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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. Belgium was also colonialist,Congo Zaire.:rolleyes: LongLeftFlank seems to regret that France after the war has lost its colonial empire (it's in the 60s not just after war). Not me

    but this is not the right forum to discuss about that....

    It just seemed like such an odd statement to make. Like somehow having British and French empires made the world such a better place. Oh, and it's not because I live in Belgium that I am Belgian ;).

  2. And one can only imagine what astonishing things Germany, Europe and the world might have accomplished in the 20th century without the needless deaths of those 45 million people, including a large proportion of the intellectual and creative elites of Europe (Gentiles and Jews alike), and the lifelong injuries, physical and emotional, to so many more. Without the gutting of so many historic cities. Without the subsequent imprisonment of half of Europe behind the Iron Curtain for 45 years. Without an exhausted Britain and France hastily decamping from their global empires, leaving tribalism and chaos behind.

    So much waste. Anyway, we're well OT here, so let's go back to the hederows.

    Yes tribalism is bad, if only the French were still with us to teach us civilisation :P.

  3. "The Australian Magpie (Cracticus tibicen) is a medium-sized black and white passerine bird native to Australia and southern New Guinea. A member of the Artamidae, it is closely related to the butcherbirds. At one stage, the Australian Magpie was considered to be three separate species, although zones of hybridisation between forms reinforced the idea of a single species with several subspecies, nine of which are now recognised. The adult Australian Magpie is a fairly robust bird ranging from 37 to 43 cm (14.5–17 in) in length, with distinctive black and white plumage, red eyes and a solid wedge-shaped bluish-white and black bill. The male and female are similar in appearance, and can be distinguished by differences in back markings. With its long legs, the Australian Magpie walks rather than waddles or hops and spends much time on the ground. This adaptation has led to some authorities maintaining it in its own genus Gymnorhina. Described as one of Australia's most accomplished songbirds, the Australian Magpie has an array of complex vocalisations."

    Er, well... "accomplished" , "array" and "complex" is a little bit optimistic but I suppose Wikipaedia does try its best.

    What does it song sounds like? Twit, tweet or twat?

  4. The problem with trying to respond to "CMx1 vs CM:BN" questions is a lot of us have frankly not touched CMx1 for so long we can't recall! We've got two newer CMx2 titles under our belts and three full scale modules. That's a lot of water under the bridge since good old CMBO. A lot of these issues were resolved way back in in CMSF patch 1.7, or something like that.

    Well in CMBB the range estimate to a target gets getter with each shot. However, if the target disappear from view even for a fraction of a second, the range estimate is reset. Do tanks in CMx2 remember these ranges?

  5. Hi, been around forever, lurking. Have bought all CMBO, CMBB. CMAK, CMSF. Could never get into the first three, mainly because of terrible computer on my end. After numerous attempts have now gotten into SF and am enjoying playing this fine game.

    1st dumb question. Ok, I have a Transport vechile loaded with a rifle platoon. I want to go from "Point A" to "Point B" and have the rifle platoon get out when vechile stops at "Point B". What is best way to command this? When ever I try , the troops get out before vechile leaves then vechile takes off with out them .

    2nd dumb question, some of the transport vechiles carry "extra equipment" - Javelins etc... All soldiers have ammo by default. What does one suggest for a newbie to do in regards to handing out or picking up this equipment? I know this will weigh down troops but there has to be a reason in game for offering this..

    BTW, I am currently playing the Marines Module.


    Meter12 (formerly meter, meter99, meter88, and I am sure many other user names)

    1) Give the vehicle a waypoint to where you want it to stop and THEN give the rifle squad a waypoint where you want them to disembark. The vehicle will then first go to its destination. Once it stops, the rifle squad will stop and move the its own waypoint.

    2) Tired troops have less movement orders available. I like to grab some extra ammo so that the squads can keep up suppressive fire longer, as well as extra 40mm grenades because the Marine squads burns through them. In really urban areas I like to stock up on AT-4s and LAWs as well because I like explosions :).

    Only get Javelin missiles if the unit has a Javelin LAUNCHER though. Otherwise it's only going to be extra dead weight and only useful if the rifle squad is close (within touching distance) of a team with a javelin launcher.

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