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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Oak

  1. Message from Oak to Shaka of Carthage: The game is yours. My mistake cost me England. I will concede.
  2. In the south ... Italian transports swarm around Alexandria and Syria, and the UK cruiser is killed. In the north ... Germany invades England. I made a HUGE blunder by not building a corp in Edinburgh, since no transports were in range and I thought the invasion a bluff. However, a German corp took the port allowing another one offshore to move into the port and unload into Edinburgh. Major mistake on my part of which Shaka took full advantage. The UK responded by using its MPP treasury to build lots of corps. One UK battleship was sunk and another reduced to strength of one, but Germany took heavy hits on its cruisers and lost a sub. With the invasion of England, USA and USSR will be joining soon.
  3. Things are certainly heating up. All 4 German air are in France and aggressively attack Allied forces, with interceptions by UK air and carriers. Two attack and sink the UK cruiser, one attacks a carrier and on attacks an air fleet (that had previously intercepted). That must have been a costly attack for the Axis! The Free French army is attacked by a German tank (knocked from 7 to 5) and then moves into Brest. The experienced carrier and air survive, although damaged, again despite the tech advantage of the Germans. The Allies were very tempted to counter attack and eliminate one or two weakened German air fleets, but another interesting situation forces them to move forces northward. At the northern tip of England, a German cruiser, sub and 2 corps transports appear. The sub is knocked down to 8 in strength when it bumps into the UK BB in Scapa Flow port, and is then knocked down to 4 by that same BB. Another UK BB attacks the cruiser, knocking the cruiser down to 4 and the BB from 6 to 5. What a difference good supply makes! It will be interesting to see if the German corps unload in Scotland or scurry off. In the Med, light attacks on Gibralter (no air attacks). An Italian army appears off Alexandria port. A British corp occupies its landing zone and a British cruiser attacks it (knocking it from 8 to 5 in strength). The Allies are starting to come to the realization that the Axis strategy is one of focusing on a naval build-up, and that the Report indicates a growing Axis naval force rather than transports perpetually being in the water. This should be interesting!
  4. PS: I used to be conceited ... but now I'm perfect. All I need to do is beat Terif and I will have achieved absolute perfection.
  5. JerseyJohn: Of course he likes me. Everyone likes me. What's not to like?? Oak
  6. June 29 In the south ... the Axis move a German corp into Athens, but Greece does not surrender. One of the Italian subs attacks a UK cruiser in the western Med, and the cruiser backs off. Italian troops start moving east from Tobruk towards Alexandria. Continued assualts on Gibralter with the Italian air taking more damage than it is inflicting. In the north ... Brest corp is attacked by 1 bomber, 2 air, 2 BBs, 1 cruiser and 3 carriers. Air and carrier attacks intercepted by 3 German air in France. Unfortunately, the UK fleet again performs poorly so the Free French army lands next to Brest and finishes off the German corp in Brest.
  7. June 15 USSR readiness will start to go up on its own. The Ally (since the 'Allies' consist of only 1) looks forward to getting some help against the Axis powers. Axis DOW Greece. Athens corp killed with assistance from 2 German air in southern Italy, but Greece will not fall until next turn at the earliest. All but one Axis air fleet is located. 2 in southern Italy, 1 (Italy's) in Algiers and 1 in Bordeaux. UK continues all out assault on Brest. The corp there is knocked down to 4 and the port is knocked back down to 0. No casualties sustained by the UK in the attack despite interception by German air with level 1 jet (due to highly experienced carrier escorts). Free French transport moves next to Brest. Either Italy still has lots of transports in the water or it is investing heavily in subs (or both).
  8. May 25, 1941 Axis attacks BB next to Bergen with sub and moves a German airfleet next to Bergen. Allies back off Bergen and attack Brest & port with bomber, 2 air fleets, 3 carriers and 1 BB. Allied navy performs dismally, taking Brest corp down to only 6. Allied air takes Brest port to 0. Italians attack Gibralter with navy and air, and start to bombard Malta. Italians are clearly investing heavily in subs. Reports indicate that all but 2 of Italy's land forces are in transports. Axis have a lot of luck in this stage of the game. They are getting tech increases, Allies have none so far. They also got very lucky with a very low increase of USSR readiness after the DOW on Vichy France, undoing the advantage from the delay in Poland's surrender. I have been saying that good strategy and tactics can make up for the 'luck factor' in SC. Guess I have a chance to prove my point.
  9. Vichy France falls; Bulgaria joins the Axis. Italians attack UK battleship in Gibralter, with equal damage to both sides (UK ships loses 4; each Italian ship loses 2). Continued bombardment of Bergen. No air activity over France.
  10. Pardon my ignorance, but who is Gaylord Focker? If I'm going to be this guy, I'd at least like to know who he is.
  11. By way of comment ... I was amazed that the Axis declaration of war on Vichy France caused USSR readiness to go up by only 3%.
  12. March 30, 1941 The Swedish forces held out well, with the Germans only being able to knock the Swedish army down by 2. Despite this valiant effort, and the fact that the Swedes still had an army, an air fleet and corps in the field, the Swedish government surrendered. The 2 German air in Norway were moved out, and 1 was subsequently found in France. The Allies found it sitting in Bordeaux when they bombed Brest port (taking it to 0). The remaining Allied forces move away from Brest (and out of range of the German air). The 2 German air that used to be in France were moved to Sicily to assist in the attack on Algiers. The Axis forces killed the Vichy French corps in Marseilles, but were unable to occupy it. They did occupy Algiers. Vichy France will fall next turn. All that remained of Vichy France's forces were the 2 battleships, with the one in the south surrounded and knocked down to 2. The one in the north attacked a German tank on the coast, knocking it from 9 to 8. The one in the south attacked the Italian sub, knocking it from 8 to 6. The Allies also noticed that the Italians have been reinforcing their fleet, with one of the battleships back up to full strength. Italy still has just one air fleet.
  13. March 2, 1941 It seems that the Axis are very lucky in gaining technology increases. The fact that German air was able to attack the British battleship off Bergen means that Germany has also gotten at least one level of long-range. An expensive way to find that out. In Sweden ... the Axis focus on attacking the Swedish army. In a fit of rage at seeing their capital over-run and their collegues slaughtered, the Swedish air force attacks the Germany air in Norway. Little damage to the Germans; heavy damage to the Swedes. In England/France ... the UK bomber attacks Brest port this time, only to discover that there is no German air within range to intercept. With Brest left unsupported by German, Allies air and naval forces all attack the German corp in Brest and the port. The German corp is knocked down to 2; the port down to 3. In the Med ... the Italian transport moves away from Malta and the Italian sub is observed zipping by.
  14. I've figured it out! Kuniworth is really Rambo! Some might say it is coincidence that Rambo is going on vacation just as Kuniworth comes back from a 'fishing trip'. I say that it is just further evidence that Rambo = Kuniworth. No one ever saw Superman and Clark Kent together. Also, no one has ever seen Rambo (Superman) and Kuniworth (Clark Kent) together. The conspiracy is revealed. The truth has come out! That wild American Rambo has disguised himself as a wild Swede to infilitrate the masses and find new secret moves.
  15. Jan. 5, 1941 The Axis declare war on Sweden and the attack consists primarily of an amphibious assault on Stockholm supported by 2 air fleets next to Oslo. Stockholm is taken with the remaining Swedish forces largely untouched. Despite the fall of the capital, Sweden fights on. The remaining Swedish forces scatter and head for the forests and hills. The Allies try a different approach and bomb Antwerp instead of Brest. No Axis interceptions. With the location of all the Axis air now known, an Allied battleship bombards Bergen (but without result as the Bergen corp is well entrenched). Other than an Italian cruiser bombarding Gibralter, everything is quiet in the Med.
  16. Nov. 24, 1940 Very quiet. The only Axis activity seen by the Allies is the move of the German army away from Brest, which is garrisoned by a German corps. Allied air (bomber & 2 air fleets) break the calm by attacking Brest. 2 German air fleets intercept. Unknown damage to the corps in Brest and the German air. Reports indicate that Italy is saving up its money (probably for another air fleet). Indications are that Germany is putting its MPP into building tanks (in addition to buying/reinforcing air fleets). Romania joined at the end of the Axis turn; Hungary joined at the end of the Allied turn.
  17. October 27, 1940 Germany gets level 1 jet. Brest is attacked by German air (and intercepted), and then finished off by the German army next to Brest. Allied air pauses to give their researchers time to caught up with Germany's technology. As expected, Germany built a replacement air (just AFTER getting the tech increase). It also seems that I was wrong and Italy has only 1 (not 2) air. It will be a while before Italy can build a second air fleet, unless it decides not to repair its heavily damaged fleet (which has moved away from Gibralter). Italy still has a transport next to Malta. The delay in Poland's surrender resulted in an increase in USSR readiness. The air and naval battles since then are forcing the Axis to put MPP into reinforcements instead of new units. Hopefully, the end result will be that the Axis are unprepared to deal with the USSR when it enters the war.
  18. A further note to my comments on the Allies' last move: The Axis has not replaced the lost German air. With 2 of the German air in France attacking Brest, the Axis has only 3 air to assist in attacks on Sweden & Vichy France (2 Italian & 1 German). It appears that Germany has been saving up his MPP (now at 544) to buy replacement air. Also, Germany and Italy each of 3-5 transports in the water.
  19. In the south ... the Italians dealt with the experienced Allied battleships by bringing in their experienced sub. The result of the Med navel clash is the loss of 2 British BBs on the Allied side. The Italians lost 1 BB with the 2 others at 1 and 5, the cruiser at 8 and the sub at 9. In the north ... the Allies continue to intercept air strikes on Brest. The Canadian corp in Brest reinforced to 5. The Italian air in France either was moved or is being reinforced.
  20. Sept. 1, 1940 In the north ... German air attacks UK air and carrier, losing an air fleet in the process. Italian air attacks Brest and is intercepted. Brest down to 8; unknown damage to Italian air. Even with HQ support, damage was probably heavy. In the south ... 2 Italian battleships attack one of the UK battleships. English ship loses 4; Italian battleships down to 6 & 7 after the attack. An Italian cruiser also sits next to Algiers port. Allies respond attacking the battleship at strength 7 (a mistake in retrospect). Italian battleship knocked from 7 to 1 (the other, at 6, would have been killed). UK battleships now at 6 & 2 with better experience. They are facing Italian battleships at 6 & 1 plus cruiser at 10. Italian transport sits next to Malta. Italian fleet apparently covering for pending attack on Vichy France, and paying a heavy price. Reinforcing air losses in France and naval losses in the Med will be expensive for the Axis.
  21. Being the terribly curious person that I am ... can anyone tell me what Rambo's "RACK Strategy" is?? Even a hint would be appreciated.
  22. Leaving the Free French army in France was a big mistake. The Allies mourn their lost. However, in the air and on the sea the Allies seem to be successful in inflicting losses on the Axis at a far greater level than their own. In the south ... the Italian battleship near Gibralter (knocked down to 7) retreats and another takes its place and attacks Gibralter. It is then completely destroyed by the UK battleship in Gibralter and another joining the battle. The 2 UK battleships are now at 6 and 8 strength. The Allies invite the Italians to send more ships to Gibralter. In the north ... UK air attacks the German corp near Brest and is intercepted by a German air fleet near Paris.
  23. In the south ... UK battleships attacks Italian battleship at Gibralter, with Italian losing 3 and UK losing 1. In the north ... the air war over Brest continues. An additional German army and corp approaches Allied forces at Brest. The Allies attack the corp nearest Brest with 2 air fleets, 1 carrier and 1 bomber. 3 German air and 1 Italian air intercept. The Free French army also attacks the corps. Surprisingly little damage to the attacking UK forces despite intercepts, but damage to the German corp is also less than hoped for. In the end, the Free French army is at 7 and the German corp next to it at 3.
  24. July 21 In the Med ... Italian air appears in Sicily. It attacks Malta, taking a hit itself but no impact on corps in Malta. Bombardment of Malta starts; Italian battleship replaces cruiser bombarding Gibralter. In the north ... Allies spot a German corp 2 hexes from the Free French army that has joined the Canadian corp at Brest. The German corp is attacked by a UK bomber (with fighter escort to handle the German interception) and 2 carriers. Corp survives and no indication as to the level of damage done to German corp or the 2 air in France that intercepted. Report indicates there are lots of German and Italian transports. Aggression by the Axis against Sweden and Vichy France expected at any moment.
  25. July 14 The Allies are reeling from the simultaneous fall of Norway and France. Little in the way of movement or activity this turn by the Allies. Unfortunately, the Allies did not have a transport ready to move into Bergen Note: In order to mask the extent of the UK's naval build-up, the UK has gone through an extensive ship renaming exercise so that the Axis cannot identify whether a ship is new or old.
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