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Mad Russian

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Everything posted by Mad Russian

  1. There is an article on Matthew Grace here: http://web.bcnewsgroup.com/portals-code/list.cgi?cat=43&paper=100&id=416731 This article gives a more complete history of his illness than my brief updates have done. He seems to be stablizing. Continue to keep him and his family in your prayers.
  2. There is an article on Matthew Grace here: http://web.bcnewsgroup.com/portals-code/list.cgi?cat=43&paper=100&id=416731 This article gives a more complete history of his illness than my brief updates have done. He seems to be stablizing. Continue to keep him and his family in your prayers.
  3. There is an article on Matthew Grace here: http://web.bcnewsgroup.com/portals-code/list.cgi?cat=43&paper=100&id=416731 This article gives a more complete history of his illness than my brief updates have done. He seems to be stablizing. Continue to keep him and his family in your prayers.
  4. There is an article on Matthew Grace here: http://web.bcnewsgroup.com/portals-code/list.cgi?cat=43&paper=100&id=416731 This article gives a more complete history of his illness than my brief updates have done. He seems to be stablizing. Continue to keep him and his family in your prayers.
  5. Soviet Army Order of Battle 1941-1945 (Paperback) Publisher: Game Book Marketing Co (February 1, 1993) ISBN: 0941052664 is based on German intelligence during the war. While that was pretty intensive the Soviet based material would be better. I have a copy of this work. If you need anything out of it send me an email and I'll see what I can do for you. Also, I have a pretty extensive listing of research that I have done on Soviet armored units down to the brigade and regimental level. There are some battalions listed. I have the source references for all of my research as well. If that interests you at all let me know.
  6. There is a new scenario posted to the Scenario Depot. It's called HSG AG The Panthers Roll. In it you play the AI and command a Kampgruppe of the 5th Panzer Division. Your mission is to stop the Russian spearheads from entering East Prussia. You have a COMPANY of Panthers to help you complete your mission. So, if you like playing with Panthers... And, if you like playing with lots of Panthers... Then, The Panthers Roll is for you... :cool: This scenario was researched and put together because my 5 year old Grandson loves to see Panthers kill Russian tanks. He is 5 years old and often plays CM with me. He already knows about Panthers and Tigers. My problem is what else does he have to look forward to in life when he has learned the really important lessons so early?! Have fun and enjoy the contest. It isn't a walk over but depending on which tactical choices you make it can be quite a contest.
  7. My email address for the HSG scenario pack is listed in this thread. Just email me and I will send you our most up to date scenarios.
  8. My personal email address is sro_cm@yahoo.com that will get you the HSG pack.
  9. Send me an email and I can send you the HSG scenario listings as well. They are all historically based.
  10. I found a surprising thing when I released two versions of the same scenario on the same day. I released a "vs AI" version and a "H2H" version (multiplayer) of HSG KC Major Bake on 16 December 2004. The AI version today has 397 downloads on the Scenario Depot while the multiplayer version has 129. In other words, for all the pomp and ceremony put forth about how players don't like playing AI scenarios, it appears to be the more downloaded version of the two. Now, I will readily admit that this is a single scenario sampling. The scenario in question is also part of a series that has been exclusively playtested and balanced for vs AI play in the past. This was the first attempt to include a H2H version of a Knight's Cross scenario. I agree that it is next to impossible to make a scenario that will play well vs the AI and human players. I think the scenario has to be balanced for one or the other. I often make versions for both but tend to do a few more vs the AI scenarios. With what the scenario above shows that seems to be the right direction to go for most gamers.
  11. The Proving Grounds has an entire section on game design tips and they are very good about answering questions. Some of the best scenarion designers out there are on The Proving Grounds. My suggestion is you should be too.
  12. I found a surprising thing when I released two versions of the same scenario on the same day. I released a "vs AI" version and a "H2H" version (multiplayer) of HSG KC Major Bake on 16 December 2004. The AI version today has 393 downloads on the Scenario Depot while the multiplayer version has 127. In other words, for all the pomp and ceremony put forth about how players don't like playing AI scenarios it appears to be the more downloaded version of the two. Now I will readily admit that this is a single scenario sampling. The scenario in question is also part of a sceries that has been exclusively playtested and balanced for vs AI play in the past. This was the first attempt to include a H2H version of a Knight's Cross scenario. As far as playbalance for a vs the AI scenario I routinely playtest my vs AI scenarios with a CEB of +2. That will allow for less experienced players to use either no CEB (computer experience bonus) or a +1 CEB and still get some enjoyment out of the scenario. It will allow them a chance to win or get a close game. At the same time it allows more experienced players an opportunity to apply a +2/3 CEB to get a more challenging fight. I never use a force % increase to balance my scenarios. I have used Bonus Points for playbalance but not as a general rule. I try to follow the KISS principle. Keep It Simple Stupid. Otherwise I get in trouble. IMHO, too many variables can spoil the scenario and make it next to impossible to balance. I agree that playtesting is the key. I had always heard that the AI wouldn't attack but I believe the KC series has proven that statement to be false. If you keep your map/forces/objectives balanced I think you can get the AI to do a pretty good job of attacking. I think that the smaller the map/forces/objectives the easier it is to get the AI to do what you want with it. I am eagerly awaiting the CMx2 AI to see what it will be capable of. There are now six Knight's Cross scenarios and four of those have the AI attacking. They are some of my most downloaded scenarios and have gotten very good reviews at the Scenario Depot and The Proving Grounds. HSG has other scenarios that have the AI attacking that do an equally good job. I was only using the Knight's Cross series as an example because it is designed to be played vs the AI.
  13. If you get CMBB the HSG Knights Cross series is known for the AI fighting. You could give them a try.
  14. If you go the Scenario Depot you will find many CMAK scenario for the NW European theater done by HSG. We have scenarios for Normandy, the Battle of the Bulge, the Ruhr Pocket, Canadian and British forces too. NW Europe is not left out only limited to a small extent. Take a look and see if any of our scenarios may be what you are looking for.
  15. I don't know what CEB you guys are using. I normally play with a +2. I have never yet had the priviledge of seeing the back side of a KT. They are always looking for me and NEVER leaving town... CSDT Bussard was the 2nd scenario I ever made with the CM editor. The scenario was never playtested by anyone but me. I made it to teach myself how to use not only the editor but armored combat. I have killed as many as 10 Russian tanks in that one but never the KV.
  16. Is there some reason that the author of the articles isn't shown?
  17. Nope it wasn't cheating. Pretty smart I would say. The whole idea is that killing 3 King Tigers with a T-34/85 isn't easy. Good job. Try some of the HSG scenarios for more historically accurate scenarios.
  18. No, no spoilers. This scenario is played against the AI. The Russian would have NO CHANCE vs a human player. The T-34 will kill all three. I've done it. The Crew just has to walk home when they are finished because the last KT always gets them too. Thanks for trying it.
  19. For a scenario that features the Sturmtiger try HSG EW Tiger by the Tail. It's a little different and it is a made to order playtested scenario. The scenario can be found at the Scenario Depot.
  20. Yes, of course, you can attack them with the SMG platoon. But that is not the goal of this scenario. The goal is to kill all the King Tigers with only the T-34. Can you do that? It makes the scenario very challenging if you try it that way. If you go back to the editor take out the SMG platoon and see what that does for you. It wasn't an issue in the original combat. It shouldn't be in this one either. I only put them in there because the AAR for the battle had them there. I should have pulled them out once I dropped the historical part of the scenario.
  21. No Warmonger's excellent scenario is historically accurate. Mine is not. I was doing research on the Lt. winning the Hero of the Soviet Union. I had just some basic information. Then I came across the same website that Warmonger used to make Road to Staszow. Up until that time I didn't realize that they were the same fight. By that time I had a working model of the map and scenario. It was so tough that I decided to release it a fictional engagment between the two. The goal is to kill all of the King Tigers while not losing the T-34. It is a very tough assignment. I have yet to get all of them and have the T-34 be healthy. Twice I have killed the last KT but was killed myself by the KT's return fire. Some day I'll get them.
  22. In October 1944, a lone Soviet T-34/85 supported by SMG platoon, held defence near Ogledow village, Poland. Meanwhile, sPzAbt501 which had gotten it's combat debut here in this same area just a month ago is coming back. The Germans want that village and will commit King Tigers to get it. Gds.Lt. Alexander Oskin (the commander of the Soviet tank,) from the 53rd Guards Tank Brigade, his T-34/85 excellently camouflaged, has decided to wait just a little longer. This is my first ever fictional CM scenario. It was the result of some bad research. When I finally got a map of this battle it was nothing like the map I had made. The scenario was so tough, and so different, I am releasing it to the Scenario Depot as is. This is in the same vein as the KC scenarios, only with the hero of the battle winning the Hero of the Soviet Union, instead of the Knights Cross. I have beaten this scenario...barely. I have never ended the scenario with the T-34 not having been knocked out. I have killed all the King Tigers, twice trading shots with the last one to have them both knocked out. This is one tough fight. If you like the KC scenarios I suggest you give this one a try. It is called HF Death Match.
  23. I thought I would share part of an email that Tom Grace sent me last night. I have an amazing story to tell you. The area where we will be setting up Matt's room is carpeted. So for hygienic and ease of movement of Matts equipment we decided to have the carpet removed and an laminated floor put in. We were given some money by an radio station in Calgary in December and thought we use it to pay for this project. I had to get on this fast as the hospital equipment will be arriving soon so I went to the local flooring store. This store is own by a family living about a block away and they have a son who is friends with Matt and they are Christians as well. I found the flooring we wanted and they even dropped the price from $2/square foot to $1.50/square foot which I thought was great. I went home and phoned my wife to update her then after I hung up the phone rang. It was the flooring supply store. They had decided to donate the flooring to us and install it as well. (I was going to have our church organize a work party to help me put it in) I was flabbergasted as we are talking about an $1000 floor!!!! I went back to show them what pattern we wanted. I was so grateful and over whelmed that I could not control my emotions and tears were flowing. They have already delivered the material and will put it in on Wednesday. Let me tell you the whole thing amazed me!!! God really works in amazing ways!! Well I hope to try out your operation. It may take a bit time if it is an large one. Does it matter what side I play. What is PBEM helper and where do I get it? Well gotta get to bed. I have to move furniture tomorrow!!!! Thank you for all your support for this family. God is good. We need but be faithful. Continue to keep the Grace family in your prayers. I believe that Matthew is scheduled to return home sometime in February. Steve
  24. I thought I would share part of an email that Tom Grace sent me last night. I have an amazing story to tell you. The area where we will be setting up Matt's room is carpeted. So for hygienic and ease of movement of Matts equipment we decided to have the carpet removed and an laminated floor put in. We were given some money by an radio station in Calgary in December and thought we use it to pay for this project. I had to get on this fast as the hospital equipment will be arriving soon so I went to the local flooring store. This store is own by a family living about a block away and they have a son who is friends with Matt and they are Christians as well. I found the flooring we wanted and they even dropped the price from $2/square foot to $1.50/square foot which I thought was great. I went home and phoned my wife to update her then after I hung up the phone rang. It was the flooring supply store. They had decided to donate the flooring to us and install it as well. (I was going to have our church organize a work party to help me put it in) I was flabbergasted as we are talking about an $1000 floor!!!! I went back to show them what pattern we wanted. I was so grateful and over whelmed that I could not control my emotions and tears were flowing. They have already delivered the material and will put it in on Wednesday. Let me tell you the whole thing amazed me!!! God really works in amazing ways!! Well I hope to try out your operation. It may take a bit time if it is an large one. Does it matter what side I play. What is PBEM helper and where do I get it? Well gotta get to bed. I have to move furniture tomorrow!!!! Thank you for all your support for this family. God is good. We need but be faithful. Continue to keep the Grace family in your prayers. I believe that Matthew is scheduled to return home sometime in February. Steve
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