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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. eniced73 ... ... what the heck, a couple of hours work, there it is: A shiny new (totally empty) TOW Warehouse Please start populating it cautiously, let me know if something looks broken. If it goes smoothly, we can let the rest of the TOW players know about it GaJ
  2. heh heh - that's pretty funny. Actually, I think that Todd just hasn't quite shut things off as well as he intended. From the front page, you can't log in - it just says "this site is inactive now". But if you go straight to the login URL that Eric quotes above, then indeed you will log in and everything is still working. But why do you need to? Pretty much everything at the old site is now available at the new site GaJ
  3. I haven't looked at TOW - would there be both scenarios and mods?
  4. Well now BlackMoria, that's pretty funny isn't it. I've always browsed by Author happily, but I can see that just paging through them would be good. So I've added that now - thanks for the suggestion! Right now you can type anything you like into the search bar, and if that term is in the title or description or target or country or best_played_as of the mod/scenario then it will be found. This is powerful. The problem is, you can only type one thing. Like if you type "snow ground" you will not be searching for "snow" or "ground" you will be searching for things with exactly the phrase "snow ground" (one thing). So I need to improve that. Suggestions on how it should work are welcome.
  5. Yep - improving the search is the next thing on the list. Specific suggestions (like yours) about how it should work are very welcome.
  6. Hi All, I've made a separate "section" for scenarios at CMSFMODS This is with a view to being able to different things, sort/search differently with scenarios compared to mods. At the moment scenarios, like mods, are just browsable by author. I'm open to what other ways make sense. Split this way, you can see there are 170 mods and 155 scenarios available at the moment. GaJ
  7. Nah, it doesn't really. It just makes it more like you have your normal steroscopic vision - normally you can see the shape of the land, and with RocketMan's folded grid you can at last see what you can normally see. It's like subtitles: your brain switches them off pretty quickly and you immerse in the movie (well, most people do). GaJ
  8. Interesting question. I could make a site just like the CMSF one, except for TOW. Is there real demand/need for this? GaJ
  9. All of M1A1TC's mods have been rescued from cmmods.com and are at The CMSF Mods Warehouse. For some reason they are filed under the author name "VladTemplar" - this is how they were at cmmods.com. That could easily be changed to M1A1TC if that was the right thing to do? GaJ
  10. Hey Kyle, I think I figured out why you might have had trouble. I've set up the Warehouse on a cheap but industrial/scalable site. This means right now it costs me next to nothing to run, but it might run out of power. I think that's what happened to you: while you were uploading a huge file, probably my warehouse got busy serving someone else, and then died on you. This is easy to fix: I just have to pay for more grunt. So... I need to know if this sort of thing happens often or not, before I shell out for that. I'll keep my eyes on it, and hopefully others will also let me know if they have problems. FWIW, we've been uploading nearly a 100 mods over the last couple of days, no problems that I'm aware of. GaJ
  11. That champion uploader, Der Alte Fritz, uploaded about 70 mods/scenarios in the last couple of days. I've been rushing along behind him making sure they all have preview pictures and reasonable categorisation (unfortunately the info we got from CMMODs for CMSF mods/scenarios was a bit of a mess). I'm also in the middle of separating out Mods from Scenarios, so that we can have a separate "Scenarios" tab. GaJ
  12. Moon - that could be cool. It's probably worth holding off a little while before doing that, because there will likely be a couple of hundred uploaded from CMMODS in the next week or so, no point in filling up the forum here with one per mod! Once it settles down to "new mods" being added, then a forum notification makes a lot of sense. Another possibility is to have the new site post the notes here directly. This would have the advantage that the preview thumb could be linked in here - not sure how that would work via RSS. GaJ
  13. Hi All, The job of transfering mods from Todd's CMMODS to the new CMSFMods Warehouse is underway. You are welcome, encouraged, thanked etc to help! The entire list of mods from the old site is available at the new site. This means all you have to do is find a mod that you have that isn't uploaded yet (the search function is good for this) and ... upload it! A million thanks to Der Alte Fritz, who is the hero of this sort of activity. Beat him if you can! There is an RSS Feed available for the new site, so if it suits you, you can use this to track what's been put up there recently. When the rate of posting slows, I may also arrange to have new entries posted here with pictures. Enjoy. GaJ
  14. Sorry for the hassle - as you eventually found out, the next thing that's supposed to happen is it says "Complete" When it's sitting there at 100% it's waiting for the server to confirm that everything's up there OK. GaJ
  15. CMSFMods currently has the limit set to 250M, just to stop someone doing something truly crazy. People have reported from time to time intermittent problems getting big files to "go the whole way". As I said, I think that files of upwards of 50M may be pushing the reliability of uploading via HTTP. There are things that can go wrong between you and the server, and the server can have a glitch too. That said, I just uploaded a 50M mod with no hassles... GaJ
  16. FWIW, you can upload massive files at the new CMSF Mods Repository Though - it does have to be said that as files get huge the internet starts becoming an unreliable medium, I've found. The community may just need to find some other way than direct file transfer for huge CMSF mods. Torrents? GaJ
  17. I totally agree with this list, to have the "best looking experience". For pure 'ease of play': - Grids - Schonhult Crater: nice to know which craters are "real". - GaJ High Contrast Barbed Wire, if you play with bases off and don't want to miss spotting wire. - GaJ High Contrast Arid Rocks, if you're playing in the desert and it drives you nuts when your tanks hit rocks that you didn't spot. GaJ And GaJ
  18. Play-better must-have: some sort of gridded terrain. Which one depends on taste. I recommend RocketMan (RM) grids. GaJ
  19. I reckon that actually adding the fold lines was the best inspiration, from RocketMan. Prior to that, every grid was just a grid, and somehow it fell short of really showing you what the contours were doing. GaJ
  20. *** UPDATE *** I decided that CMSF is different enough from CMx1 that really the mods (and whatever else) are going to be best stored in a different place, not "all jumbled together" with CMx1 material. So I set up a "replica" for CMSF purposes. It's available at a temporary URL, as soon as the proper domain name propagates it will be available at cmsfmods.greenasjade.net. The "CMSF" link at the new CMx1 CMMODS site now points to this new place. So you can browse US marines without bumping into PzIVs, and likewise (once I finish tidying up) CMx1 people will be able to browse Tigers without bumping into terorists... It also means that if there are CMSF-specific suggestions that come up, the implementation of those won't all be tangled up with CMX1 needs... GaJ
  21. My recommendation would be to put this information in the "description" field for the mod. Like the words that angryson put here Would this be the right thing? GaJ
  22. Fighting Sea Bea your Mod Manager is welcome. There's a "Mod Type" for "Mod Managers". - Register - Log in - Go to the "Your Stuff" tab - Follow the "Add new CMSF Mod" link - Enter the details, upload. Please do upload a preview picture as well. Kyle - I'll take a look. GaJ
  23. Hi All, As you no doubt know, the "CMMODS.com" site is closing at the end of the month. I have put in place a replacement: GreenAsJade's Combat Mission Mods Warehouse It's been operating for about a month, with the focus initially on getting all the CMx1 mods that were at CMMODS available. Now it's ready for trial for housing CMSF Mods, and other material. Today I've added the "Mod types" of "Map" and "Campaign", since it appears that these are stored as "Mods" at CMMODS. I'm open to opinions on whether really a custom-designed warehouse for maps & campaigns might make more sense, but you're very welcome to place maps & campaigns at the mod warehouse, and will easily be able to find them there (there are already a couple). I'm also ready and waiting for any suggestions about how and aspects of the site can be improved - different categories for CMSF specific things, different navigation etc. Of course, there's an obvious question "why use this, why not just use the BFC repository?" That's entirely up to you. This exists. Use it if you like I like it better than the BFC repository, but I'm biased As an author, one thing you might like is the ability to browse your own mods. As a user, I like being able to browse the mods of my favourite authors and being able to browse mods of a particular type of unit GaJ
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