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Posts posted by togi

  1. Nice start. "Reconnaissance by fire" with tanks? shiiiiiiiiiiit. that's a job for infantry ! Go fish em out boys!

    Spoil alert:

    I didn't watch all video only first 5 minutes

    I agree with lookeylou, and I 'm sure while I had been playing this scenario, there was one AT gun behind of bocage seeing your enterence roads where you have entered first by tanks. So this tactics couldn't have been worked all the time..

    But good work

  2. Indeed you did, under the head line "WARNING" (of what I wonder?)

    "Hey I have seen your message before deleting from my post

    What is your goal while writing on your crappy thoughts?"

    That´s what I am talking about. What you saw was someone thinking about what they are saying, i.e. me. I realized that my wording was not conductive to a civilized discourse so I removed it and replaced the original text with one that was actually meant as a more or less friendly pointer to you. How about that?


    you have written to me " ignorant", and , you have used dick word against to me and after erasing of your thoughts you think that you're clean and faultless, you owe me an excuse

    and you're asking to me why I'm so offensive

    Are you kidding with me?

  3. Togi it is an AI after all. As far as I look at it, it is purely a training tool for when you play real live thinking opponents. Using that as a basis I think the AI is the best I have seen in 25 years of playing computer wargames.

    AI is good while in-game actions but bad at force selections.

    I have selected mix force type and computer for troop determination

    All I have seen is 11 ATG what's the logic of mix force selection?

    That's the case

  4. A tip Togi: Stop using the word "sucks" when referring to some ones work. In particular when the issue you are raising concerns but one tiny aspect out of thousands in what over all is a very good simulation. It´s rude and it makes you look bad no matter how relevant your reflections may be.




    sucks mean there is a problem in this area,may be a little bit rude but not a swear mean, I know this is a good simulation but I have to say my thoughts for correcting this fault or game progression

    As I post your private e-mail, you have written some abuse words to my personality before deleting the post this area, I saw , so you're the last man to give me above warnings for rude content.


  5. So 'slight spoiler' when setting up small QBs == '1-player QB sucks'. Fine.

    QB sucks because of unlogical force selection not selecting the troops myself

    If I select the troops that I know that QB does not suck but as I said before, selecting the troops myself causes a spoiler and I don't want to prefer this type selection.,

    This is my choice

    BTW, I want to explain clearly because your one sided equation seems wrong

  6. You can. Doesn't make it true though.

    There are several threads mentioning the AI's unfortunate selection of massed ATGs, particularly in small battles, and it's been mentioned pretty much every time that this is a bug that slipped through.

    You also don't need to play a human to avoid this. You lose some of the fog of war, but you can select the AI's forces yourself if you want.

    if I know AI forces , it will be a slight spoiler for me, so I don't want to select AI forces before the game

  7. I have arranged an QB , I would hope to make a probe against Americans with German Armored platoons

    1 company grenaider

    and 2 stuh 42 , 1 marder III M , 1 Pz IVH late

    I have seen that against me all opponent is famous 57 MM ATG , I have counted 11 ATG after battle..

    Where is infantry ? Or defense armor?

    That's my question?

    I can say that QB's suck except ones playing against Human Opponent

    Very annoying

  8. I totally agree this one , CM1 qb selection algortihm is better than this new counterpart but in qb's the troop type has to be selected / at least not mix only , a determined type / at first even in automatic buys in order not to be facing suprise results.

    I have tried several qbs but most enjoyable and balanced ones are mech infanty vs mech infantry types.

  9. very good game..

    In I have played against against Yankees with warrior settings, I have got major victory with superior German panzer assets. M10s and shermans can't reach to the town in order to help the defenders. Well positioned and hull downed Panthers are great killers..

    After I have played against Krauts with Elite settings , I have got a minor defeat, AI is clever, for example , I had killed one panther with a flank lucky shot from 76 W sherman and after completion of the game that I have seen is crew of the tank occupied the bridge flag . VEry cleverly ..

    Thanks to BFC for carrying the flag of good wargamer company to the upper levels.,,

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