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Posts posted by tooz

  1. "You don't have to have an invitation to download the game. Click on the link in your purchase confirmation, and it will take you to the download. You DO have to have a legit serial number to download the game.--PoE"

    I am downloading the game now--three hours to go! Strange, my demo never worked--I kept getting "this file is incomple. It may have corrupted..." message.

    Come on download! Work you bugger!

    Cheers!!! :cool:

  2. 50. Started with Stratego at around 10; Risk in High School; Panzer Blitz/Leader in college; Squad Leader and ASL after that (playing my first ASL in a year tomorrow). Got my first PC in 98; East Front/West front, then on to CM. The Total War series has been taking up the majority of my time now.

    I hope ToW gets as addicting as Rome Total War/Barbarian Invasion (which I have went back to after playing Medieval Total War II).

    My goal is to retire early and FINALLY have enough time to play as much as I want and as long as I want, God (and wife) willing. ;)tongue.gif

  3. David, one slight request--at risk of sounding too much the mod slut--can you add some options ala MikeyD? What I love about the latter's mods are the options: numbers, unit IDs, tracks and crosses. Any chance of adding some of these to the stug? As is these mods ARE gorgeous but I really like the options and lean towards those that have them. I will use your Panther, but can you slap some numbers on the stug? redface.gif

    Greedy little bugger ain't I?

  4. "When setting up a mine field around a parameter, I have noticed that the attacking enemy just walks right through it with no perceivable damage. What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks `swamp"

    The main problem is that you are NOT the AI. From my experiences it is rare that I can get through an AI mine field without heavy loss. Even while leading with Engineers, these tanks--slowly following the engineers--stumble upon mine after mine. So, what's up with the engineers? How come they are not searching the areas in which they walk? Then again, we do not have that order option in the menu.

    When it comes to clearing mines, I refer back to the manual where you are instructed to bring the engineers as close as possible to the mines and wait. It's the waiting that bugs me. One game it took six turns for the engineers to finally clear an AT mine in the middle of the unpaved road.

    One last question: how come artillery does NOT seem to affect minefields at all? While playtesting a proposed scenario I tried hammering one small area of a minefield belt with FIVE ROCKET OBAs. It didn't seem to make one bit of difference to the mines and of course errant rockets landed amongst my forces. I then tried sending my vehicles slowly around the numerous craters in a line, hoping that this area was cleared. Nope-it wasn't. So, how does one get through an AI minefield (like swampy, sometimes I can squeeze through a human player minefield without too much damage)?

    Whether or not AI minefields are truly more difficult to penetrate is NOT a question for me. If others have not experienced this, then good for you. Personally, I shy away from any AI game where the AI has a large amount of mines.

  5. "You are the Winter King."--David I

    I heartily agree! Since you're tweaking past mods may I ask for a new WW Marder III? I love--and use--your WW Marders for in CMAK, but do any of the Marder III's in CMAK (IIIM, IIIH and obviously NOT the III®) work for CMBB? I do have a snow-covered Marder III winter mod, but the file must be corrupt because the shield is weird (plain grey?).

    Also (!), didn't you make a WW Gelb MkIII M (late)mod? I am wondering if this was done, but lost in the CMMODS crash? Am I right about this?

  6. 3rd NOT so dumb suggestion it is! Redownloaded Canon and Dey's WW Grey (can't decide which one is better) and now they work. It seems that bmp 63661 was missing. Odd, there was an identical looking 63601 bmp that gives the same overhead view as the former. Wonder what that one is for? An earlier model?

    The problem is fixed for me, but why two identical looking bmps with different numbers? Hmmm....

  7. Back in December 2004 I had display problems with my Dell Inspiron 8200. Back then I was living in China and Dell China tried THREE times to resolve the problem. The first repairman replaced my ATI video card with an nVidea card WITHOUT DELETING THE OLD ATI FILES OR INSTALLING THE nVidea driver! The laptop still managed to work somehow for one month. I was happy--I had FOG!!! Then the display started acting up again. I posted here for some help and learned a whole lot in the process. Still, the laptop kept getting the same old display problem. Dell China replaced the video card three times, motherboard twice and even the LCD.

    Still no luck. Back I go to America.

    I transfered the computer's registration from Dell of China to Dell of America. Here comes two more repairmen with two more video cards. Nothing. Now the laptop goes into the shop. Two weeks later the laptop is returned unrepaired as the attached letter informs me that the "problem has been identified and the part is on back order"--they never told me what the problem part was. So, here I am having problems for almost a year.

    I have since bought a desktop and have gotten back into CM with full force. Man, STILL a great game after all of these years (by the way, CM looks great with an nVidea 6800!!!).

    Last Wednesday morning--the day before Thanksgiving, there is a knock on my door. There is a FedEx guy with a big box from Dell. "What's this?" I ask. "It's a computer" answers the deliveryman. Strange, I didn't order a computer. I open up the box and inside is a brand new Dell Inspiron 9300! Amazing. I was lucky to have purchased Dell's extended warranty program (3 years) and since I had so many problems for so long, Dell just replaced it. Amazing. Now I have this smoking laptop (which CAN accept the latest, greatest video cards)to go along with my desktop (I'll give the laptop to the wife, but this thing is huge--er, the laptop--not the wife.)

    So, I NEVER did find out what the hell happened to my original laptop. Six technicians were stumped. Dell practically rebuilt the pc and it still would not work. I'll never know what happened. Dell's techies didn't seem to try to fix anything, they just tried to replace.

    The lesson I learned is that even if Dell's computers aren't the best, their customer service sure is.

    Now I close the chapter on this problem. I want to thank of those guys here on the forum who tried their best to help.

    Yeah, you can bet I just ordered a three-year warranty for this new rig. ;)

  8. Guys, I have recently transferred all of my precious mods from my laptop to my desktop. All is well EXCEPT for my SPW 250/1 Grau. The WW version refuses to show the HOOD in winterwhite(?). The rest of the halftrack is white, but that blasted hood is plain gery. Maybe my file 63601 corrupted? So, anyone working on a NEW version of 250/1 or can someone email me their complete, 250 1 Grau whitewashed? Thanks in advance. Maybe I should just re-download this thing?

    Looks a bit like a seagull... :(:rolleyes:

  9. Saw it, got it, use it--LOVE IT! I liked Eichenbaum's mods also, but you succeeded in getting a better "look" IMO (no offense Eichenbaum--I use all of YOUR OSF mods for steppe terrain with the end result being FANTASTIC!).

    Yep, modsluts never die we just...we just...Hmmm, don't know what happens! :confused:

  10. I bought the game--sometimes it's fun--sometimes it's eh, just okay. I like it though--it was not a waste of $29, which is cheap these days compared to the newer games out there.

    The best thing about it is that it is much different than CM. So, I play it now and then for a change of pace.

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