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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. 3 x t90 v 3 x t72

    regular crews

    normal moral

    excellent condition vehicle

    highest possible cross wind

    flat map

    high wall running left to right creating a channel

    2 tanks per channel , one left , one right

    2600ish metre apart

    left crew unbutton

    test1: first shot per tanks left = kills opposite tanks right i.e 3 in row

    Left crews were expected to spot first and did, its the fact they were regular crews shooting over as great as distance as possible in the highest possible cross wind. 3 tanks, 3 shots , 3 hits, 3 knocked out hulls. Would have expected the cross wind to have some effect at making sure the shot wasnt direct / straight.

    Was/is the t90 that easy to aim over 2600 metres ?

    Would a shot taken over 2 miles not arc at all in a strong wind ?


    Modern tanks have sensors to measure wind speed and can compensate for them. Also I would not unbutton the crews as a rule, it's not WW2. The optics in the tanks are much better and in most cases buttoned tanks have better spotting ability.

    To be sure, take a greater sample than just 3 tanks and drawing conclusions from that. Would be interesting to see the results then.

  2. I know there was another topic on DRM that was closed recently by Steve , just wanted to get my 2 cents into this issue. I am another one of these people that tend to format and rebuild the OS a few times per year.

    eLicences worked well (once i figured it out) i could uninstall the licence and reinstall it when required , only problems that every occurred was when i forgot to uninstall the licence the first time.

    Under this set of circumstances i simply wanted to understand how the new licence system effected me. The other thread appeared to suggest 4 activations we allocated in the first year then 1 per year there after. The above then suggests changing a critical component (i guess it changes the hardware hash#/footprint ... Microsoft do the same thing) can prompt the need to reactivate.

    Simply looking for clarity.

    Thank you


    Pure out of personal interest. But what causes you to reinstall a format and install the OS every couple of months? I also use Ubuntu linux and already find it quite a hassle to update to new version of the system every 6 months, let alone wipe all my data clean and to put all the settings the way I like it. Just curious :).

  3. Heya

    Is there anyone here from the UK who might be able to help me get hold of the install files for Brit forces & marines add-ons to CMSF - my backups went missing (should have taken backups of the backups!) and I can't really afford to purchase the re-downloading option.

    I have valid cd keys (and can provide proof of purchase) so if anyone is about who might be able to help me either by mailing a cd or directly emailing/transferring the files I'd be forever grateful.

    Many thanks


    Check your private messages.

  4. you placed this nicely. i could not said it better then i did. but i still think some are carried away with the "stream" to much and loose touch with what they will actually get.

    i am sure to watch the release day and the days after verry closely, this will be fun.

    yes and no, i did not name anyone specific, but if you pick out GeorgeMC, i think he should know better, especially he as beta.

    you cant tell me a beta doesnt know that CMx2 has no STRAT AI but only scripted instructions resulting from the scenario designers guess about the players moves.

    heck, i mean i am an ordinary player and know very very well about it. and GeorgeMC gave us quiet a lot of nice scenarios so he should know even better... .

    i not saying anyone does this deliberately but that the betas are carried away with the stream is just natural, wasnt different with CMSF, so GeorgeMC was maybe a bad example to pick.

    Well if you reread George's post, you will see that he goes into detail what AIs are implemented in CMBN, including the fact that AI plans have to be constructed for scenario's. So it's not like the OP had to post ten times before anyone told him. It would have also been reasonable to assume that if AI plans needed to be constructed for regular scenario's, this would also apply to QBs since they are just scenario's where you get to pick the forces. Again, I think OP got a lot of flak, but on this forum I find that the right attitude (being polite) and stuff can get you very far.

  5. no i did not, and i have played most of anything that was made for CMSF. battlefront repository and GAJ CMMODS site are clean, but i can still understand "SonofDiablos" frustration.

    he asks a simple straight up question and instead of telling him there is NO independent STRAT AI in the game you get around telling him this and that and trying to twist a bad fact on its nice side. he never asked about TAC AI and his question made it obvious he meant the STRAT AI.

    and through more question SonofDiablo needs to find out the bad news for himself. frustration was inevitable there.

    if the guys at wargamer think this forums are overrun with fanbo"i"s, then i would agree with them. i dont post at wargamer and i barely post here anymore, maybe this changes when east front comes around and the new crowd here lost their "rose colored glasses" they wear right now, but as a objective spectator it is clearly visible right now.

    i still read a lot here, and honest answers are getting rare, mostly questions that could led to dislike or frustration are never answered straight but always in a way it still looks good, if you dont know the engine, that is.

    anyways, i hope east front arives soon to save me. :D

    I don't think GeorgeMC was deliberately misunderstanding his question and just answered as honestly as he could. Remember that a lot of things changed between the two games and CMx1 is not necessarily at the front of George's mind.

    Although SonOfDiablo took a lot of flak, you can't really say he started off in the most neutral tone by claiming the CMBN is just CMAK with prettier graphics.

    Remember this is a discussion board after all, not Yahoo answers.

  6. I also read that tanks should move 'like water flowing through a valley' i.e. along the valley floors and not over tops of the hills. But that seems to negate the advantage of being able to kill things thousands of meter's away, and bring the engagement ranges down to 500m or so. I also read (I read a lot!) that, that would have suited the Red Army if they did have to scrap with NATO!

    What movement are they talking about? In transit to a battle or during the battle itself?

  7. You keep speaking of "the scenario designer" I'm not interested in "player" scenario designed battles I'm talking about the AI in QUICK BATTLES, random generated battles that the computer makes up on the fly. How is the AI going to be in those? As bad as it was in the old Combat Mission series or improved? I don't see a reason of investing in the same old game engine and ai just for some new graphical improvements.

    Quick battles are played on (a large number that can be expanded) pre-made maps, that have AI battle plans. So in this case it's the Quick Battle map designer who does the AI. Maps without AI plans will have very passive AI player.

    The game engine is itself is not merely a graphical make-over and if you have doubts just wait for the free demo and try it out for yourself :).

  8. Can someone explain what we mean by overwatch? I thought I understood this concept, but all that happens is my tanks get killed by other tanks or AT-14's!

    On a big map I'll position my armour behind the crest of a hill so they can cover the lower ground with line-of-sight over as much of the map as possible.

    I've been told before that leaving tanks on the crest of a hill will get them killed everytime, but if you put them on the lower ground how can they overwatch the vehicles/troops moving in front of them?:confused:

    I look forward to hearing your views.

    I believe the point of overwatch is to be able to shoot at places that can threaten your advance. Therefore you do not need to cover "as much of the map" as possible, but only dangerous areas. This should limit the exposure to enemy fire for the overwatch vehicles. If this is not possible, you will need to scout (and in my case this means getting guys killed) to locate threats to the overwatch positions and take them via arty/air/brute force. Not easy though.

  9. Heya

    Is there anyone here from the UK who might be able to help me get hold of the install files for Brit forces & marines add-ons to CMSF - my backups went missing (should have taken backups of the backups!) and I can't really afford to purchase the re-downloading option.

    I have valid cd keys (and can provide proof of purchase) so if anyone is about who might be able to help me either by mailing a cd or directly emailing/transferring the files I'd be forever grateful.

    Many thanks


    If you can get permission from BFC, I am willing to upload the files for you.

  10. I would be pleased if we could un-register a CMSF module on the internet, I mean, without having the game installed on a computer.

    For instance, during the last 8 months I've lost my data twice (once thanks to a thunderstorm, the second thanks to a crappy hard drive).

    In this case I had to re-install all the modules and guess what ? I had to contact BF to reset my keys. Loss of time, loss of activations.

    An unregistration tool on BF website would be really useful, and wouldn't create more piracy.

    This is just an opinion of course ^^

    You can unlicense CMSF. Of course you need a working HDD for that.

  11. Yes, in a perfect world maybe. I have never heard of a DRM or similiar that has not caused unintentional problems for some paying customers.

    For instance, Arma 2 has something called FADE, that makes the accuracy of the weapons get extremely low if you play a pirated copy of the game. And there have been lots of people on the forums that have bought the game, complaining about the low accuracy "bug", and they have then had to get help from customer support to fix the problem.

    I really hope that you have created the perfect, fail-proof software to make sure that no one will ever have this system triggered accidentaly, but I seriously doubt that this is possible.

    Just wait and see until the game is released. No point in getting worked up about it now. If there are problems BFC will have to sort them out, otherwise no problem :).

  12. Now I just clicked reply, it took me to the log in screen, so far so good, I logged in, then it took me right back to the log in screen, so I had to navigate back to the forum to post this, seems like a bit more of a hassle than it should be.

    I dont do much forum posting so I am a little inexperienced at forum workings. Now it wont let me register for the repository with my email, as it is already associated with a forum name!

    So how do I get to where I can use the repository?


    Just hit the refresh button after logging in. I don't remember how the repository works, but I use the same email for both, so it seems weird.

  13. Presumably, at this time point, squads were reliant on voice/visual contact only, in relation to Platoon HQ.

    Is this limited by distance and/or LoS; or any other factors?

    It depends on the difficulty level. Up to Elite, if there is line of sight, units are assumed to have visual to their parent HQ. On Iron, the same spotting rules are applied to own forces so maintaining CC becomes a lot harder.

  14. Correct me if I am wrong but I think that much of the internal strife that the African nations have at the moment is in a large part due to the boundaries of their countries being determined by the conquests of the colonial powers and pay no reference to traditional tribal boundaries determined long before the arrival of Europeans.

    BTW how did we get from Normandy to Africa ?

    Ssshhh, that the title of the next module ;).

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