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Posts posted by togi

  1. Sorry, it must be a language barrier problem here.

    I don't remember anyone forcing me to buy anything that I want to use for my entertainment.

    I don't see how fair comes into it, other than I think $10 is a fair price for putting new features into an old game. Of course, I could save myself $10 and continue to play CMBN as-is. But why would I deprive myself of gaming enjoyment when it's only $10, which is about what I'll be spending on my lunch later today, and for which I'll get a new lease of life out of my old game.


    Too blooming right!

    It's your point of view so I can't question it, so please respect for my thoughts too

    the company behaivour is not fair with respect to me and no price demanded for this upgrade that I said. And I think that MG module must have upgraded game V.2.0 no extra charge

    This is my point of view


  2. You won't, I'm pretty certain, find any BFC statement that MG will upgrade you to v2 as part of the price. What I've read has consistently been that you will need to upgrade to v2 if you want to use MG, and that there will be a bundled MG-plus-v2 offering that will be slightly cheaper than buying v2 now and MG on its own when it comes out.

    As for your previous argument, you're just wrong. Opinions can be flawed you know. They've had to redo every skin to fit the new bump mapping graphics, just for starters, and there are a load of new features. You have to get your mind out of the MMO pricing model where a monthly subscription (as well as paying for your access to the game) funds the "free" content patches. When did Microsoft last give you a new version of Office for free, just because you have the previous version? Even students have to pay some money.

    However, not backporting fixes for features which are broken in the v1 game (like the deploy time bug, if that's fixed, or the mortar zeroing bug) does feed the "BFC charge for bugfixes!" flames.

    there will be a bundled MG-plus-v2 offering that will be slightly cheaper than buying v2 now and MG on its own when it comes out.

    will the price be 35 usd?

  3. No, not changed his mind - it's stated on the announcement of the Upgrades on 26thJune 2012: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=104855&page=3.

    I think you are misremembering.

    Sheesh mate, I'm not some gullible sheep here! I'd love for it to be free, who wouldn't? However, companies need money to do stuff. In your opinion, they don't.

    Reality would suggest one of us is wrong.

    reality is I have priced old version CMBN and new version CMFI with the same price, if they had said they would roll out new version while promoting or selling CMBN , I'm sure that I can wait.

    They have expressed their road map after old version CMBN sold out enough.

    Is it fair?

  4. Sorry togi, I've just reread the Upgrades Q&A thread in the CMFI forum, and it's stated outright that you will need v2 to play MG - so you either get it early and enjoy v2 goodness in CMBN and Commonwealth, or you get it in order to play MG further down the line.

    So yeah, $10 now or $10 later if you want to play MG.

    It's still not unethical or outrageous - I can't think of any other gaming company I'd rather give my £7.50 to - it's not like I'm not getting hours and hours of enjoyment from the money or anything...

    So Steve has changed his mind after seeing potential of customers like you

    I will try to find his expression on this, he said before


  5. Because CMBN is a different game. Its not CMFI and it took work to implement those changes into CMBN. Why is that so difficult to understand ? Why are you expecting something for nothing ?

    I bought Sins of a solar empire rebellion even though I had the original - it is exactly the same priciple. the other option is that we dont pay for the upgrade and BF dont make it. They are two developers and to ignore the economics of that is ridiculous.

    Personally I am glad they upgraded the game and am more than willing to pay the paltry sum (a couple of beers) that they asked for it. Jeez - given the game they have given us and continue to do so I dont get the mealie mouthed critisicm of this. Dollar for Dollar there is not a game out there that I get more play value out of.

    I'm sure that the codes had been easily adopted to CMBN from CMFI

    So it's not very big effort, if they had demanded 65 usd for CMFI forsake of the new engine , I could understand but now I couldn't understand.

    As I said before I will wait MG module for upgrading with no price


  6. Ten 2012 dollars won't get you out of the grocery store with a bag of snacks for the day. Ten 2012 dollars won't buy you a white cotton T shirt. Ten 2012 dollars won't even buy you ten Canadian dollars! :o

    BFC is not 'demanding' you do anything. They're 'providing' you with an opportunity. If you want you can happily play v1.11 until you're old and grey. Apparently some people are still happily playing CMBO a dozen years on.

    ...Except the Market Garden module won't work unless you've upgraded.

    No Steve has said before, MG will upgrade the base game V.2.0 , AFAIK

  7. hey weapon2010, I have paid 55 usd CMFI and CMBN, 35 usd for CW module. So price tag is not important for me to be outrageous, only important thing that is added value.

    V.2.0 added value had already paid in CMFI with the same price CMBN old version that I said

    So what is for this price?(Upgrading CMBN v.1.11 to V2.0)

    I know that I will get it while buying MG module - as ordinary 35 usd for modules - so what is for?

    this pricing has not meaning for me so outrageous for me


  8. I have bought all CM games as orginal from start point (Combat Mission Beyond Overlord)

    I have played all games with all my joy and I think all payments that had made are appropriate for me

    But V2.0 payment 10 usd is outrageous. And it's not logical and fair trade

    Because CMFI has priced as 55 usd (natural born with v2.0) as same with CMBN (old version v1.0)

    So why BFC demanding their game upgrade costs from me? - the v2.0 development costs has already paid in CMFI - am I right? (naturally they have to add V2.0 and already will add in MG module with the same price of CW module (35 usd), at least I think it must be so for customer care)

    So I will be waiting for MG module


  9. Hello Fuser,

    Sorry for my English usage first, because I 'm not a native speaker or writer


    I have played the game, US forces are very strong such an attack, there is no need a second company of Infantry for reinforcements, there may be enough one or two platoon infantry and one HMG team.

    Also there are 5 sherman in the game, may be max 3 sherman will be enough, you can think to add smoke amno in US mortars

    With these enhancements scenario will be hard and very entertaining

    Thanks for this good scenario

    Kind Regards

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