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Mad Russian

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Everything posted by Mad Russian

  1. :confused: Yes, this scenario is designed for CMAK. Why would there be one designed for CMBB? You must mean CMBO. In which case I won't get to see it since I gave my copy away to a friend to get him started playing CM.
  2. I didn't have more than that about the breakdown of his record. I have reams of data about the man himself and his accomplishments. I find it interesting that the breakdown of his record is so hard to come by. He was an interesting man and tough as a boot. He and his tank crew were set to rotate back to the States on a war bond drive within days of the scenario. In fact as the briefing says his normal loader was having his hearing tested that day and they had a replacement in the tank.
  3. No, I did not find a breakdown. I am a few hours away from Fort Hood though and I'm thinking that they may have more information on him than I currently have. The Americans are touting him as the Greatest Tank Ace of the war. Saying he was better even than Wittmann. I can see the reasoning behind it. Knocking out 258 vehicles in 81 days in a Sherman is pretty impressive. The one thing that I did come up with, are quite a few action reports, that include his fighting Panther tanks. Seems he made a career out of knocking out Panthers. Even though he was in a 76mm armed Sherman that is a recipe for disaster. The story of his last action which the scenario is based on, is a bit confusing. It mentions a heavy AT gun but never says who hits the Sherman. In another article it flatly states that it was a Panther that got the Sherman. Either way his record is impressive. Sorry I didn't have more than that. Hope it helps. If I find more I'll bring it to the forum. </font>
  4. I have the book on Kharkov and found it to be as well written as the rest of Glantz's books. It depends on which Kharkov fight you are looking for. The famous SS recapture of Kharkov is covered very well from the German side by George M. Nipe, Jr. in "Last Victory in Russia: The SS-Panzerkorps and Manstein's Kharkov Counteroffensive February-March 1943". It's a bit pricey but there are a couple of scenarios on every page of that book and it is 353 pages of text. Kharkov is my favorite battle ground and this covers the time period better than any other single volume I've ever seen.
  5. Thanks for the compliments. I'm glad that you liked them. They are not related in any sense other than once we are finished you can fight the 3rd Armored Divisions major engagements in order if you like. Since they are not related they can also be fought as stand alone scenarios. If you post your scenario to The Proving Grounds I'll take a look at it. Along with a couple dozen other guys...
  6. You need to send these to The Proving Grounds. http://the-proving-grounds.com/index.html Playtesting scenarios is what they do. Well, ANYTHING to do with playtesting scenarios is what they do. Well, if you have a CM scenario it's what they do! The Proving Grounds offers playtesting, opponents, reviews for playtested scenarios, design tips, internet links, research material and all in a friendly atmosphere. Just the right place for budding scenario designers. Historical research is high on the list of support issues at the site as well. Send it on over and let them tell you how your scenario stacks up.
  7. LOL!! Tom didn't know I put these messages on most of the forums here at the BFC boards. Here is an updated post he put on the one he found. Old Warmonger Junior Member Member # 7057 posted December 22, 2004 01:08 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi I would like to thank everyone for thier prayers and support. Matthew is improving every day and we are hopeful that this will continue. This is the first time I've had a chance to get to the forum and read your posts. I thank you all your encouragement! I would also like to thank Steve for updating this thread. The world wide support and prayers are amazing and the effect on my son has been wonderful. We are hopeful that our son will be able to come home soon. Thanks so much! Tom "Warmonger" Grace
  8. LOL!! Tom didn't know I put these messages on most of the forums here at the BFC boards. Here is an updated post he put on the one he found. Old Warmonger Junior Member Member # 7057 posted December 22, 2004 01:08 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi I would like to thank everyone for thier prayers and support. Matthew is improving every day and we are hopeful that this will continue. This is the first time I've had a chance to get to the forum and read your posts. I thank you all your encouragement! I would also like to thank Steve for updating this thread. The world wide support and prayers are amazing and the effect on my son has been wonderful. We are hopeful that our son will be able to come home soon. Thanks so much! Tom "Warmonger" Grace
  9. LOL!! Tom didn't know I put these messages on most of the forums here at the BFC boards. Here is an updated post he put on the one he found. Old Warmonger Junior Member Member # 7057 posted December 22, 2004 01:08 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi I would like to thank everyone for thier prayers and support. Matthew is improving every day and we are hopeful that this will continue. This is the first time I've had a chance to get to the forum and read your posts. I thank you all your encouragement! I would also like to thank Steve for updating this thread. The world wide support and prayers are amazing and the effect on my son has been wonderful. We are hopeful that our son will be able to come home soon. Thanks so much! Tom "Warmonger" Grace
  10. I think you need to make a small scenario or two before you tackle this monster. IMHO, you need to learn to walk before you can run. And what you are proposing is an Olympic class race. I know of no scenario like you describe already finished. This sounds more like an operation to me.
  11. No, I did not find a breakdown. I am a few hours away from Fort Hood though and I'm thinking that they may have more information on him than I currently have. The Americans are touting him as the Greatest Tank Ace of the war. Saying he was better even than Wittmann. I can see the reasoning behind it. Knocking out 258 vehicles in 81 days in a Sherman is pretty impressive. The one thing that I did come up with, are quite a few action reports, that include his fighting Panther tanks. Seems he made a career out of knocking out Panthers. Even though he was in a 76mm armed Sherman that is a recipe for disaster. The story of his last action which the scenario is based on, is a bit confusing. It mentions a heavy AT gun but never says who hits the Sherman. In another article it flatly states that it was a Panther that got the Sherman. Either way his record is impressive. Sorry I didn't have more than that. Hope it helps. If I find more I'll bring it to the forum.
  12. "Panzer Aces" is a main source for the scenario. It plays well either vs the AI or H2H depending on which version you want to play. I could be a little biased in that opinion though...
  13. The "green" infantry are rear area support troops that found themselves in the middle of a tank fight. If you put them hiding with covered arcs they'll do okay. If you move them around the Russians will eat them up and spit them out. :eek: Glad you liked it. Does this mean that I can expect a review, or not as the case may be... :confused:
  14. Another Matthew Grace update: HI I am happy to report that Matt is continuing to slowly improve. Matt has completed most of his Radiation with only 8 radiation treatments left to do. His last treatment will be on December 31st! Today the doctors actually let us know that they expect Matt will be able to go back to Golden in the new year!!! We are now in the home planning stage...The doctors here and at home will meet soon for a teleconference to prepare everyone for the move to the Golden hospital. He will have to stay in the hospital in Golden until we have everything prepared at home. (But at least we will be back in our own town.) Nurses are in the process of being trained to watch him at night so we can get some sleep. Wendy and I have also been trained to look after Matthew's trach and G tube. We will now look at our home situation and how we can make it wheelchair assessable. This will require a lot of preparing and renovations but just having him back home in the Golden hospital will be such a blessing till we can get the house ready for him. Of course we are praying that he will regain his ability to walk but that is in God's hands. Matt was so happy today, as it was okayed for him to "Taste" food, The nurse brought him chocolate syrup and he was able to lick a candy cane........ he can't eat food as of yet, but just the taste was heaven........ However the doctor was able to get a gage reflex out of him today!!! If this continues to improve it might mean that we might be able to get rid of the trach and G tube which would make home care so much easier. We are really praying for that! They also worked out a way that he can e-mail his friends so, he has already started the process and will be able to send them off soon. Mike, Nick, Wendy and I are doing well. They were right about the hospital being a special place at Christmas time. They are always entertaining the patients and lots of cheer.... We are all doing a lot of laughing...... oh which reminds me, Matt can now use his talking trach and sounds a lot like a boy on helium ........ ha ha he's great at the munchkin song from the wizard of oz.... follow the yellow brick road.... We are not out of the woods yet as only time will tell how effective the radiation treatment is but it is so nice to see Matt smile and laugh again. It is already hard to believe that he is the same boy who the doctors were so worried about only a few weeks ago. We are looking forward to spending Christmas with Matt in the childrens hospital. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and thank you all for your prayers and support. Tom Wendy Micheal Matthew and Nick
  15. Another Matthew Grace update: HI I am happy to report that Matt is continuing to slowly improve. Matt has completed most of his Radiation with only 8 radiation treatments left to do. His last treatment will be on December 31st! Today the doctors actually let us know that they expect Matt will be able to go back to Golden in the new year!!! We are now in the home planning stage...The doctors here and at home will meet soon for a teleconference to prepare everyone for the move to the Golden hospital. He will have to stay in the hospital in Golden until we have everything prepared at home. (But at least we will be back in our own town.) Nurses are in the process of being trained to watch him at night so we can get some sleep. Wendy and I have also been trained to look after Matthew's trach and G tube. We will now look at our home situation and how we can make it wheelchair assessable. This will require a lot of preparing and renovations but just having him back home in the Golden hospital will be such a blessing till we can get the house ready for him. Of course we are praying that he will regain his ability to walk but that is in God's hands. Matt was so happy today, as it was okayed for him to "Taste" food, The nurse brought him chocolate syrup and he was able to lick a candy cane........ he can't eat food as of yet, but just the taste was heaven........ However the doctor was able to get a gage reflex out of him today!!! If this continues to improve it might mean that we might be able to get rid of the trach and G tube which would make home care so much easier. We are really praying for that! They also worked out a way that he can e-mail his friends so, he has already started the process and will be able to send them off soon. Mike, Nick, Wendy and I are doing well. They were right about the hospital being a special place at Christmas time. They are always entertaining the patients and lots of cheer.... We are all doing a lot of laughing...... oh which reminds me, Matt can now use his talking trach and sounds a lot like a boy on helium ........ ha ha he's great at the munchkin song from the wizard of oz.... follow the yellow brick road.... We are not out of the woods yet as only time will tell how effective the radiation treatment is but it is so nice to see Matt smile and laugh again. It is already hard to believe that he is the same boy who the doctors were so worried about only a few weeks ago. We are looking forward to spending Christmas with Matt in the childrens hospital. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and thank you all for your prayers and support. Tom Wendy Micheal Matthew and Nick
  16. Another Matthew Grace update: HI I am happy to report that Matt is continuing to slowly improve. Matt has completed most of his Radiation with only 8 radiation treatments left to do. His last treatment will be on December 31st! Today the doctors actually let us know that they expect Matt will be able to go back to Golden in the new year!!! We are now in the home planning stage...The doctors here and at home will meet soon for a teleconference to prepare everyone for the move to the Golden hospital. He will have to stay in the hospital in Golden until we have everything prepared at home. (But at least we will be back in our own town.) Nurses are in the process of being trained to watch him at night so we can get some sleep. Wendy and I have also been trained to look after Matthew's trach and G tube. We will now look at our home situation and how we can make it wheelchair assessable. This will require a lot of preparing and renovations but just having him back home in the Golden hospital will be such a blessing till we can get the house ready for him. Of course we are praying that he will regain his ability to walk but that is in God's hands. Matt was so happy today, as it was okayed for him to "Taste" food, The nurse brought him chocolate syrup and he was able to lick a candy cane........ he can't eat food as of yet, but just the taste was heaven........ However the doctor was able to get a gage reflex out of him today!!! If this continues to improve it might mean that we might be able to get rid of the trach and G tube which would make home care so much easier. We are really praying for that! They also worked out a way that he can e-mail his friends so, he has already started the process and will be able to send them off soon. Mike, Nick, Wendy and I are doing well. They were right about the hospital being a special place at Christmas time. They are always entertaining the patients and lots of cheer.... We are all doing a lot of laughing...... oh which reminds me, Matt can now use his talking trach and sounds a lot like a boy on helium ........ ha ha he's great at the munchkin song from the wizard of oz.... follow the yellow brick road.... We are not out of the woods yet as only time will tell how effective the radiation treatment is but it is so nice to see Matt smile and laugh again. It is already hard to believe that he is the same boy who the doctors were so worried about only a few weeks ago. We are looking forward to spending Christmas with Matt in the childrens hospital. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and thank you all for your prayers and support. Tom Wendy Micheal Matthew and Nick
  17. Another Matthew Grace update: HI I am happy to report that Matt is continuing to slowly improve. Matt has completed most of his Radiation with only 8 radiation treatments left to do. His last treatment will be on December 31st! Today the doctors actually let us know that they expect Matt will be able to go back to Golden in the new year!!! We are now in the home planning stage...The doctors here and at home will meet soon for a teleconference to prepare everyone for the move to the Golden hospital. He will have to stay in the hospital in Golden until we have everything prepared at home. (But at least we will be back in our own town.) Nurses are in the process of being trained to watch him at night so we can get some sleep. Wendy and I have also been trained to look after Matthew's trach and G tube. We will now look at our home situation and how we can make it wheelchair assessable. This will require a lot of preparing and renovations but just having him back home in the Golden hospital will be such a blessing till we can get the house ready for him. Of course we are praying that he will regain his ability to walk but that is in God's hands. Matt was so happy today, as it was okayed for him to "Taste" food, The nurse brought him chocolate syrup and he was able to lick a candy cane........ he can't eat food as of yet, but just the taste was heaven........ However the doctor was able to get a gage reflex out of him today!!! If this continues to improve it might mean that we might be able to get rid of the trach and G tube which would make home care so much easier. We are really praying for that! They also worked out a way that he can e-mail his friends so, he has already started the process and will be able to send them off soon. Mike, Nick, Wendy and I are doing well. They were right about the hospital being a special place at Christmas time. They are always entertaining the patients and lots of cheer.... We are all doing a lot of laughing...... oh which reminds me, Matt can now use his talking trach and sounds a lot like a boy on helium ........ ha ha he's great at the munchkin song from the wizard of oz.... follow the yellow brick road.... We are not out of the woods yet as only time will tell how effective the radiation treatment is but it is so nice to see Matt smile and laugh again. It is already hard to believe that he is the same boy who the doctors were so worried about only a few weeks ago. We are looking forward to spending Christmas with Matt in the childrens hospital. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and thank you all for your prayers and support. Tom Wendy Micheal Matthew and Nick
  18. Achtung!! Achtung!! Achtung!! Tank attack in Munsterbusch, Germany!! The American tank ace SSG Lafayette Pool is about to return to the United States. This is his last engagement in Europe before being sent home. Can you keep him alive to go home and do a war bond tour? The 3rd Armored Division has been fighting the 9th Panzer Division for nine days now. Can you finally breakthrough their lines just to the east of Aachen? This is the first of 3 scenarios in the 3rd Armored Division series dealing with the tank ace SSG Lafayette Poole. In 81 days, the SSG and his crew, destroyed over 258 German vehicles, killed over 1,000 enemy soldiers, and captured more than 250 more enemy soldiers. Are you good enough to be an American tank ace? While fighting in a Sherman tank? I guess we are about to find out aren't we?! This scenario is being playtested at The Proving Grounds right now. Join up and tell me what you think of it. We need a few good playtesters... http://the-proving-grounds.com/index.html Good Hunting.
  19. FUN? FUN? You think defending a village in the middle of the night, in a dense fog, against 3 months worth of Soviet production of T-34's, with some old beat up PzIV's is FUN? :mad: If you do, then you'll like this scenario... Don't forget the other HSG KC scenarios while you are there. :cool: Good Hunting.
  20. There are hundreds of scenarios for CMAK that take you back to NW Europe so what are you waiting for? Good Hunting.
  21. HSG has a Battle of the Bulge series of scenarios on the Scenario Depot. You can relive some of the Bulge's most intense battles with our scenarios. Do a search in CMAK for battles/operations that have HSG in the title. They will be the ones with a B immediatley following the HSG. There are 7 battles and 3 operations available. HSG ASSENOIS ASSAULT is also a Bulge scenario. Good Hunting.
  22. For anyone wanting to go the Bulge in CM, HSG has a Battle of the Bulge series. Search the CMAK section, at the Scenario Depot, for HSG scenarios. Any that have a B immediately after HSG will be Bulge scenarios. Enjoy! Good Hunting. [ December 17, 2004, 06:19 AM: Message edited by: Panther Commander ]
  23. Thanks for your comments. I look forward to what you think of the first tank battle of the series. Like all the KC series this battle is not for the faint of heart. Whether you are a veteran player or looking to become one this scenario should hold up well. As always the playtesters really liked this one. (If they don't really like the scenario you never get to see it.) The combination of dusk and heavy fog results in an environment where engagement ranges are right around 70 meters. Anything can, and usually does, happen at those ranges. :eek: Glad you like the series. There are more on the way. Good Hunting.
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