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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. I'm curious to know if this can be played between two platforms for PBEM? I certainly hope so, for most of my friends own a PC. AND I'm really looking forward to playing with my buds of old who played with me PBEM with all the combat missions. Exciting!


    One of the beta testers said that it was possible so now worries there :).

  2. Single biggest change I'm looking forward to is the WWII Setting. 1:1 is good but has its problems. Such as getting your whole squad into firing position instead of just 2 or 3 guys who always are easily suppressed then killed. Then you got to try to move forward again and same thing happens. The action spots probably play a big part in this problem.

    I find this more or less realistic. I always got the impression that it was not easy to get everyone in a firing position.

  3. Was there a scenario in the demo called OUTPOST ASSAULTED??

    After I installed the full game, even though this scenario is still in the games folder it does not appear as an option within the game. :(

    They probably changed the file formats of the scenarios internally so that you can not add more CMA scenarios to the demo. Which also means that you cannot run demo missions in the full game.

  4. I downloaded the demo and played it. Good fun. I had a question. I try to max out all the settings and it runs kinda laggy. I have to bump it down to normal settings. I was wondering if this was the case for everyone reagrding the demo.

    I run all other games at max fine. Including Theatre of War 3, which alot of people have a hard time with performance wise..

    I believe that CMA is especially hard on the CPU not on the GPU. Doesn't really matter anyway, the performance you get with the demo is the same as with the full game if you're wondering.

  5. The Longest Battle: September 1944-February 1945: From Aachen to the Roer and Across on page 115:

    "..two Germans appeared in the window, one with a rifle, and one with a panzerfaust. They both fired."

    But how large was the room (or how well prepared), because that is the determining factor? I also wonder how this would work in the game? Allow firing PF only from some buildings? Randomly allow firing? Always allow firing but randomly have some guys die because of they misjudge the size of the room?

  6. I simply want a rough indicator at what kind of armour my tank has and what kind of capabilities it's gun has... heck, even ToW does a way better job in this regard than CM:BN. Granted, I know quite enough about armour, guns and the physics behind armour penetration but CM:BB is the reason that got me into this kind of stuff. If it wouldn't have been for CM:BB I never would've started to read up on this stuff, buy books and study reports. I hate the very thought that THE one single feature that opened this whole world to me... is gone.

    Yes, I do associate a LOT with this one single feature. :P

    CMBN has a rough indication of how well protected a tank is, but not how powerful its main gun is. Bigger is better (actually longer is better) is my rule of thumb :).

  7. Ok, it seems that in fact there is no countermass (have to take a better look later again).

    If there would be a countermass you need instead of the 134g black powder 67g Black powder....

    Ok...now you may not have a countermass (which would be still a problem for a guy behind)

    But you have the problem of a hot gas jet and the double volume of the gas (a little less cause a part of it may follow the projectile)

    Let us look to the energy TNT aquivalent of black powder (this is about 0,25).

    The energy of the 134g goes 50% for the projectile and 50% backblast.

    so the TNT aquivalent which get out of the rear tube and could harm someone is:

    134g*0,5*0,25 = 16,75 g (about 15% of an egg handgrenade 39)

    -The TNT dosis of a german Stick grenade 170g?, egg-handgrenade 112g.-

    This was the Panzerfaust 60....

    but at Panzerfaust 30 has then 11,875g ( 10,6% of egg handgreande 39 )

    and Panzerfaust 30 k = 6,75g (= 6% of egg handgrenade 39 )


    The power of about 10% of a egg-nade went straight to the rear and fill the room with gases.

    Sure....that is not very funny....But better 10% of a nade away from me into rear section than sitting outside of a house and getting spottet and raped by an aimbot Tank (like in video)!!!

    In Combat mission 2 or 3 there was the option to fire at least the Panzerfausts from buildings with effect on moral.

    But now no chance to do it again......

    Dude, you have researched references telling you its a very very bad idea. Not just unpleasant, but near suicidal. They just feel that it's too rare to include in the game.

  8. I have a credit card, but I never spent more than I have. Having a CC does not automatically equate debt. Anyway back to topic, from the CMSF forum it seems that firing modern AT weapons from inside close rooms is a bad (although not necessarily a lethal) idea. Not just because of the backblast but also because of the over pressure it creates. So it would seem logical that it was not possible or at least a bad idea for WW2 weapons. I mean, why else would they invent "soft launch" if it was not necessary. Here is another researched link that says that PzF cannot be fired from rooms. Note that is not anecdotal evidence.

  9. The manual didn't allow firing Panzerfausts from confined space for sure. Did it happen? Sure it did. Worth to be included in the game? Well I think so.

    Firing a panzerfaust from a bunker is a suicide, from a room with several windows, doors not that much. It will be interesting to see how it is going to influence gameplay in built in areas. Panzerschrecks, bazookas are different though, they had a much larger blackblast.

    It's not a manual, it's a study on how the German prepared there defences. It says that firing from inside buildings is not possible (it does not say not allowed, but not POSSIBLE) unless it was "a very large room, such as a warehouse, with open windows and doors" and the same goes for the Panzerschreck.

    Do you have any other sources by any chance? I could not read the first book you linked?

  10. I was taught to say at least as many positive things about something I wanted to say something negative about so:

    + I am very happy to see the manual available online

    + The content seems exhaustive and detailed.

    - There is room for improvement in the usability department. This is an awkward format. I'd skip the cool looks (and sound!!) for being able to access the info easily.

    - PDF, please. I honestly feel sorry for non-steelbox buyers if this is the only manual they will get.

    Personally I'll pass until the pdf-version arrives in my mailbox but then again I'm only an old fart with dim sight (and maybe a too hi-res monitor).

    There is a full pdf manual that comes with the game (and if older releases are to go by, also a print-friendly version for people with a lot of toner). The web manual is just a teaser. The pdf also gets updates with new patches :).

  11. It seems Iron mode is rather less than it might have been.

    _Real_ Iron mode would only let you look from the perspective of a friendly unit. I wonder why they stopped short (way short) of that?

    Have you tried playing Iron in CMSF by any chance? I find just managing the C2 sides of things to be a real challenge. You don't get visual contact with own units, unless you actually spot using the more or less the same rules as spotting the enemy. And if C2 is broken, you can forget about artillery support, info sharing or any command bonuses.

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