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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. I don't know much about programming nor the Combat Mission engine, but wouldn't it have been possible to make changes in the terrain mesh after the battle starts also FOW-relevant? That way either shell holes and fox holes would only appear to player when a unit sees them.

    Anyway, its obviously too late now, but it would have been an option I guess.

    No it is unfortunately not possible. The foxholes don't look that honestly and it's beta so there is a chance it will improve :)

  2. Well, if the germans don't get the MP, then the Americans shouldn't get one.

    The guys hiding behind the wall weren't crewmen (thinking about the AAR here).


    Why make it random?

    Other than the beta screenshot, I have yet to see ANY german crewmen with an MP.

    I've seen plenty of US crewmen with SMGs.

    It's not random.

    If I call BFC lazy, I'd get a ****storm coming my way.

    And I don't think they are lazy, so I'm good.

    Maybe there aren't enough info on the subject?

    But it seems plentiful.

    No you'd a get **** storm because you were wrong and too lazy to search :P. There are SMGs in all the tanks, it's just that trying to get out of burning on, grabbing the SMG is not a priority.

    In more recent builds the tank crews don't always have a SMG as they did in earlier ones. If a crew gets a SMG, that makes a lot of difference if the engagement range is really short as it was in many of the situations in the video.

    Note that almost none of the US crews survived. They might have done some damage here and there, but overall they were wiped out fairly easily.


  3. Do others than me have problems using hotkeys on the computers keyboard? For example, when i press "i" for a quick move, the game interprets that as "target light" if the Combat Menu is open at the moment. And using the key pad doesn´t work all the time either.

    Any solution to this?

    You can edit the hotkeys.txt file in the game folder (or download one put up by one of the users here on the forum). That way each order has one key associated to it.

  4. Well, I did that, and the HQ is in radio contact even when its entire platoon has moved over the horizon.

    And its units are in communication with the HQ.

    So the HQ's radio-operator has a portable radio.

    Ah ok thanks for testing. Either you're right or you've found some sort of bug :).

  5. I know in CMSF, units close to each share information and C2 links. My guess is that being close to the vehicle the HQ team van pass information on via the vehicle. Vehicles don't have "Eye contact" icons to indicate the C2 link, so maybe that is why a radio icon is shown.

    One way of testing this is to move the HQ team far away from any possible vehicles and see if they still have C2.

  6. The first battle of GotH in particular is very hard, it can be completed in a couple of ways but you will need a dose of luck for both. But on the flip side, it's only 15 turns so even if you end up replaying it 8 945 times, it has only taken 13 weeks of your time.

    In the last battle, I killed/wounded the enemy to the last man, but I still cannot achieve my enemy casualties objectives. A bug?

  7. No, he is not.

    But playing further I discovered that the HQ unit consists of two members, the commander and the radio-operator, and the radio-operator has a radio in his speciality icon. I guess that represents the radio, instead of it being shown in the inventory like in CMSF.

    Is the HQ unit close to the vehicle? I don't think that icon represents a radio.

  8. The underscore (_) key on my keyboard just stopped working, and I wanted to ask BFC if the download filename would have an underscore in it. Please make sure the filename is underscore free otherwise I will not be able to download the game when it is ready.

    Thanks for your understanding!

    You can always use my underscore (_), just copy paste it :).

  9. Fortunately for me, as long as you continue to reside in that little Goober nation of yours, whether or not you are gainfully employed has no effect on my good ole American Entitlements.

    It's the principle of things. In fact I will keep government paid jobs as long as possible to divert as much money away from you as I can. By the way, have I mentioned I am hammered right now? Because I am. Really.

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