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Everything posted by Oak

  1. November 28, 1943 In the east ... no action on the Iraq border or in the center, except for the Black Sea cruiser approaching the Bulgaria coast. In the north, the USSR invades Sweden (again). The lone corps in Stockholm is first attacked by 4 bombers in Finland, eliminating entrenchment. Then, 4 corps unload and attack Stockholm while surrounding it. The cruiser also bombards Stockholm. The German corps in Stockholm is knocked down to 3, and is surrounded. In the west ... Italian air moves into Denmark. Apparently, the Italian pilots have a death wish. However, the 3 carriers move away rather than take on the Italian air. 2 US corps, 1 US air and the US 4th army destroy the German army northwest of Oslo. The UK again bombs Antwerp, with the usual UK air escort and German air interception. Partisans appear in Yugoslavia.
  2. Of course everyone will vote "yes". We could also take a vote on who wants a million dollars/euros and everyone would also vote "yes". But wanting or voting is not the same as getting. I think that Hubert has gotten the message that a better editor is very much wanted. Whether such an editor will be created and when is entirely up to Hubert.
  3. October 31 In the east ... Stockholm port is bombarded -- to keep it out of commission -- and the Bock HQ is bombed. More transports appear on the Swedish coast, but no landings. Last turn the Russian leadership was alarmed to see a 2nd panzer appear at the Iraq/USSR/Turkey border. The USSR responded this turn by attacking the Rudstedt HQ in Iraq by air and moving up a Russian tank to back up the 2 corps currently guarding the border. In the west ... the UK bombs Antwerp, with UK air escorting and German air intercepting (still in Hamburg). The German armies in Norway was so successful in killing the US 2nd army because the US had 2 air, 2 corps and 2 armies. With only 1 HQ, one of the US units lacked HQ support. Unfortunately, it was the one closest to the Germans. In revenge, the German armies in Norway are attacked by the US 4th army, 1 US air and the 3 carriers. 1 German army is killed and the other knocked down to 3. The Axis now have 4 units in Norway/Sweden: the Bock HQ, a corps in Stockholm, an army in Oslo and the army at str 3 west of Oslo.
  4. My understanding is that an invasion of England will result in a rapid increase in USSR and USA readiness. Having said that, I've had games where there was a 17% jump in USSR readiness simply because I had too many Germans on the USSR border.
  5. Against my better judgement, I'm providing some additional comment that may well help my opponent but I think is worth stating. I really was surprised by Shaka's decision to move his German air towards the UK/Scandinavian theatre and away from the Russian front. The USSR has 3 air at jet tech 3, giving the German air a slight advantage with its level 4 jet tech and a numerical advantage once they reach their limit of 4 (adding the Italian air increases the numerical advantage even further). In contrast, the UK/USA have 4 air and 3 carriers at level 4, making the Germans even in terms of tech but very much outnumbered even at their limit of 4 (and even with the Italian air included as well). I may well be that the Axis has set a clever trap for the Allies. We will find out soon enough. But, it seems to me that moving so close to the UK/US air + carriers was a mistake (and with all the gains being made in long-range tech, one can be far away and still be 'too close').
  6. October 3 A lot of very interesting things happening, with the Axis again pulling completely away from the Russian front and moving its air and rockets westward. In the east ... the Russian line moves cautiously forward. 2 Russian air attacks a German army in the north, with only one interception by German air in Berlin. Russian bombers, now stationed in Finland, attack the Bock HQ in Sweden. The Russian cruiser moves away from Stockholm. In the west ... Italian air and the German rocket division are seen approaching the Low Countries. So, the UK air in London pulls back. The Denmark corps moves to the top of Denmark again, apparently to try to spot the UK fleet. With a view to gaining some easy experience, one of the US air in Norway attacks the corps ... and is surprised to see an interception by German air in Hamburg. The Courageous carrier moves to attack a German army moving from Sweden to Norway ... and the Allies are surprised with another interception by German air in Copenhagen. The other 2 carriers move in to attack and kill the rather exposed German air in Copenhagen. Germany is back down to 2 air.
  7. September 5 In the east ... Russian line is reinforced. I made the mistake of having a single line of armies in the south that the Germans tried to break. That single line is now a double line. No attacks in Sweden although Stockholm is bombarded (no effect) and transports remain off the coast. In the west ... the Italian corps sitting on the mine in Norway is killed by carrier and US air and the mine taken by the US. A UK transport appears southeast of Oslo, and Brussels is bombarded. Bombing of Antwerp has stopped. The Axis subs disappear, heading towards Bordeaux. Still, Allied forces diligently patrol the Atlantic for subs.
  8. All I know is that the inexperienced Russian armies with poorer HQ support took less damage than they gave when attacking experienced German armies next to them with strong HQ support. If tech wasn't a factor, then I have no idea why the Russian armies performed so well.
  9. August 22 In the east ... the Russian bomb and bombard Stockholm port out of commission. The army that newly arrived in Stockholm is bombed down to 6. Russian transports continue to wait off the Swedish coast. The Russians reinforce their line while inflicting damage on the German line (2 German armies knocked down to 2). The USSR is at anti-tank level 4, giving their troops an advantage even over more experienced troops. In the west ... a UK battleship bombards the Oslo port but, strangely, the only result is a hit to the battleship. The German corps in Oslo moved out to engage US troops and was replaced by a German army. The German corps is then killed and the nearby Italian corps knocked down to 7. A German sub is spotted next to Brest port and an Italian sub in Brest port by UK air. The UK air attacks the German sub, but the sub dives. The UK bomber then scores a hit on the sub. And, UK transports begin appearing along the northern coast of Europe.
  10. August 8 In the east ... German air attacks a Russian HQ and is intercepted. (Note: Germany now has 2 air) The Bock HQ in Sweden moves inland, but is still bombed. More Russian transports appear next to Sweden, but none unload ... yet. The German corp in Stockholm is bombarded. The commander of the Russian corps at the far west of the marshes suddenly realizes that his troops are in poor supply and moves them north. In the west ... the German sub is sunk, although it dives once. The Rodney battleship is now at 4 bars of experience. The German corps in northern Denmark that served as lookout for the sub is attacked by UK air and bomber near London. An Italian corps that moved to the Norwegian mine is attacked by the 3 carriers and 2 US air in western Norway, but the corps survives.
  11. July 25 Things aren't going well for the Russians in their attack on Sweden, but things are going much better for the US in their attack on Norway. In the east ... Russian air and bombers attack assorted Axis targets in Sweden, causing only slight damage (down 1) to the Bock HQ. The Russian cruiser bombards Stockholm, without any effect. Down in the Black Sea theater, Russian air attacks the German rocket, again, and is intercepted by Italian air. Russian transports start appearing near Sweden's east coast. It is also worth noting that the German front line is starting to slowly move and creep towards the Russian line to the east. In the west ... a German army moves west of Oslo to defend the capital from the Americans. It is then attacked by the 3 carriers and a US air now stationed near Bergen. Heavily damaged, the German army is then killed off by the US 2nd army moving east. Nothing stands between the US army and Oslo, although that will certainly change during the Axis turn. Antwerp is bombed back down to 0 by the UK bomber.
  12. One point of comment. Kuniworth implied that SC is losing its appeal to new users. From my experience with the PBEM League, the number of new SC players is on the rise. The game limitations and set-up may be frustrating for the really experienced players but it is still extremely popular and downright addictive for new players.
  13. July 11 First, a preamble. I expect this move will further stoke the debate about carriers and their role as floating fighter platforms. Between the last turn and this one I did some thinking and realized that a) the Allied invasion of Scandinavia was faltering because the Axis can easily reinforce through Oslo and the German air in Norway was preventing the Russian bombers from being fully effective, and I was not applying the earlier lessons learned about the vulnerability of air fleets. So, I did some more thinking and then ... The German air in Oslo had been intercepted last turn and should be weak, so a UK carrier moved close to southern Norway (to a spot that the UK bomber determined was safe from the German fleet) and attacked the air in Oslo. The Oslo air was not killed, as hoped for, but the air next to Oslo intercepted the attack and perished. The German cruiser was spotted by the carrier next to Oslo port, and another carrier moved in to attack the cruiser (hoping for a fatal interception by the Oslo air fleet). However, the air did not intercept. Knowing that the Oslo air was now very weak, the 3rd carrier moved in to attack it and finished it off. Both German air in Norway were killed. Battleships then moved in to finish off the cruiser and set up a screen. With German air in Norway no longer a threat, Russian bombers then attacked the Bock HQ. A nearby Russian corps also attacked Bock, taking him down to half strength. The Russian cruiser attacked Stockholm port, ensuring that it cannot be used by the Axis. Access to Norway/Sweden has been cut by the Allies and domination of the skies in that region assured. The Scandinavia campaign is back on track. Germany is now down to one freshly build air lurking somewhere other than Norway.
  14. June 27 In the east ... Russian air attacks the rocket again and is intercepted by Italian air again. The port of Stockholm is bombed, with Russian air escorting to deal with interception by German air. The other 2 bombers attack a German sub lurking near the Swedish coast, but the sub dives to avoid one of the attacks. The Russian corps at the Swedish mine attacks the German army next to it, but it is the Russian unit that takes damage. Another Russian corps dashes towards Norway, finding a previously unseen German corps, army and Boch HQ. The other 2 Russian corps attack the German corps in Stockholm, inflicting little damage to the corps in Stockholm but taking hits of 2-3 themselves. And, Gibraltar is abandoned by the Allies. The Free French corps hops onto transports and heads west. The Free French air in Malta attacks the vacant Tripolitania, knocking it from 5 to 3.
  15. June 13, 1943 In the east ... Russian air attack the rocket in the Balkans again, but this time the attack is intercepted by Italian air. Russian bombers attack the sub in Stockholm port and the attack is intercepted by a German air next to Oslo. Russian air escorts and the remaining Russian air/bombers kill the sub. Things learned from this attack: Germany is at jet level 4 now and both the German air are now in Norway. 4 Russian corps unload in Sweden (3 in the south and 1 in the north). The one in the north moves to the eastern mine. The 3 in the south attack a German army southwest of Stockholm, killing it. In the west ... knowing that both air are at Oslo, the UK navy moves away from Bergen where the US 2nd army is entrenching. Antwerp is bombed and the last, remaining Spanish army attacks the Kesselring HQ that moved into Madrid, knocking 1 off the HQ. This will almost certainly be the last act of the valiant Spanish forces.
  16. May 16 In the east ... Russian air attacks the German rocket, now near Bucharest and sent to deter the Russian cruiser that has now sailed away from Bulgaria. The German sub in Stockholm port is reinforced by Germany and then attacked by Russia with 3 bombers and 2 air. Still, the sub is not sunk (the sub is in Stockholm port, which gives it greater defense from air attacks but prevents it from diving). Russian transports will be observed by the Axis both north and south of Stockholm. In the west ... Germany moves one corps into Bergen and another next to Bergen. US air based in Scotland attacks the German corps in Bergen, and the attack is intercepted by German air now in Oslo. The corps in Bergen is then killed off by UK carriers and a battleship. The US army south of Bergen moves in to occupy it. And, Antwerp is bombed. The Yugoslav partisans continue to run from the Axis troops chasing it. Reports indicate that Germany still has only 2 air fleets.
  17. Let me try to paraphrase and Bill can tell me if I got it right. A HQ will have the supply value of the nearest city. HQ that are in a chain over some distance can help increase the supply of the HQ at the end of the chain, but never to more than the value of the highest rated city in the chain. And while that higher supply will apply to the HQ at the end of the chain, it won't help the supply of the units supported by that HQ at the end of the chain. And, their is no difference between having lots of HQs getting additional supply from a HQ and only one getting additional supply from a HQ when it comes to determining how much extra supply they will get. My personal take on this is that linking HQs over a distance where you have good supply at one end and bad supply at the other can provide some advantage, but that advantage is likely to be marginal.
  18. April 18 In the east ... the Russian cruiser hobbles away and transport moves away from Sweden while 2 air and the bomber attack the German sub. Despite 3 air hits on the sub, it is still afloat at str 4. The cruiser Shaumyan in the Black Sea moves to the coast of Bulgaria. In the west ... Spanish troops can do nothing to reach Madrid or keep the Axis out of their capital next turn. So, they head for the hills. The German army in Bergen is attacked by a battleship, 2 carriers and a US air, knocking the army down to 2. The landing US army then finishes off the German occupiers of Bergen. Bergen stands empty with the US army sitting to the south of it. Both Yugoslav partisan groups run for cover ... but can't find any.
  19. This special thread has being set up for the "PBEM League". The purpose of this thread is to: - provide information on the 'PBEM League' - provide general information for people new to the game who want to find PBEM opponents - provide updated contact information on those that are in the 'PBEM League' - provide win/loss records Please do not use this thread as a general discussion area. Instead, let's keep this thread limited to basic, important information for PBEM players. If you are interested in joining a PBEM ladder, Curry has formed a new league for PBEM players of SC. You can find it at: http://www.myleague.com/scpbem/ Some notes by Curry: - Check out the houserules. It is meant to be simple. Players can set their own houserules for their match. If no houserules are set then anything the game allows is permitted. - Reloads - Check under houserules for this. I will act as the league administer and will make a ruling on any disputes of this nature. - This leauge is meant to be a means for PBEM players to record wins and losses. It will also have the secondary effect of providing players games with a competitve flair for those that desire that. We will see if it takes off is used by SC PBEM players or not. - This now gives PBEM players the same type of league and opportunity for recording wins and losses, and for more competition, that the ICP players have and use. I hope that it does not turn into "I only play the game to win" attitude. But that the overall purpose of this is to provide more "fun" for playing SC for the purpose of fun and enjoyment of the game. - If after a week your opponent has not responded to your latest turn, you can notify Curry or kurt88. They will then send the non-complying player a warning that if he does not send his turn within 3 more days, he will have to report the game as a loss. If this does not happen the admins then could decide to remove him from the league. This rule is only valid if players did not make prior arrangements (players can move at an pace that they want). [ October 10, 2003, 04:00 AM: Message edited by: Oak ]
  20. If Spain is part of the Axis prior to the Axis minors joining then they won't join. That is my understanding. So, if the Allies DOW Portugal and Spain joins the Axis then Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania won't join.
  21. March 21 The Axis goes on a DOW binge, with DOWs on Switzerland, Spain & Portugal. There is little the Allied powers can do to save their new Allies. Interestingly, the Axis air and rocket had no effect on the Swiss armies. In the east ... the German corps north of Stockholm is bombarded while Stockholm is attacked by 2 air and a bomber. (Shaka keeps talking about the Allies never having enough bombers, so I decided to take his advice and Russia built a bomber). A Russian transport appears off the coast of northern Sweden. In the west ... Antwerp is bombed while Bergen is attacked by battleship and carrier. The German army in Bergen is knocked down to 6. A US army transport appears next to Bergen. The Yugoslav partisans head north, after having received only minor damage, and another group of partisans is formed to take their place.
  22. I see the problem. You are referring to the main game map. To the right of that map you will see a bunch of buttons with "Done" at the top and "Quit" at the bottom. One of the buttons say "War Map" click that button and it will take you to the War Map which will show you the readiness levels. That is also how you go about declaring war on a country ... by going to the war map, clicking on a country and declaring war.
  23. Let me take the liberty of trying to answer the question. You want to want the percentage next to the USSR flag on the war map. If that percentage goes up prior to June 22, 1941 without you declaring war on a country then you don't have the right number of units on the USSR border. If it goes up by more than 3-4% after that date, then you also don't have the right number of units on the border. It is those percentage figures at the bottom of the map (the readiness figures) that you want to watch. Oak
  24. February 7 The Allies were pretty pathetic in their attacks this turn. In fact, downright pitiful. In the east ... the Russian cruiser bombards a German corp sitting north of Stockholm, without causing any damage. 2 Russian airfleets then also attack the German corps in and next to Stockholm and also cause no damage. The Rundstedt HQ seems to come and go from northern Iraq. Allied air appearing in Gibraltar seems to send him scurrying away from Iraq. Now he is back and supporting the tank pounding away at the Russian border troops. In the west ... the Ark Royal carrier and Rodney battleship attack the German army in Bergen and only knock it down by 1 (the carrier caused no damage at all). And, the UK bomber hits Antwerp (knocking it down to 0) while the German army in Brussels is attacked by the UK carrier docked in London. Partisans appear in Yugoslavia.
  25. Shaka, 1) After this game perhaps we can try another where the 2 carriers are replaced by battleships and the UK gets another bomber. 2) I'm also starting to appreciate the value of bids for players with a little more experience, so perhaps we can also bid for sides in our next game. Oak
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