. The answer to your problem is very simple: Screw the ROE.

    Unless its some sort of special building, and as long as you don't go around blowing up all the buildings willy nilly, you will still most likely get a major or total victory for annihilating the enemy.

    I consider the ROE to be 'If fired upon from that building, it's fare game, otherwise preserve'. ;)

    Even HE rounds from the main cannon will damage a building btw, so you're going to damage it one way or another. Might as well get it over with.

    EDIT: I also understand that yeah, Marders should use their autocannon my default. Are they not doing this? Odd.

    The problem is it is a) inconsistent from a gamer point of view and B) Marders have what is basically a modern MG42, which can perfectly suppress a target without damaging it, but because of the GUI limitations you cannot use.

  11. Hi,

    I am playing the German campaign, and so far I am enjoying it but for one thing: the Marders. Don't get me wrong, these things are great, they are fast, pack a lot of punch and can level buildings in minutes.

    However, they become almost useless when a scenario has preserve objectives. Right now there is no way to tell the damned things to use their machine guns only when area firing at buildings. One scenario, my men are constantly receiving fire from a hidden automatic grenade launcher and I can't suppress the suspected positions because they have to be preserved. Now you can tell me, you should give up those objectives to save your men, but then I tell that's just plain stupid because normally I could have done both!

    To make things worse, when not targeting buildings the Marders only use their machine guns, when I really needed the automatic cannon to for added firepower. Use regular target, then the bloody things start firing of Milan missiles.

    Now I realize it's not very easy to change code (I have experience with that) and I know the GUI is not that flexible. But SOMETHING has to change.

    Make a third target order where you can select stuff, make target light with a pop-up dialog, use SHIFT+something to get the behaviour, anything is better than it is now.

    Thanks in advance.

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