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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. Man !! i did !! i used this ****ing polish fighter unfortunately it was already on str 2 when i attacked and suddently he vanished ROFL
  2. To make an absolute ranking is very difficult. One reason is that one need many games to find out who is better...on the other hand what is in the case you kicked another players ass 10 times but this guy gets better and better and is learning fast and finally he wins ag you then your statistic shows a 10:1 but are your really better then? Another problem is when you verify different stats...let´s make an example Zapp vs Rambo 5:1 Rambo:DH 5:1, DH:Zapp 5:1 ...who is now better as the other one?? You see ranking is not all on the world and everybody will have another view...but in this case i agree with zapp´s ranking. ...this one suits best for me LOL
  3. Wednesday game? huh i cant remember..some names are in my mind Drake,Bocaj,Temujin,Patoche,Sanders,Juv,Devil...toname some.....EU2 was great fun for me and i performed very good for my first EU2 MP game before i tried even HOI...but this was during my burnout time from SC.... Its very diffucult to be excellent in more games .you have to concentrate on one thing..or you are just "good" in all of them. Currently i maxed out my Axis game optimising the combination of LR,AA,HQ command ...etc ... for me it was a puzzle i linked together all things i saw concerning this matter and created my ultimative strategy. But i agree with Terif that this AA strategy is destroying a decent game and in future i will also play with AA rule. But sorry for all ongoing games ...with zapp,avatar and some others....i will kick your ass one more time ....and also without this strategy i m a bad ass player
  4. As this is our regame according PL-Rules i m allied this time with 225 BID (1:5:20) DOW and Landing rule + AA rule Short report what happend so far. - Poland surrendered turn 4(no breakthrough) - Denmarc on turn 3 - LC turn 2 - Subs did some damage on one carrier - France was very annoying for me Axis had an early breakthrough through wood hex but i could fight back with help of french HQ and saved the day....in some counters i managed to kill 1 tank and 3 corps and damaging other units. Everything was running fine but then i did one bad mistake killing a corps outside Paris leaving my tank with 9 strengh...Terif took this chance and managed to kill my tank in paris. (7july40) Result was very bad for me -tangier corps not saved 125 -4 british corps not saved 500 -1 british army not saved 250 -1 french army not saved ~100 -paris fell 1 or 2 turns earlier -due to earlier fall could not repair the 1st saved french army and could not sell my hq -early loss of the two frechn cities+ports Total MPP loss of this action was app. 1250 MPP Well there are alot of things caused due to this mistake...until this point it was a great france defence.... The following things were the usual procedere....vichy,norway,sweden,spain,yugo,med,etc...nothing special as i had not the ressources to intervene. The only thing to mention is that i tryed a new thing called "Kill the IRA" its simple that i did not take Irland but trained my carriers on the city...but this thing is too costy to pay off...so dont do the same Now we are a couple of turns before barbarossa and Terif had endless time to prepare...guess what will be the outcome Well everything will depend on my russia game this time ...maybe i should use my sombra tactic hehe but against Terif? Well we will see but dont expect me to win every time ag Terif...i m happy to win every 20th game.
  5. TERIF SURRENDERS GAME WON!!!! Edit: Before he surrendered he killed one last army in our battle in sweden securing the house of zapp and destroyed his house ..ROFL [ November 26, 2004, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  6. March 1944 -2nd Carrier sunk -strong forces in sweden now airsupport for both sides present. -corpkillingprocess in russia continues -zukov is still on trainingmission in turkey
  7. Dez 1943 -Vronozeth captured -Operation frozen eagle started to secure sweden -no interception anymore in the west
  8. Nov 1943 -Advancing in the east ..one corps one army destroyed -one carrier sunk, one ship sunk -yanks are landing in abandomned Oslo going for sweden
  9. 17 Oct 1943 -axis tank destroyed -as retailiation i destroyes 2 tanks,1 Army one corps -heave airbattles in the west...carrier under direct attack -two ships sunk
  10. -in the west its quiet beside that carriers are training in Oslo -in the east eacht turn one unit of the russians is dying
  11. 25 July 43 -this attack on finland was no fake...he cut off my supply there and hurt some units afterwards -as retailiation i captured moskov -very quiet in the west almost to quiet -very long frontline in russia now
  12. ok lets go as expected duenkirchen 3 is performed...the remaining forces are destroyed by italians and germans. In the east russia makes a fake attack towards finland...or maybe its no fake germany is again regrouping minor battles in Tuerkey going on
  13. A better solution would be if there is no tech race and the luck factor is nullyfied. When invested a certain amount into a tech a country will get this tech on a fixed date which is also historical accurate. Let´s say the germans will get better tank tech when developping the Panther Series, the next step when developing the tiger series (1942-43). The same procedere for airuntits ..where the Messerschmitts should give a huge boost. The starting tech like in SC1 is a good idea but have to be reworked a bit. Concerning IT germany could start with a higher IT-Tech and can even gain during the first years but later in the game they will get drained some levels in this tech to simulate the reduction of their production due to bombing raids of the allies. Just my thoughts
  14. This bug was giving your style of playing a boost rambo as it favours your Rack-Strategy. When receiving enough tech in time and not stopped earlier in the game, you prooved to be unstopable with this tech when playing axis. I manged it only once to win despite missing an early allied advantage but i had to give up hole northern russia without a fight for that.
  15. Your answer sounds kinda gay. Moderaters stop Kuni from making such gay treads.ROFL
  16. Hey you are not Rambo I you are Rambo III so read that, learn that and shut up newb. LOL
  17. To be an excellent player one need a lot of qualities. PATIENCE - helps alot when having bad rolls you try the rite tactic again and again until it works for you. When the other player defends well you keep your way and dont risk to much even your conquest will last longer. When the SC-God doesnt like you and you dont get tech..to step back and make the best with your opportunities until you catched up. BASIC KNOWLEDGE ABOUT GAME MECHANICS - to know everything about the game mechanics (Russian border thing, supply etc.) SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE ABOUT SPECIAL EVENTS -to know how to counter special strategies (Gambits, Rocket Strategy,Sub Stragegy,AA-Strategy etc) TO HAVE A GOOD STRATEGIC PLAN - to know what you wanna reach and how to reach TO KNOW WHEN YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR ORIGINAL PLAN - many players stick with their plan and doesnt change their tactic when something doenst work TO HAVE A GOOD MEMORY - to know which AF´s intercepted, got repairs, attacked twice in a row, how many remaining points a withdrewed damaged unit has ..etc TO KNOW THE CORRECT ORDER OF ATTACK SEQUENCE - sometimes one can reach better results with another combat order TO KNOW YOUR ENEMIES - some ppl never adopt their own strategies others play different ag certain players TO IMPROVE YOUR GAMEPLAY - to learn from faults and making your game better and better There are many other too for sure...other important things would be relyability,speed,decent playing, respect for other players,small talk during game or to know when a good smacktalk will end and when its getting to serious ...but these aspects count towards your own person and have nothing to do how good you are.
  18. It seems there are some ppl out here with a bad memory....i fear for you you forget that you also lost one so its 1:1:1
  19. Hehe now we have a full house ...the forum woke up ...no more winter silence.... No need of a tourney ...on one hand for me its clear ---> its me!! and on the other hand we are all members of ISCL ....so we can fight it out there. You will need more then your A-Game....better combination would be Rambo I with A-Game...as Rambo II with A-Game was rather weak we dont know Rambo III with A Game. LOL
  20. Yep this should be correct...but this was in the past now you will have your worst time when playing me. Before you insist in playing rite now...i m in the office and earliest time we can continue is Sunday
  21. Thats correct...but before you wrote 7 ...or at least i imagined that i was reading a 7 But let´s talk about my winning streak of 8 games before this I assure you you will never get again a +3 streak ag me.
  22. Dont mess up the names....as rambo is the poor one you are speaking from. Edit: To be exact it´s Rambo II
  23. The results are speaking for itsself. In our current game you did the same and it doesnt look good for you. Just wanna save your from a loosing streak ag me.
  24. I think it should look like this one 1) Terif 2) Rambo I 3) Königstiger 4) Zapp 5) Dragonheart 6) Rambo II 7) Avatar 8) Rambo III 9) Liam 10) Sombra 11) Cosmin
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