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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. I just think his extremely negative view of Steam is a bit... weird and completely unjustified. I don't care if BFC ever sells on steam, that's not what I'm talking about. Yeah, it'd be nice and convenient, but I won't die if they don't :D.

    That's the point, they already do sell games on Steam. And the offer they get from is not interesting enough for them to sell CM on Steam it seems. I personally use Steam as well, but for me it's just a convenience thing (not having to run to the store to buy stuff). I do not make use of its "matchmaking" system (which, correct me if I'm wrong, is pretty much a chat lobby). For me switching to Steam would not change anything, and the current BFC system is quite practical, but I would really appreciate though if the download cap was removed.

  2. When it comes to the AI I think it is hit, or miss sometimes. Sometimes the troops can do some really stupid stuff that result casualties that could be avoided. Here are two recent examples that happened to me:

    Squad has one AT4 which dosn't seem to do much to a T72 from a distance. They spot the tank and give their position away causing no damage to the tank. Tank opens up! bye, bye squad! I think in a real situation the men would keep down, and get closer to fire the only AT4 they have.

    Here is another:

    Enemy is on the west side. Squad is in C2, and ordered into a building that has a door on the west,and east side. Squad goes to the west door exposing itself, and gets casualties. Meanwhile sometimes they choose the better route avoiding exposure. Anyway to get them to go into a particular side enterance beyond giving an extra waypoint on the side you want them to enter?, This gets them to enter from the side you want, but creates the problem of a delay in entering which gives longer exposure.

    I have the feeling they always take the shortest path, sometimes what I do is give a second waypoint in a safe location that would make the go in the right door. A bit tricky though.

  3. I uploaded a file to the Repository and only then noticed that the stupid friggin thing used my real name!!!!!! I am paranoid about my privacy and don't publish my real name anywhere on the Internet in a non-professional context. Why the hell did you people default to this?

    I urgently need to delete this file and all references to my name immediately.


    A workaround: Log in to the repository; go to My account (on top of the page); account information and change the name there; of course if you order a game the billing address will be wrong but you can update it again at that point

  4. Maybe you're missing something...or not. I'm not sure if it's the game engine so much as the era of the battle - more specifically the command and control being modeled.

    Remember, the CM2 engine you are playing now (CM:SF) is set in more modern times than the upcoming release (CM:BN). It's my understanding that modern command delays - especially for US forces - is comparatively smaller in modern battle scenarios than in previous eras. Assuming that's correct, the command delay for "deleting and creating new waypoints" in a modern setting (for US forces) would likely be less than in a WWII setting.

    As I understand it, CM:BN will be the first time that the CM2 engine will be played in the WWII era. My expectation is that command delays for "deleting and creating new waypoints" will likely be significant - longer than in CM:SF. The attraction for the ability to simply moving existing waypoints was reduced command delay.

    Perhaps a beta tester can tell us one way or the other w/o violating the NDA. If there is no significant command delay for "deleting and creating new waypoints" in CM:BN then the issue is one of convenience only. That's not to say it's irrelevant for usability, but shouldn't have too much impact on battle outcomes.

    If I recall correctly there will be no command delays. Remember that conscript Syrian soldiers did not suffer any command delay either.

  5. OK, now I have to ask. I can no longer hold my tongue, because I really don´t get this movable waypoints debate. I´ve only been playing CM:SF for a couple of months, so maybe I´m missing something, but I really can´t see the problem in CM2.

    I could understand the problem, if we were talking CM1 games, where the command delay increased significantly with the number of waypoints. But in my experience the command delays in CM2 are so tiny that if your waypoints has become "outdated", you simply delete them and make some new waypoints. I know that is what I do - and I´ve never missed the movable waypoints yet in CM2. And I actually thought I would, when I began playing.

    So unless there´s something I´m missing, I really don´t see what all the fuss is about?

    So far I´ve only played CM:SF in veteran mode, mind you. Has this something to do with playing in elite or iron mode?

    It's just a preference thing. I only order one or two waypoints most of the time. If I make a mistake during a more complex order than I just delete the last waypoint.

    But I guess you give lots of waypoints at a time, don't use direct hotkeys or are just a perfectionist who likes to get things *just* right than it can be a big deal.

    I have trouble picturing how adjustable waypoints would work, because unlike CMx1, you won't be able to shift them by tiny amounts (not that mattered that much in CMx1 with all the abstractions), but they would jump to another action spot.

  6. Ahh,that may work,I didnt think of that,I dont know if they have a paypal account,and I dont have one either,also,they are in the U.K. and I dont know what the cost will be there.Dont you guys over there use like pounds or sterling or Yen or some weird crap like that.:D I think the dollar is worth about a book of matches in the U.K. these days.:o

    Why don't you order twice, but change the delivery address the second time?

  7. Just how large is "(large) number of pre-made maps"?

    I believe for CMSF it was somewhere around 120 maps. Will check later to know for sure. It will probably be around this number, unless this time around QBs will be more used and people make more maps. Not huge number by any means. It's a quality/practicality vs quantity thing.

    Hope this helps.

  8. To clarify a bit further what has been said...

    Windows Vista and Windows 7 have an additional security feature called User Account Control (UAC) that, among one of its security features, likes to prevent writes to the '\Program Files' directory (and other directories). Instead it redirects writes to the hidden 'VirtualStore' directory that is supposed to seemlessly work with programs... until you go hunting for the file manually.

    To find your PBEMs you'll need to open the Windows Explorer File Manager and go to the 'Organize' menu > 'Folder and search options' > 'View' tab > in the 'Advance settings' section click the radio-button selection for 'Show hidden files, folders, and drives'. Also UN-checkmark the selection for 'Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)'. You should now be able to see the hidden folders and files.

    The 'VirtualStore' directory that will have you PBEM files should be located at:

    '\Users\{your account name}\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Battlefront\Combat Mission Afrika Korps\PBEM'

    To prevent files from being written to the VirtualStore and instead have them directly write to the original '\Program Files' directory launch CMSF by right-clicking on the launch icon and selecting "Run as administrator" from the popup menu. You can also modify the shortcut to do this for you by right-clicking on it and selecting 'Properties'. In here go to the 'Compatibility' tab and at the bottom of this tab is a section labeled 'Privilege Level'. Checkmark the box next to the text that says "Run this program as an administrator". Click 'Apply' and then 'OK'.

    Alternatively you can right click the PBEM folder itself and give you (the normal user) write privileges to that folder.

  9. You really think so? I bought a bottle of Belgian beer once and thought it was great. But the next time I bought the exact same brand, it stated like bad vinegar. Maybe a little quality control problem?


    It's been confirmed to me by many independent sources. I also verified myself empirically. Maybe you didn't your beer the way any beer expects to be treated.

  10. I did. I see you resent me the same turn for some inexplicable reason. Good grief, son, you're getting to be as bad as Nidan1, and I would think that would be cause for concern.

    And with your idiot filter turned on, are you even allowed near your computer?

    Maybe you can take it as sign to reply and send the same turn again. Sparky?

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