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Posts posted by togi

  1. Huh? What's your hurry? It's been less than half a year since FI came out. We had to wait years for BO plus a couple more for BB. Compared to that, BFC nowadays is releasing material at breakneck speed. Some people are complaining that they need more time to absorb each release...as well as to save up the funds for a new purchase.



    Hello Michael,

    I'm talking about not now , they have informed about their plans till mid of 2014 and no module planned for CMFI. I'm talking about this case.



  2. Togi,

    This should make you feel better...Steve mentioned this earlier in this thread responding to someone with your exact concern about CMFI...this should make you feel much much better!

    "Not to worry I purposefully did not add any specifics for Packs and probably left out a Module or two. The reason is we want that stuff to be flexible and pre announcing too far ahead doesn't help with that. Note that the only two Modules listed are the ones we have been talking about for a long time already."

    So I think you are going to have your add on to CMFI...hope that helps


    So good start point, but I haven't any info about what kind add ons? and when? for CMBN, they have been already decided, why we haven't info about CMFI road map ? why so late to release a module for CMFI?


  3. Steve has said often that they don't fancy going back to NAfrica any time soon. It's only in this latest round of announcements that the possibility of going back there has been admitted... I'd be extremely wary of calling FI "incomplete" until it gets an Africa module, if its putative incompleteness is going to affect your buying anything: that module may never appear.

    I think it's incomplete, this is point of my view, above is your point of view.

    The important point is, if they think to complete italy front (by containing AK or not), it should not be started after two years from main game release. you have to get this point. the game will be idle because of other fronts popularity. I didn't know this relax plan about CMFI roadmap while buying this game. It's very strange point.

    I remember BFC said the release plan is one year for main games and six months for modules

    So where is our CMFI modules? :-)


  4. CMFI was a nice surprise..maybe the Nice Surprise is something todo with CMFI. Who knows..most people want the EF over any other Italy modules..so majority rules. Just be happy that the Italy game came along out of the blue like that. Also there will always be use rmade scenarios etc..so it isn't as bleak as you make out. Finally Africa was never mentioned infact it was stated it wouldn't happen, they now say it might but isn't certain. So not sure why you think Africa is def on the list.

    If they are creating historical games for customers

    At latest stage:

    CMFI + CW + Road to Rome + AK should be equal intent with the CMAK

    CMBN + CW + MG + BB + last modul should be equal intent with the CMBO

    CMEF modul should be equal intent with the CMBB

    BTW, I want EF too. But while EF releasing , Italy theater will be uncompleted


  5. Hello,

    Also you can be a member of BOB CM gaming club

    You can find opponents ( or game partners ) easily, in this club, game results can be entered database of internet page. So you can track your game records any time.


    If you want, we can start a game and after then you can enter this club

    You can send me a game offer via thayret (at) gmail.com

    I prefer to play scenarios not QB battles.


  6. Hello Steve,

    I can't see any detailed explanation about schedule of CMFI product. we have bought this game and have completed stock scenarios as single player or multi. According to your schedule, it seems this product can't be touched till mid of 2014 and you had planned to touch new theater EF first. Why don't you plan to complete CMFI with North africa and Road to rome first? if I knew this schedule , I wouldn't buy and wait for the decision of completenes or completed product.

    In general , why do you complete theaters totaly before jumping to other? This will lead iddle products in our hands , because scenario creators will seperate their efforts too many theaters , that is my point of view , I can respect to others

    Note: Off course I guess the answer but I would like to listen from game creators for sureness. Also can you give us information about CMFI schedule? A you know , origin of this question for learning CMFI schedules.

    BTW: someones say QBs for an option, I don't like to play QBs, it's very hard to create balance with force selection and map manually so I like to play with tested scenarios


  7. Our schedule is a bit flexible, but as of now for 2013:

    Normandy 2.01 patch

    Normandy 1.12 patch

    Italy 1.02 patch

    Something Nice

    CMBN Market Garden

    CMEF 1 (1944-1945, starting with Bagration)

    CMSF 2 (introduces v3.0)

    For 2014:

    CM Bulge

    CMEF 2 (1943-1944, starting with Kursk)

    Various Packs sprinkled in here and there along the way. But it's too difficult to say what and when specifically.

    We have no plans on doing a North Africa game at the moment, but I wouldn't rule it happening.


    Steve, thanks for the bones, it seems that we will not visit Italy front till end of 2014 according to this schedule. will next visit be with V3.0 or we have to forget this front?


  8. There is a physical product version of the Upgrade if you want it. Available for sale already, so I kinda thought that would be a hint :D It comes with the new "game engine" printed manual we started using with Italian Front. So it's not just a disk, which would be silly since (as others have pointed out) one can burn a disk of any Battlefront product install at any time they want. Or put it on another hard drive or a flash drive. Activations only kick in when you try to, uhm, Activate :D


    can we get official explanation about the price tag of V2.0 + market garden bundle?


  9. I purchased the upgrade almost straight away since I love what you guys are doing with CM but the opening post still left a bit of a bad taste in the mouth. Was the attitude really necessary? I deal with customers face to face on a daily basis so I know how frustrating it can get, believe me, but I wouldn't get away with it. The core fanbase may be cool about it but it could put off potential customers and newcomers from joining the community.

    Anyways, thanks for the continual effort you put in with CM. Merry Christmas and the best of luck to you guys for the future!

    good point :-)

  10. I don't care I will keep on buying your products. They are THE BEST wargames out there, no question.

    Good luck to you.

    off course , I will keep buying their games and backing them but I'm not company owner or sharer so I have think after of my benefits too. this is typical and original customer behaviour, I start to think that many of these game players has company shares after reading all comments :-)


  11. It is not surprising that we have people complaining about the $10 charge for a MAJOR upgrade to CMBN. Also not surprising that it amounts to people wanting something for nothing. Let's look at the facts...

    1. We offer CMBN v1.0 for those who want it. When you make a purchase you are buying only what is included, not what is not included. Crazy concept, I know, but it's a pretty standard transaction for the last few thousand years. As such, people can either buy our products BASED ON WHAT THEY ACTUALLY HAVE or not. There is no third option.

    2. No game is ever without room for game experience improvements, new features, new content, etc. But since the initial purchase transaction is based on the features included, not those imagined for the future, there can be no expectations of future improvements beyond whatever the software developer promises. We promise technical fixes to existing features and occasionally some small improvements. That's all you get for your purchase price because that's all we're offering.

    3. Since new features don't magically appear out of thin air, we have to instead find people to make this stuff. Now get ready for a surprise... those people actually... stay with me now... want to get paid. Money! Yeah, WTF is up with that? Crazy stuff, but trust me it's true. If you can follow that logic so far, then maybe you can see how an Upgrade like this actually costs us a significant amount of money. Where does that money come from? You, of course. One way or another you, the customer, must pay for this work or there will be no Battlefront at all. If you're still confused, might I suggest some schooling in basic economics?

    4. The traditional game developer approach is to not offer Upgrades. Instead, when they add some new stuff they call it something different. Battlefield 2 players out there... how much did your upgrade to Battlefield 3 cost you?

    OK, so where does that put you, the person complaining about the $10 upgrade? In a world of make-believe world, unreasonable expectations based on absolutely no concept of our costs or industry standards. You therefore have some options going forward:

    1. Do no buy the Upgrades. They are for people who want new features not originally part of their purchase.

    2. Buy the Upgrade and be thankful we offer it at all. Most game developers do not offer an extension of their existing product, but instead charge full price for a new experience.

    3. Don't buy the game at all until you feel it is "finished". At some point we will stop making CMx2 games, and at that point you can pick it up for one price and have ALL the features everybody else paid for along the way. Of course they will have been playing for many years and you will have to instead wait many years. But that is your choice.

    4. Get so disgusted with us you stop buying our stuff entirely and instead buy someone else's highly realistic, 3D tactical combat games. Or just don't buy wargames at all. Your choice.

    The truth of the matter is we probably spent more making the Normandy 2.0 Upgrade than we will receive in revenues from it at $10 a unit. Does anybody think it's a good idea for us to lose money on what we produce? I mean, really... how long do you think we'll continue supporting a small, rather whiney niche market AND lose money doing it?

    The market will decide if this is a good strategy or not. The alternative is to either not make the Upgrades at all (i.e. you will NEVER see an improvement to the games you buy) or we will simply charge everybody $100 per base game and offer 3 or 4 Upgrades at no extra cost. But under no circumstances will we go out of business trying to satisfy people who obviously take great joy in being unreasonable.

    Bottom line here is if you don't value the features we've provided for $10 then don't buy it.


    Hello Steve,

    Thanks for your detailed explanation,

    First, I'm not native English speaker so sorry if I can't express clearly myself

    You have closed my original topic so I have to write down on this

    I'm your customer from the CMBO- I hadn't got CMBO directly BFC instead via retailer - till now, I'm from Turkiye and I think there aren't too many customers from here. Because I can't find anyone to play in Turkiye :-)

    As I said before, my thought is if you don't upgrade CMBN to V2.0, it will decrease your sales so it is a must for your company to sustain open this channel, people will not to buy old fashioned product with regards to the CMFI with same prices.

    So upgrading is a favour for you not only for your customers.

    So I was expecting to be distributed v2.0 via new module with no price in order to sustain in this channel, but you are calculating every penny that I understand. Are you following game markets? that' bad question, I'm sure you're following. The prices are declining day by day. I'm steam subscriber, I have grabbed one popular game - I don't want to give name - 9.99 usd only after 5 months later after release with a 49 usd price tag. So for getting more customer game developers also give something from theirs and not expecting all from customers.

    As I said before, I'm happy with BFC products and playing so I don't disregard this truce

    but my option is to wait MG module because I think you're not saint with your choice against your respectfull customers in this case.

    finally as a customer, I want only one time, MG module price has to be lowered such as 25 usd and V2.0 upgrading price as 5 usd while distributing MG module.

    P.S: if you promise to lower MG module price as 25 usd, I can buy today V2.0

    one reminder today is my birthday :-)


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