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Posts posted by togi

  1. I have no idea what you mean. But regardless, once the official announcement is made and the web page goes up, THEN you guys will know what's in it.


    I think Steve will understand

    please read my past message before, I mean that BFC has seen that they are selling more games or modules at first launch, so they don't need to lower price for the favor of ex-buyers (CMBN + CW owners) or they know that their ex-buyers would buy this game at first launch as majority. So they don't need any marketing strategy for ex-owner. Directly sell to milk the cows :-)


  2. How are they "rushing the game?" We've been waiting for it almost a year. We have barely gotten any info about it? LOL Now they are getting ready to release?

    Trust me, if BFC somehow gets 35 bucks out of you, they EARNED it. Steve just put out 50 dollars worth of arguing...and that's a conservative estimate.


    I mean majority mate not the man as clever you

  3. Not an option. The Module is priced at $35 because there is $35 worth of content. If you don't agree then you don't buy it. Same as every single product we've ever released. We are not going to give people discounts because they undervalue what is in a release.

    You have a choice to purchase or not purchase. That is the only choice you have. Accept this fact and move on. Please.


    Ok I will evaluate the module, perhaps you are seeing that bundle sells are lower than seperate game sells because of rush to the game while launched. So it seems profitable to milk the cows like us :-)

    May be I will be waiting your last bundle MG + Bulge because of your policy


  4. Steve:

    As someone interested in the micro-economic aspect of your business, I have a question. When it comes to modules, what percentage of the base engine owners actually buy them? Specifically, if you sold X units of CMBN, what fraction of X bought CW module (You should not count bundling, as the module is in a sense already discounted). If the fraction is very high , your pricing strategy is certainly the correct one.

    I guess my feeling is that if I did not already own the CW mod and the 2.0 patch, then MG would absolutely be worth $35.00 as I would be getting a bunch of new British forces including airborne, armor and infantry as well as some new SS units that I do not have. However, as someone who has CMBN 2.0 + the CW mod, I already have those units, so the new stuff seems a bit low. Perhaps it might be a good idea to offer the MG mod at a discount to CW mod owners.


    Very fair approach as a CW + CMBN owner with the 35 + 55 usd price tag

  5. Well you did claim that the bridge thing was a very common problem and when people replied that they didnt have the problem, you acted as if they were lying.

    And then you told Michael Emrys that "I'm sure that I'm better than you all the way in this game" which is hardly a mature behaviour.

    You also said this to me:

    You sounded snarky and offensive when saying that. (and as it turns out, the problem had been fixed a long time ago)

    You then went on to tell Steve that he was diverting the topic (which he was not, but you were. This thread was not about pathing problems with bridges)

    Also, saying this: "how can I pass famous Holland bridges while I can't pass even a fictive village bridge?" is a pretty combattive statement.

    After that you claimed that Steve was "leaving you all alone" when in fact he was trying to help you by suggesting things you could try to fix it.

    But since you cannot see the abrasiveness of your posts, im pretty sure this is not going to get through to you either.

    But you ARE acting childish and stubborn.


    are you an advocate?

    I was not saying that was a common problem, I have tried to identify my problem ,someone said to me that he had not problem with a scorning manner by sampling some science areas to me without help. I had to show my problem via a video because I had a problem, that was the reality according to me. What Steve suggested to me is trying demo another computer :-). Yes I'm sure it will be worked but my problem will not be solved.

    If I had not defined my problem in this topic, my problem would not be solved.

    Because there is no any info in manual or in game.

    So I'm happy about my problem has solved.

    So after solution of this problem, BFC have seen that some actions has to be taken in the program about "clicking precision on / off selection for ATI cards" is not needed from now on.


  6. Well, I was correct. It's an ATI driver issue. Sorta :D Which is why we haven't seen it much (I missed those earlier threads) and our testers weren't able to replicate it when the issue was brought up.

    This ATI mouse option was left in CM for a long time because it took a long time for ATI to fix the problem. IIRC it was almost a year after we got in the hack to get around their bugs (4 of them to be exact). Seems that now this feature should be removed. I've made a note of that.

    Back to Ian's surprise at video drivers having something to do with mouse clicks. Computers inherently only know 2D. 3D cards, and their drivers, support APIs (OpenGL and DirectX being the two big ones) which interface between the game, video card, and the OS (which interfaces with the hardware). In the case of ATI, they screwed up implementation of some specific OpenGL API calls that CM absolutely must have in order to function correctly. The result was the ATI driver passing bad coordinate information back to CM. Since CM must rely upon this information to know where the user is clicking, the game was incorrectly registering clicks. The reason it took ATI so long to fix it is very few game developers use these particular API calls because they are either using DirectX or not using the 2D/3D hybrid mode that CM requires. If Quake or Battlefield had this problem it would have been fixed the next day.

    Here's my standard advice when someone experiences a problem with ANY piece of software. This is good advice and I use it myself in my daily activities. The primary point is to see if others are having the same problem before assuming there's a widespread problem. If the feature is very common and the number of people experiencing problems is very low... then it's pretty clear that it is either a "user error" or something specific to other hardware and/or software. With this information you then try to narrow down the problem even further. If you can't find a solution then you go to tech support and see if they can help.

    What you don't do is assume that the developer is aware of this problem, it's a problem that affects everybody, and yet the developer doesn't care to fix it. Especially when the developer has a VERY long and VERY solid history of being extremely attentive to customer problems. Even ones that affect only a percentage of customers. Like the massive investment in time and energy we went through to work around the ATI bugs. It wasn't our fault ATI messed up, but we took responsibility and did our best to fix it as quickly as we could.

    Which is why I don't accept childish behavior as an acceptable way to handle things.

    That said, I'm glad that Togi's user specific problem is fixed. I can only hope that his attitude problem can also be fixed just as easily.



    I don't think that my behaviour is childish, I had a problem, I can't find a detailed information in your manual. In game menu, it's addressed as "it's preferable to use some ATI cards for increasing clicking performance". With this definition , "on" has to be selected for me.

    I didn't know which one is better "on" or "off"

    Please also take care with your attitude problem against a customer, beyond over that,against a human , by repeating every reply, by scorning

    Ok I understand you replied me , you have lost your uber precious time

    But your company learned that it's better to delete above "ATI clicking option" for preventing their user selecting as "on" while that is not needed

    please try to learn to listen your customer voices with a kind way before critisizing their behaviour as childish,

    I have been investing or buying your computer games - CM series- since CMBO time. I'm opening our national gamer forums some topics in order to be familirized my country people - I think there is no or limited people playing from Turkiye- to CM series.

    If I had acted with a bad way or swear something , I can understand.

    Thanks to all forum mates replying me and for solving my problem

  7. togi, I also have an ATI card (6850) and have just replicated your problem on Avanti, and hopefully have a solution for you.

    If you go to 'Options' you will see at the bottom a setting called

    'ATI left-click compatibility'

    I have this set to 'off' and I could plot a course across the bridge. When I switched that to 'on' your problem occurred.

    ok thanks for the help

    it works


  8. Togi, I haven't read through the entire thread but in case no one mentioned it, here's the solution to your problem. You inadvertently enabled 'ATI left-click compatibility' in the Options screen. Disable it.

    Edit: Ninja'ed by Underfire.

    Thank you very much mate

    Now I can click on the bridge and near of it


  9. You mean your off-topic, thread hijacking, selfish, single minded determination to get attention? Obviously you won't let me stick to the topic at hand, so here goes...

    Can you explain why you are pretty much the only person who CAN'T draw a path to the other side of a bridge? Or do you think all the other CM players either aren't using bridges or don't care to complain about not being able to move over them?

    I did. I've never seen that problem before and it certainly doesn't happen to me. Apparently it doesn't happen to anybody else as well. The fact that this might be a problem only with you hasn't occurred to you yet, has it? Well, I guess better late than never...

    Based on what I see there is obviously a bug. But that doesn't mean it's Combat Mission's bug. It could be in your card/driver combination because OpenGL mouse clicks require heavy interaction with cards/drivers. In fact, we had a major problem with ATI cards when we released CMSF. They had a serious bug (actually 4) in their drivers and they took about a year to finally fix it. Until then we had to code a special, not very good, work around for people with those ATI cards. You have an ATI card, yes? If so then maybe they broke something that.

    You say you don't have any problems with other games. Unless you're using an OpenGL game which uses 2D mouse clicks in a 3D environment, that means absolutely nothing. We are one of the only games out there that has this combination of things and that matters.

    My advice is to try playing the same scenario, with the same camera angles, doing the same things, on another computer. If you don't have another computer, maybe try the demo on someone elses' and see if you can replicate the problem.

    I don't know, but I'm guessing you'll be the only one who can't.


    PS. Note that my frustration with Togi is based on his behavior, not on the fact that he DOES have a legitimate technical problem. The problem isn't his choice or mine, but how he handles himself is. I have to deal with both issues and if anybody cares to notice I am.


    I have ATI card, I think that I'm not alone with this problem

    but it seems that you have an approach that I have to solve this problem with myself.

    I can't see a disclamer in store page about ATI cards may create some problems while buying these games.

    So it is not fair to leave alone your customers because of the cases they were not warned


  10. After watching your video I got curious and loaded up that scenario and tried to do what you were doing. I didn't have any trouble at all plotting a path across that bridge. Your video is strange though something weird is going on.

    thanks for the trial

    what is your gpu and processor?

    My system is

    8gb ram (2 x 4gb)

    ATI Radeon 7870xt

    fx8320 processor

    Kind Regards

  11. I've been managing these Forums since before Battlefront existed (back when it was Big Time Software). There's many, many patterns of behavior that are repeated over and over again. My "favorite" is this one:

    Person A behaves like a royal arse. Deliberately abusive, disrespectful of others, not the least bit interested in rational discourse, and very often (almost always, in fact) factually incorrect.

    Person B challenges Person A on tone and substance.

    Person C comes out of nowhere to say "typical. Try to criticize Battlefront or CM and you get slammed for telling the truth or having an opinion".

    Then you get the pile on effect of people either defending the original abusive poster as a martyr of truth, and the many more pointing out that the person is getting exactly what he deserves. And all the while we keep working on making Combat Mission and Battlefront better. Because that's what we have always done and will always do.

    Rinse and repeat :D

    All of us want CM to be better. Nobody wants it to be stagnant. The list of things which have been changed/improved over the years, many due to direct involvement with customers, is massive. Our track record, therefore, is clearly established fact. Anybody disagreeing with that has discredited himself as being out of touch with reality. Being rude about it, on top, is just more indication that the person's opinions have no relevance or value.

    Psychologists could write some pretty thick multi-book works about some of the things that go on here :D


    yes a good way divert the topic :-)

    Steve, can you explain why can't I draw a path other side of the bridge?

    can you check the video uploaded above post?

    how can I pass famous Holland bridges while I can't pass even a fictive village bridge?


  12. People (me included) are mostly annoyed because of two things:

    1: you come off as verry combattive and aggressive in your statements.

    2: you consistantly fail to realize that the things you ask for are things that are included in PATCHES and not MODULES.

    The difference is that a MODULE is basically a DLC or an Expansion.

    In most games that means they include new areas, new enemies, new weapons and new content in general, but not much in the way of bug fixes and gameplay changes.

    Patches are where gameplay is changed and where bugs are fixed.

    So where is the fix before introducing bigger bridges my friend?

    I can't pass the small bridge as it can be seen at above post attached video


  13. We've delivered performance and shadow improvements in the last few releases, for you folks who say you're having problems, and most of the feedback from those was extremely positive. Maybe you have driver issues; that's a common cause for idiosyncratic performance or display problems. Especially with AMD/ATI cards... their drivers ping-pong between incredibly buggy and somewhat fixed. (We actually had to create separate shaders for ATI cards with buggy drivers, because they literally *could not compile* common GLSL instructions. Figure that one out.)

    As for bridges and flamethrowers... I'll ask Steve to come comment on this. I'm just a programmer, who does indeed work very hard to try and exceed your expectations. :)

    I have latest ATI drivers catalyst 13.4

    I have zero problem at other games


  14. Yes. It's not exactly neurosurgery or rocket science. When the BN demo came out I had some problems with screwy behavior around bridges. But I quickly figured it out (probably with some help from other posters) and haven't had a problem since.


    I have been playing since first game out - from CMBO, I'm sure that I'm better than you all the way in this game, but the paths near the bridges are always problematic , I'm sure on that.

    See as below in the video from the scenario - called Avanti - from CMFI v1.10

    I'm trying to click the other side of the bridges , sometime failed , sometimes creating path under the bridge. it's free to try and you can see that, Mr. Scientist



  15. Well, they have corrected this issue. The fix is in the patch for CMFI. If you have CMFI and GL you can plot movement orders quite nicely around the bridge. I find it quite pleasant work work with.

    Fixes in the game are like playing leap frog. MGs get tweaked in CMBN next patch for CMFI the fix is in there. Bridge movement gets fixed in CMFI next patch for CMBN will likely have that fix too. Pay attention - the fix is nigh.

    Are you sure that?

    I was playing a tourney at Few good men gaming club.

    Map in this tourney has bridge and I can't plot on or next to the bridge easily

    Are we playing different games?

    I have 7870xt radeon card with fx8320 processor. And game is very slow.

    I couldn't understand this optimistic approach about optimization about game.

  16. I agree with Waclaw

    Can you draw a moving or running plot on a bridge correctly at one try?

    So why we have so big bridges without to be correctted this issue?

    Also we need performance issues to be handled in a module or a patch

    One scenario, I have to wait 2.5 minutes to load with high end system, I 'm sure it's better in CMX1 system

    Also they're opened a page in order to correct the graphical bugs, everyone issued the problems that have been seen by them, but we haven't seen any action or patch yet. (for 3 months)

  17. for example i am playing a pbem file size aproximetely 20 mb

    it takes over 2,5 mins with all settings are best

    i hope it will be sometimes dropped 30 secs

    my friends have not the game. I try to market the but loading times are matter

    Im not a programer but I think that something can be done at this sector


  18. hello

    I think that I have a computer near to the high end standarts.

    my computer specifications are

    8 gb ram

    vdeo card with 2gb ram Ati radeon 7870 xt

    fx 8320 processor

    why the game has so long load times for Pbem games?

    Why scenario battles loading times are so long?

    I can play all high end games flawless at ultra settings

    while making new modules please don't forget this area. because of this flaws my friends can't get in to this game


  19. let's talk on this good infantry tactic based scenario.

    I have played with germanside with elite level. It seems easier after 2.01 patch's machine gun boost. because german platoons have 2 mg gunner attached originally. author has commented to play with germans against AI

    any comments on that?


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