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Everything posted by Oak

  1. December 13, 1942 The last move of 1942 is quiet one after the recent frenzy. In the east ... not much activity except that the Russian cruiser bombards Stockholm without inflicting any damage. I should also note some activity in the east that has been hardly mentioned in the AAR. The Axis has a German tank with 4 bars of experience sitting on the Iraqi side of the Iraq/USSR border. Each turn it pounds away at a Russian corps on the other side of the border. Once the corps is knocked down to 5 or 6, a fresh corps takes its place. Occasionally, the tank gets knocked down 1 in the attack, but the Axis are definitely doing better than the Allies in these border clashes. In the west ... the Allies bomb Antwerp. Otherwise, nothing much happening (at least that the Axis can see or that I'm willing to talk about). No attacks on Bergen this turn and the UK battleship moves away from there. Germany is now at level 2 tank and reports indicate that Italy has built a second air fleet.
  2. A comment: I think that both Shaka and I have been slow to adapt to changes that have taken place in this game. . The small number of air units that come from the limits on air units means that air units need to be moved around both often and quickly in response to opportunities and challenges. However, the high jet tech levels (everyone but Italy is at jet level 3 or 4) makes for high casualty levels on both sides in air battles. There just isn't enough time (and often not enough MPP) to allow for units to be reinforced to maximum strength before being moved. Early in the game, we each had to watch out for situations where air could be killed by being within range of several opposing air fleets without adequate air support. Now, we have situations where air is being killed from one single interception. Both of us will have to plan our moves and strategies with this in mind. Let me also add that my view is that the air limits give the Allies a big advantage and put the Axis at a big disadvantage. In fact, this series of games with Shaka was started with the intent of proving that point. I believe that the fact that the Axis have lost 3 air fleets now from intercepting Allied air attacks is evidence of the advantage to the Allies from the limits in air units. The Italians are behind in jet tech, meaning that the 4 German air (assuming that Germany is at its limit) needs to deal with 7 Allied air (assuming that the US, UK & USSR are at their limit), plus the Allied bombers and carriers. This makes it even more necessary for the Axis to move air fleets around, and further exposes their air to fatal interceptions.
  3. November 15, 1942 In the east ... the Finnish army is killed by the tank in Leningrad and the Russian cruiser. The other 2 corps are attacked and Finland surrenders. In the west ... a heavy air war that sees the killing of 2 (not 1 but 2) German air fleets, both somewhat by accident. First, the UK bomber attacked the Manstein HQ near Paris, escorted by UK air (now at level 4) and intercepted by German air in Cologne. Having heard that carriers with lots of experience and tech are almost indestructable, and expecting the German air to have taken a heavy hit from its interception of superior UK air, I have the aptly named Courageous carrier attack the German air in Cologne from a position just west of Antwerp. The attack is intercepted by Italian air (now at level 2). The carrier is knocked down from 10 to 2, and I decide they aren't so indestructable after all. Expecting the remaining German air to have moved east to attack Russia, the other UK air decides to gain some experience and attacks a German army near Paris. Much to our surprise, the attack is intercepted by a German air near Marseilles. We are further surprised at seeing the intercepting German air disappear after its attack. Realizing that the German air in Cologne is probably quite weak, the US air near London attacks the German air in Cologne, killing it. A UK battleship and 2 carriers attack the German army in Bergen, inflicting little damage. We are disappointed in the performance of our carriers, now with 3-4 bars of experience, level 4 jet tech and good supply.
  4. October 18 In the east ... the USSR declares war on Finland! Helsinki is taken after air/naval attacks combined with landings by 2 Russian armies. The Finnish Isthmus army is cut in half by an attack from a Russian tank in Leningrad. Finland refuses to surrender despite the loss of their capital. In the west ... Axis superiority on the continent is acknowledged and the Allies pull back. The 2 US armies are evacuated. The Free French army attacks the Kleist HQ in one last fit of passion but do no damage. A German cruiser and sub are spotted on the western coast of Denmark and German air moves towards LC/England, so Allied naval units beat a hasty retreat. The Rodney battleship bombards Bergen, inflicting some damage. In the Med ... US air operates out of Gibralter and is replaced by the Free French corps.
  5. September 20 This is turning into a game full of twists and turns. Very interesting, I think. In the east ... German units pull back further from the Russian line. Deciding this is likely a trap (and too good to be true) the Russians hold and reinforce rather than pursue the fleeing Germans. In the west ... a German panzer inside the US lines is attacked and killed by UK air, bomber and carriers, with an Italian air fleet killed while intercepting. This war is taking a heavy toll on the air fleets of both sides. The Eisenhauer HQ evacuates, and the remaining US forces dig in around Brussels. However, the Free French, enraged at the Axis presence on French soil, go crazy and attack the Kleist HQ (knocking it down to 7). In the Med ... the Italian sub flees and the US air in Gibraltar attacks the Italian transport next to Gibraltar (knocking it down to 8). The Free French air in Malta also goes bezerk and attacks Tripolitania (knocking it from 5 to 3). And, the Yugo partisans go on a recon mission. So, far they have found little of interest.
  6. They require experience to be of any use. People rarely buy or use them. The place they are useful is if you have a stalemated front between Germany and the USSR.
  7. August 30 In the east ... I've heard of strategic withdrawals, but this is ridiculous. The entire German line is gone! Not a single German unit within 2 hexes of the Russian line. The Russians move cautiously forward, establishing a new line nearly at the German border, and they can only see 3 armies and 2 panzers (1 army in Konigsberg, 1 army in the middle and 1 army + 2 panzers around the Romanian border). Russian air attacks German units. 2 German air intercept, one of which is killed. Germany now down to 3 air. In the west ... the Allies expand their line to the LC border in the south and reinforce units (showing that the US is at anti-tank level 1). The German sub that attacked the Dunkerque cruiser is sunk (despite some diving) by a combination of UK air and naval forces. The Dunkerque withdraws. Germany is at sub tech 2. The Axis is moving aggressively against the Allied forces in the LC. 3 panzers, 5 armies, some corps, the rocket and at least a couple of air are assembled for the attack. The Allies dig in and brace themselves for the onslaught.
  8. Rambo, I was roughly familiar with the DH rule but did not realize that it was only used in one league. Keep in mind that I've lived that last 20 years in Asia (Hong Kong and Singapore) where one seldom sees American sports. I watch football (American football that is) once a year when I watch the Superbowl. I watch a baseball game only if I happen to visit the US (which I do every 2-3 years) during baseball season. Now, talk about the English Premier League (the top English soccer league) or Series A (the top Italian soccer league) and I won't ask questions that are quite so dumb. Oak
  9. There is a problem with one graphic file in the mod called "main_menu_buttons". You need to overwrite this file from the mod with the original one that came with the game and then it will work. As for joining a TCP/IP game ... find an opponent, have him/her set up the game and join by starting the game, click on TCP/IP, click on Join and then typing in the IP address of your opponent (provided by the opponent).
  10. Rambo, What is the difference between National league and American league designated hitter rules? Although I'm an American, I live in Singapore and haven't seen a baseball game in several years (at least). You've gotten my curiousity up. Please tell me, what is the difference? Oak PS: I'm serious. I don't know the difference and I'm curious to find out.
  11. Calm down folks, and take it easy. The purpose of this topic was to request a Sticky Thread for the PBEM folks, not to start a debate on PBEM vs TCP/IP. Obviously, there is room for both and a need for both.
  12. Standard campaign is Fall Weiss. Rules/Variations: All on except 'War in Siberia' Politics: All Random
  13. Sorry, I forgot to say that my note was in response to Rambo's and that the "you" in my note is Rambo.
  14. PBEM, and the PBEM League, is growing and starting to blossom. I, personally, would be very much opposed to the PBEM League becoming part of the Z-Ladder. One reason is that the focus is more on fun, while the Z-Ladder is more competitive. Another reason is that there are a lot of new and inexperienced players in the PBEM League, while the Z-ladder has mostly experienced players. I should add that you statements about PBEM players being "second class citizens" is not the best diplomatic move if you want to see the PBEM League and Z-ladder coming together. I think it makes sense to have two different groups, with one playing by email and less competitive and the other playing by TCP/IP and more competitive. It provides greater choice and opportunities to the SC-playing community.
  15. August 16, 1942 Things are getting worse for the Axis, much worse. In the east ... the Russians reinforce after the attacks on the Russian line (that caused little damage). BUT, the big news is ... In the west ... the Low Countries have been liberated! The entrenched German army in Brussels was attacked by 2 US air (now at level 3), 2 UK air and the UK bomber. Bombardment by the experienced battleship Rodney finished off the army in Brussels. The US 2nd Army, sitting in transports next to Antwerp, landed and took Antwerp port. 3 other US armies, 1 US corp and the Eisenhauer HQ then disembarked in Brussels and spread out across Belgium and Holland. The Free French army also landed west of Brussels. Attacks were made on Essen by 2 landing armies as well as by 2 carriers. The Allies now control most of the Low Countries (except the 2 most southern hexes) and a small part of northern France. Cologne is empty, but too far for the Allies to reach this turn. And, the Free French cruiser continues to bombard Brest without doing any damage.
  16. Hubert, Moon or whoever decides these things, can we create a sticky topic similar to the one for Z-league where we can post win/loss results, the list of PBEM players, etc.? The "PBEM League" is growing and we really need a sticky topic so that PBEM players can be kept informed and updated. Oak
  17. August 2, 1942 Another quiet move for the Allies. In the east ... the Konev HQ pulls back from the line and out of range of Axis air. Russian line is reinforced. In the west ... no air strikes by the Allies. The Free French cruiser stops bombarding Brussels and begins bombarding Brest, but has no effect. Continued probing by US transports and continued searching of the Atlantic, without results.
  18. July 19, 1942 In the east ... the German army northwest of Odessa (at str 7) is killed after attacks by 2 Russian armies. Russian air attacks Rommel again, with German air again intercepting. Russian line reinforced. In the west ... all is quiet. No air attacks by the Allies (all Axis forces in range are in cities). Allied transports continue to roam the European coast, but it is becoming clear that Europe is being garrisoned by the Axis Brussels bombarded again by Free French cruiser, without effect. Partisans appear again in Yugoslavia.
  19. July 5, 1942 In the east ... the Russian tank retreats after being attacked by 2 German air, 1 Italian air, assorted Axis armies and the rocket division. Russian line is attacked, with the Russians mostly giving as good as they take. Rommel HQ is attacked by Russian air, with interception by German air. Russian line is reinforced, revealing that USSR is at anti-tank level 2. In the west ... Brest is bombed with interception by German air and escort by UK air. Brussels is attacked, confirming that that is only one Axis air in France. One German air and one Italian air are unaccounted for. Free French cruiser bombards Brussels, fearing that one of the Axis air is now in Norway. US transports continue exploring the coast of northern Europe, while a Free French army transport arrives next to Brest. In the Med ... the theory that the Axis are building subs proves to be at least partially correct, with an Italian sub now raiding. Guzzoni moves to the southern tip of Sicily and dares the air in Malta to attack him, even sticking out his tongue at the Free French pilots. The pilots ignore Guzzoni and break out a nice bottle of wine.
  20. June 21 A quiet couple of turns. In the east ... the Manstein HQ is attacked by Russian air, with German air intercepting. Germany is now at jet tech 3. The Russian army in Odessa attacks and kills the Italian army southwest of it (the Italian army was at str 4 and the Odessa army had HQ support). A Russian tank moves into the empty spot and attacks the German rocket division, knocking it down to str 6. In the west ... German troops cover the spots were US transports were planning to land ... so they look elsewhere. Allied air is quiet. Most of the Axis air is out of sight and in unknown locations, so the Allied air remains cautious. Reports indicate a German naval build-up. We suspect that this indicates either that Germany is building subs for Atlantic raiding or that there are transports on their way to North America. The Allied fleet goes on the alert, determined to find and kills any German subs or transports in the Atlantic.
  21. May 31 In the Med ... the 2 Allied battleships were sunk as expected. Otherwise, all quiet in the Med. Rundstedt HQ is operated back to Iraq. In the east ... the Russian line is reinforced in the south. In the north, the Russian line moves aggressively east after having moved aggressively west last turn. In the west ... 2 UK and 2 US air attack a German army and corps on the north coast of France. Only one air interception by the Germans, meaning that the Axis have moved an air fleet out of France. US transports still roaming the coasts of northern Europe and now Norway. Germany army in Bergen is bombarded and knocked down to 9. Italian air is now at jet level 1.
  22. Can you guys please tell us the date for each move so we can follow a little better?
  23. It is just luck. There is something like a 70% chance that Canada will declare war on the Axis the first turn, which means that there is something like a 30% chance that it won't. My understanding is that it has nothing to do with any moves that may or may not be made.
  24. May 3 In the Med ... Alabama sunk by Axis, and the last Italian battleship is then sunk by the Allies. The 2 battleships in the Med will likely be sunk next turn by Axis air, but the elimination of the Italian fleet was worth it. In the west ... Allied forces move away from Brest, although US transports are still looking for landing opportunities across the European coast. In the east ... one of the German cruisers attacking the remaining Russian cruiser is sunk by combined air and sea assault. In the process, the Axis learn that USSR is at level 2 jet. They also learn that USSR troops are at level 1 anti-tank when the frontline troops are reinforced to 11. A Russian corps is sent on a scouting mission across the no-man's land north of the Konigsberg-Minsk line, and finds that the German northern front consists of 2 armies and the Kesselring HQ, all behind the German border. Russian forces in the north move aggressively westward. No sign of German air this turn, other than the attack in the Med by the air fleet near Algiers. No Axis air attacks on the Russian front.
  25. First, and most important, you need to find an opponent. Then, one person sets up the game and the other joins by typing in the IP address of the first person.
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