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Everything posted by stikkypixie

  1. Soooooo, you decided to crawl out of your hiding hole and face the inevitable have you? Or did some millipede kick you out? No seriously, I gotta admit that that's very admirable of you. <font size=-2 >Ooooh wait, that's that three-day-old kebab talking again. </font>
  2. Oh no, I'm not going there, I've heard the stories, it's dangerous down there... [ March 21, 2004, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: stikkypixie ]
  3. *Concentrating real hard on a certain Beach Boys song* <font size=4> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </font> Did you feel that my fair Queen?
  4. If the made it so that every grenade thrown represents one grenade, and not five, molotovs would seem a lot more effective. But CMBB is a finished product so you're just gonna have to use your imagination.
  5. I'm no computer expert but here is how i see it. An ip address is to a computer, what your house address is to your home. When starting a network game, there are two situations either you host the game, or your buddy host it. I assume you are going to play it with a friend. If you host the game, your opponent has to type in YOUR ip-address, and if he hosts the game you have to type in his ip-address. I can't tell you how to find your ip-address because, it depends whether you're using windows or macintosh, etc... Anyway i think you are better off asking this in the tech forum, it filled with tech-savvy people who will tell you everything you'll ever need to know about this stuff. Also try these sites http://www.computerjohn.info/misc_tips/how_to_find_ip_address.htm http://whatis.techtarget.com/ Good luck and have fun! [ March 20, 2004, 05:05 PM: Message edited by: stikkypixie ]
  6. Wow positive vibes do work! <font size=-2>PS v42below where's me turn? only talk are we now? </font> [ March 20, 2004, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: stikkypixie ]
  7. If you'd pay your phone bills... i still wouldn't, HA!. [ March 19, 2004, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: stikkypixie ]
  8. v42, you little twat, i just spend the last half an hour setting your DEFEAT. It was hard work, especially considering it's all for some flea-ridden baboon like yourself. Here is an expert opinion But VICTORY will taste even better then. Now if you could get your lazy behind up, and try to control your spastic movements for like five seconds and open you email (and try not to drool on the keyboard, for heaven's sake), then you'll find out that you'll be commanding the russian proletariate against my Renaissance men! [edited, but with moral objections] [ March 19, 2004, 10:22 AM: Message edited by: stikkypixie ]
  9. Pick your poison, stinkywinky - CMBO, CMBB, or CMAK (all updated of course). I am more than happy to let a dimwit such as yourself create the setup. The only thing I request is being the defender, also, if it's CMBB we're playing, I would prefer to be the Russians. The rest is up to you - yes that means you're actually going to have to make some decisions for once in your life, there's a first time for everything. </font>
  10. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Mikeeeeeeeee...ike, happy birthday to you!
  11. The only downside is that now i will feel bad everytime i blow one up .
  12. Thanks for the compliment, but we're not even playing a game, twit. </font>
  13. can you also put it on cmmods please, if it's not to much trouble mister Wicky, sir, please??
  14. Ahh, what a glorious day it has been, first signs of spring (a pleasant 20 degrees thank you very much), passed economy and made serf. Beautiful day indeed, now i finally have the legal foundation to push around SSN's without being threatened with legal action. *starts looking for vskalex* Even learned a new word, and only one day left till weekend. the only thing that would top this off would be a turn from a certain very honorable (<== look american spelling) and wise knight ...
  15. No substitute for experience here. If you have ever played another Eastern front game, than you should roughly know what has a chance at killing what. Just play a lot a you'll learn, albeit the hard way. (sorry that this didn't helped you at all)
  16. I guess some of us are too strongly minded to fall for Jedi mind tricks. </font>
  17. you couldn't scare a three year old away </font>
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