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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. 1 Sept 40 Gbp already jet 2!!!!!! suez taken Bergen taken by allies beirut taken by allies allies hitting bruessels and harbour
  2. July 40 -Vichy and Norway converted despite heave presence of allied navy in the med which destroys two italian ships..but all ships damaged
  3. 23 June Axis prepare for norway and vichy allied fleet retreats from the med
  4. Turn 9 (May ´40) Paris in axis hand (one turn ealier than expected) axis air in sicily Italian ships destroy french corps near the coast of italy [ April 30, 2004, 03:41 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  5. Turn 8 Axis tank next to paris allied left maginot axis form a line from southwest to brussel down to switzerland paris supposed to be death in 2 turns
  6. Turn 7 Another 2 fr. Armies killed german corps 2 hex from paris maybe it will be killed munich recaptured
  7. Turn 6 Breakthrough Bloodhex taken Elbow disrupted too 3 tanks are working now
  8. Turn 5 Fr. Army survived with 1 no breaksthrough manstein assigned + one new AF next turn its breakthrough time
  9. Turn 4 Game over for Poland and Denmark Battleship sunk near denmark German corps killed and Bloodhex retaken Subs dead next round
  10. Turn 3 Allied drinking beer in munich Poland still fight Breakthrough in France Denmark down to 1 french cruiser sunk allied battleships in northsea
  11. 2 Turn Poland still fight...LC worked but had to use a corps so the ardennen wood is open. Denmark pinged subs running
  12. Got axis with 185 Bid (1/5/20) This game is a revenge for my teammate zapp. 1 Turn Subs raid Warsaw corp dead but Warsaw not taken used 2 Air,1 Army,1 Tank,1 Corps for this Blitz weak LC but with rundstet it should work [ April 30, 2004, 03:50 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  13. why you dont show us any progress of the game CT? Dev is not writing alot too in the PL Forum. We wanna know what happens.
  14. And the young Luke Dragonheart is training new warriors too.......just a hint ask Comrade Trapp
  15. If i make a short summary of all your wishes and implementations for SC 2 I have to ask you how long are you willing to wait for your opponents turn.? 10 min? 20 min? 30 min? or even a hour? Only few examples….. You want a larger map – ok great idea but larger map is more time consuming by finding and picking your units You want a selection of Hq – its just a klick more but maybe you need some time to think about Pre-Turns, Minors Set Up etc – also a nice feature but another couple of minutes lost Input of names for units – what for? Politics and diplomatic options – to much time consuming in a turn based game More different units – even more micromanagement Don’t misunderstand me… many ideas a really great but I worry about the playability of SC2 via TCIP.
  16. Not true they were all sleeping ..only his faithfully mentor Dragonheart was watching.
  17. Some_God Sombra is waiting for you...contact him or write an answer into this tread http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=003596
  18. Some_God Sombra is waiting for you...contact him or write an answer into this tread http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=003596
  19. Paris??? i never saw paris....Poland decided to fight until turn 6 and the corps in Warsaw surived 2 times with 1 strengh... denmarks survived 3 times with 1 strengh... it was a nightmare....
  20. Just to let you know when i lost last time in france this was with just 170MPP ag Avatar... Sometimes its not a matter of MPP but also of bad luck....ask him about this game...this will give you a laugh.... it was really unbelieveable....hopefully this will never happen again ....
  21. Nope my bid ag amadeus is higher but it is not GBP related which can mean the early end of the axis. 250 is more in points though....250/1000/5000 :eek:
  22. Man what huge bids you are playing in this PBEM league??? I did not use the 1:8 System for a long time as we rather use 1:5:20 System now. But 1:8 is GBP related with 400 i stop you 8 out of 10 times in france. So imagine what i will do with 525....and you tell me normally you would go higher.....well did i miss something in Currys League :eek: Well i m happy that the US player has to play axis with this bid...so we should have our first point soon. Europe for ever !!!!!!!! LOL Good luck wehrmacht
  23. Puhh you are a poker player? With this bid GB should be able to stop axis in france. Go for it
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