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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. how may action spots per tile ? , how many does a vehicle fill ?

    ps thanks moon.

    An action spot is 8x8m, you can check in the editor how small the smallest tile is you can make. I would assume tanks have a size and take the appropriate area on a the map in-game. Otherwise all the 1:1, polygon intersecting would be for naught. You're thinking too much in terms of hexes methinks :).

  2. I just ran into this one. Actually it was more like half a scout platoon in open desert, daytime. I stick one of the recon Hummers up on a high point and have him take a look around. He sees nothing. He starts getting plinked by a machine-gun. He still sees nothing. I found out that the MG will get a lucky shot before the guy up top sees anything. A couple of RPGs were also launched from somewhere.

    There are acres of ground where the defenders might be and no artillery on call. Even assuming I had pulled back the Hummer as soon as rounds started bouncing off it, how the heck do you proceed?

    Well now you know a notion of the enemy forces. What you can try to do now, is move around to find alternate covered routes to where it is you need to be. RPGs also give you an indication of how close the enemy is (probably around 500m).

    So what I would do is, do go on that hill because you know it's covered by the enemy. Try to scout alternate routes (this means risking enemy fire) or put your recon forces somewhere to observe possible avenues of approach for the enemy. Moving units are much easier to see. Remember that defenders usually cannot be everywhere, so there is bound to be a weak spot ;).

  3. Does the game count the horizontal slope of armor? I mean if the vehicle stands diagonally the armor becomes more slope than if the round hits it from the front.

    IIRC the game determines which plate of the armour is hit by intersecting the polygons of the model with the incoming round and uses that as a starting point to determine the type of possible damage (penetration, bounce, etc...) and what systems should/could be damaged (optics, guns, radio, engine, etc...) ;).

  4. Not 50/50, which is why it was better to have PzIVs hull up. You got hit at a higher percentage but also the chances of it hitting glacis was higher so overall you were slightly better.

    That's also how BFC could give a "hull down" command. It would move to a point then just switch off the hull.

    Neither can be done in the current system.

    Not sure this is entirely correct, didn't hull down command stop until it was in a position that was hull down relative to the waypoint?

  5. Absolutely! You use the half-arc to centre your turret on the direction of the perceived threat - that's why one of my long held but unexpressed gripes (IIRC!) with CMSF was the decision to ditch the automatic semi circle from CMX1. Introducing the 'full circle' was one of those 'improvements' that really didn't improve things much at all. As an option the full circle is nice, but the semi-circle is more useful.

    Hey, long time no play, stikky, still regret somehow not being able to finish that urban nightmare scenario... lets get a PBEM rumbling when this thing comes out, eh?

    Sure thing, a nice open map :). I'll drop you an email when April comes.

  6. Thanks for the quick response, Bil,

    I'm also sure in CMSF that the covered arc does not improve the actual spotting ability by much, if at all. The function was more intended to tell your unit where not to fire. So in CMSF I don't think setting a narrow covered arc would improve spotting vs a wide covered arc.

    Isn't spotting also a function of orientation of the turret? That might help indirectly.

  7. Ok Just downloading the some QB maps. On the repository I notice only maybe 10-12 maps. I take it there are a lot more. I am under the map section.....any ideas where one can locate more. Thanks

    <Edit> Can you just copy over scenarios into the QB maps. Will they just use those maps for a QB scenario?


    How many QB maps do you have? I know the later ones which come with the patch are of much better quality than the initial release. I am not sure whether scenarios will work, maybe for head to head. You can convert scenarios to QB maps, better check the manual for that.

  8. Hi,

    my MacBook Pro decided to die yesterday. It's totally dead (probably I got one of the faulty nVidia 2008 Chips :( ) so I can't do anything. I'm just curious, if I'm going to have problems, installing the game again?

    You get two licenses with the game. So installing the game (without unlicensing is no problem). You can also ask for your license to be reset. So there *should* be no problem.

  9. I'd go along with the above. It seems like a lot more skill is required to make good CMSF maps than a CMAK one. Ive played around with making some, but to be quite honest im not one of the guys with infinite patience.

    When it comes to Normandy, its all about where the water flows that makes the terrain and good maps realise this.

    But, how do you tell a randomly chosen AI force when and how to counter attack? I dont want to be attacked by a Mortar Platoon etc....

    You can reverse engineer the design process by examining the QBs made by BFC if needs be. Having said that I am really curious to see how they play out.

  10. I am of purest Yorkshire stock and actually have a very nice English accent despite being born in Scotland and living there my entire life. And William Wallace can go hang (Oh wait he did TeeHee...) cos he was a damn Lord who was just after his own power!

    Hmm, showing no respect for the rules (granted they were laid out by Boo but still) and utter disrespect for Mel Gibson. Must be some sort of anarchist punk. Kids these days.

  11. Ya I turned EVERYTHING down to the lowest setting (fastest) including going down to 1024x768. Still average about 20 FPS. It's playable, but really uncomfortable.

    Then I maxed everything out to "Better" and was still averaging 20 FPS lol. It's like my settings have no effect whatsoever on how well the game runs. (and yes I made sure to restart the game after changing the settings).

    Then I maxed it to "Best" and turned AA on and dropped to about ~15 average FPS. Still, very tiny difference considering I went from LOWEST settings to HIGHEST. I've never seen this is in a game before... any suggestions?

    And ya my drivers are up to date, and I don't have anything running in the background except for my AV. (I tried turning that off too, no change in framerate).

    Oh ya and I don't see an option to turn off/on shadows... where is it??

    Guess my computer just sucks. I'm mystified as to why turning graphics way down didn't make any difference though.

    I believe it's alt+W, maybe check the in-game hotkeys (in the menu/briefing part when you're playing). Also have you tried clearing out your HDD as suggested by the posters above?

  12. ok I have about 50+ maps. How do I get different ones up in a game. If I pick hills I seem to get I think just the plain jane ones. How do I rig so I can get some of the amazing ones on the repository? I have them (D/L'ed ones) in the proper directory? Is it just random?


    One way of making sure is by moving the plain janes ones to a different folder. Otherwise it is random + the filters you put (big, small, etc...)

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