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Everything posted by Grond

  1. I just installed CMAK and I keep getting a black and white flashing screen. Alt-tabbing out will only fix it for a minute at most. The drivers aren't the latest but they are reasonably recent. My desktop resolution is 1600x1200 at 85hz. I never had a proboem with Combat Mission 1 and 2. It flashes about once a second and when it is white the sides start to pincushion in quickly until it flashes black again. Help! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  2. I was actually doing quite well and got to the town with minimal casualties except for the 88's. I had sent my medium tanks up the middle and my light tanks around the sides but they aren't able to knock out the Russian tanks even with a side shot. The ensuing massacre was as brutal as it was short.
  3. Well my pilots were obviously drunk since they never came close to hitting a tank but then this seems to be the rule not the exception. The AI seems to be pretty smart about calling down artillery on AT guns so I'm not sure how much the smoke would help. I think you can count on a human opponent doing the same.
  4. In my experience 6 shots for a flamethrower is on average 5 more than they get to use before they die.
  5. Holst The Planet's. Some parts might remind you of Star Wars.
  6. It's just annoying when you only have time to play a really big scenario once a month and turns out to be a complete waste of time.
  7. Yep I just want the sceanrio's and a prepatched version. I don't have much time to game anymore and don't have time to figure out which scenarios I should download. I still enjoy playing the first 2 so I'm not in a tremendous hurry but I would buy it as soon as it came out.
  8. I'm surprised this is still being argued about. It's already been shown that half-squads exploit 2 very powerful loopholes in the game mechanics, only being able to target one squad and casualties being proportional to squad size. It also exploits a third only slightly less powerful game mechanic, saving your ammo while forcing the enemy to expend more. There is no way this is balanced out by the slight disadvantages. I'm used to seeing people defend their favorite exploit but this one isn't even close. That doesn't mean you have to ban them completely. You could agree on a ratio, like splitting one squad per company.
  9. I should add that I'm not 100% sure how relative spotting is going to work but the simplest and best system imo would be to let you only see with the unit you have selected AND for people to use turn limits. Allowing an infinite amount of time per turn is going to make any system less realistic.
  10. Well if it does comes out I would expect it halfway between the CMAK release and the release of the next game. I can't remember an instance of a compnay making an expansion to a game after the sequel came out. I bought both the previous Special Editions before the next game was available.
  11. A few points: Multiplayers are indeed a small minority of the purchasers for most computer games. The massively multiplayer games would be the exception. If time is an issue use turn length limits, it's more realistic anyway. The first priority for any game is to make enough money for the company to not go out of business. I don't see any reason BattleFront can't assign a zero priority to file size but include a way to save the file. How people exchange it is up to them.
  12. Add the adjustable turn length from TCP/IP games to all game types.
  13. This must have been mentioned before but can't all of the borg effects be minimized to insignificance by using a sufficiently short turn length?
  14. Am I patheticly sucky or is this scenario nuts? How do you attack when your hopelessly outgunned in armor? You got the 2 88's but those are childs play to knock out before they ever fire a shot.
  15. Sorry if this has been asked but I haven't been able to find any info on it. Will there be a special edition for CM3? When will it be available? I saw there was a CDV release for CM3 in Europe, is this a special edition like the first 2?
  16. Why are multiplayer wargames with more than 2 people such an impossibility? My fellow rapidly aging grognards and I have been waiting for a 4 player WW2 game since our Squad Leader days. When Close Combat came out I figured it was just around the corner. I grossly miscalculated. Will this ever be a reality in my lifetime?
  17. I've seen discussion of things like 75 and 76 armor rules to make sure that people take somewhat realistic armies. I've seen some mention of a rarty factor in CMBB although I haven't found any details about it. Any chance of getting this incorporated into CMBO? [ September 19, 2003, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: Grond ]
  18. I'm much more interested in the Eastern Front than the Western Front although I haven't played CMBB yet. The fact that Germany kept three fourths of its manpower on the Eastern Front shows it was where the real action was. Now if CMBB will just hurry up and get to retail.
  19. Good ideas but I would call those scenario editor changes and not AI changes.
  20. 88 was the first wargame I ever played. It was a North Africa tank sim by Yaquinto. When the Cross of Iron expansion cam eout fo Squad leader i was in heaen. Sid Meiers Getysburg is the best computer game I've ever played. You can't beat the massive 3x3 and 4x4 battles with voice chat.
  21. I finally found the John Salt document and it does appear that the 30 degree slope penetrations used in CM are pretty close to the ones he lists. Rexford appears to have ultilzed the actual firing tests in the book he did with Livingston as well as accounted for the factors that led to differing results, did CM utilize his figures for the game? However this statement does not equate with my game experiences: It can't be attributed to tungsten rounds since they actually have less penetraton at that angle. I have seen mentioned that if the penetration is less than the armor thickness it may still penetrate at a lower probablility if the difference isn't too great. This is obviously true if you think about it but I didn't take it into consideration in what to me were some surprising results. I'd like to find some more info on that. I've also seen some penetration charts showing the probability of a kill at different angles, are these avilable in game?
  22. Has Battlefront commented on the penetration of the 17 pdr and 76 mm?
  23. Doh, I just odered a Radeon 9800 this weekend. Any idea which models do and don't support fog?
  24. Thanks for the tip, I'm still catching up, I haven't been to this board in a couple years. I noticed tungsten is not effective at high angles but does seem to be the only choice in some situations when your only chance is penetrating the turret with tungsten. How big was the accuracy difference between regular ammo and discardng sabot? Was that particular to the 17 pdr or did it effect the other guns as well? [ September 02, 2003, 07:10 AM: Message edited by: Grond ]
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