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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. Feb 42 -All minors converted exept tuerkey -heavy airfights in france -Riga and Odessa are axis meanwhile
  2. 11 Jan ´42 -Remaining Border Armies killed -Irak surrendered -Greece still fight, Swiss too -Allies have a bridgehead in Bruessels -Beside my tank tech a very low tech game so far
  3. Dez ´41 Barbarossa time -all border Armies killed or cut off, both tank dead, 1 AF killed -Greece,Irak,Swiss dowed -Allies make pressure in the west -Germany HT 2
  4. Aug 41 -Gibraltar captured -Middle east all axis -Jet 1 germany, O for gbp
  5. 7 July 41 -Egypt will fall next turn -Tangier and Algier captured by allies -Yugo dead last turn -a lot of raiders moving arround
  6. June 41 -Spain converted -Yugo after coup still alive -Egypt still allied -Two engl. ships sunk there -Still at least 3 corps + 2 AF to defend there
  7. Feb 41 -Schweden converted -all allies joined -heavy resistance in egypt
  8. Nov 40 -Vichy and Norway converted -Schweden Dowede -allies have air in egypt
  9. Aug ´40 -alot of transport near oslo it seems rambo wanna grab norway...let´s see what this gamble will bring for him -preparing as well for norway and vichy
  10. Good attack in France so far despite heavy english involvement...axis stand 2 hex in front of paris....almost soft units left. Denmark will fall next turn.
  11. 2 Turn - LC and poland surrender - british navy is showing up in the northsea and are under attack from one sub and cruiser...battleship survived with strengh 1
  12. 1 Turn -Took warsaw turn 1 but poland did not surrender -2 pol. Armies damaged -Denmark Dowed and pinged by cruisers
  13. In a counter a got a chance to kill a german HQ...tried to kill with two understrengh AF...both lost...but one german air too. Russians try to pocket german forces arround minsk?....no sibirians arrival in this game....can believe that my forces are too strong....why always me?? grrrrrrrr
  14. Russia holding still quite good but i fear rambo wanna finish off the english...all carriers now in the channel.
  15. russia built up a good defence line....now lossis in russia for some period.... In the west allied captures undefendet Gibraltar and Tangier...some mistakes from rambo....but he dont care i think
  16. russians withdraw.....no way to stop germans so near there own cities the west is more or less helpless ..to less mpp
  17. Our game is more important that ice-hockey Rambo has the edge now...
  18. The remaining yanks left france.....russia tries again to attack..but how long?
  19. This helped Curry....Russia Jet 2 now and AT 1 but its to late i think....the game broke within the turns i had no tech.....now is going to be very difficult. German army center North cut off from supply...several armies and corps surroundet...Rommel took at hit down to 6.
  20. Paris recaptured by axis Leningrad taken Its not looking good at all
  21. Russia struggels....no tech so far that sucks...i was relying on that bastards!!!!!! In the west paris is now allied..and one carrier in the harbour was killed....so one pain less.
  22. Axis have AA4 killing one russian 0lvl AF with one shoot....all other russians heavily damaged too....i need russian jet tech or i will loose. In the south russian crossed the border to hungary and rumania..but the defence is standing good there. Another AF was killed due AA bug in the west . Sombody should forgid rambo to invest in AA Axis has now MPP advantage...something has to be done...and this quick !!!
  23. Jan 41 ÚSA joins the odd thing is normally should Russland declare war on Axis but this did not happen......Rambo was gamling with high risk in my opinion... Babarossa time then.........
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