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Posts posted by tooz

  1. ;) Hey Andrew! Now that there is a flood of cool looking snow-covered mods for the Bulge/Nordwind battles and ops I noticed that my Airborne guys are freezing in their uniforms. Will you consider weaving your magic yet again and conjure us up a cool airborne uni mod? Please please? :cool:

    I know there is your old CMBO mod renumbered to CMAK but am reluctant to use these, because these BO to AK conversions don't seem as aesthetically pleasing as CMBB crossovers.

    Maybe toss in a white helmet as an option? ;) In CMBO all the US has white uni's but don't think that's necessary--or historically accurate. I believe the airborne guys got a hold of a bunch of white linen and made improvised smocks and capes, but I believe only the US 10th Mountain Division were issued white camo uni's. (Hey! There's ANOTHER good idea,--oops sorry, just getting greedy...) ;)

  2. "Moreover, I dont use winter vehicles in CMAK. None. I only use them in CMBO and CMBB."--Alexocar

    This is more reason to offer you thanks, working hard on something you don't use. Wow! To each his own. Personally,I love the new variety in my CMAK gaming--Desert yellow, Italo Camo, and now snow-covered (and many ww imports from BB) AFVs for the Bulge and Nordwind battles. What fun!!! Now I CAN patiently wait for CMX2 as I continue to enjoy this "old" game. smile.gif

    Even if you don't use these mods, rest assured that there are many of us who enjoy every creation. I thank you for all you done to make my life more fun!

  3. "Moreover, I dont use winter vehicles in CMAK. None. I only use them in CMBO and CMBB."--Alexocar

    This is more reason to offer you thanks, working hard on something you don't use. Wow! To each his own. Personally,I love the new variety in my CMAK gaming--Desert yellow, Italo Camo, and now snow-covered (and many ww imports from BB) AFVs for the Bulge and Nordwind battles. What fun!!! Now I CAN patiently wait for CMX2 as I continue to enjoy this "old" game. smile.gif

    Even if you don't use these mods, rest assured that there are many of us who enjoy every creation. I thank you for all you done to make my life more fun!

  4. Irrespective of what this recondite thread is all about, let me just say THANKS for the really cool looking snow-covered mods. These additions, plus Wicky's and the numerous CMBB crossovers have gotten me back into the Bulge battles and ops. I especially am enjoying some of the remakes of some of the CMBO classics.

    OK, so now go back to whatever it is you guys are posting. ;)

  5. The best desert battle IMHO is "Dune(s)". It is however, bigger than what you want. It also has Matildas. I have yet to beat the AI (twice) and got a very enjoyable "draw" result (unless you're the type who can't have fun unless you win)in a PBEM.

    I also liked "Khamsin" if you like chaotic meeting engagements in a dust storm (I did).

    Or try some of the ops.

  6. "Sorry to butt in Tooz"--J2D

    Hey, no apologies ever needed for your input J2D--it is always welcomed.

    "Astro Cat is the one who reloaded lost mods.

    Alexoscar does his own excellent mods.Snowy ones too."

    Thanks for the heads up about Astro Cat and Alexocar. So...any new snowy mods in the works guys? Oops, straying off the thread here--sorry... redface.gif;)

  7. I bought a Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop from Dell (China)two years ago--almost to the day and have not experienced any difficulties with the LCD. I have the 17" but it is not the widescreen. Also, as mentioned in another tech thread Dell replaced my ATI with a nVidia graphics card and I am finally enjoying fog and dust.

    I recommend highly Dell laptops for CM play, just make sure you get one without the ATI graphics card. Then again, there is a new ATI "Pro" card offered by Dell that MAY be worthwhile.

    Make certain you lay out the extra cash for an extended warranty. I have one more year (out of three years) and Dell sends someone to your home (even here in China) to fix whatever went wrong. I was lucky, my ATI graphics card went down, and they replaced it with a brand new nVidia GeForce FX Go5200 AGP. Outstanding service. AND I now have a better graphics card--no extra charge.

    One caveat, I was told by the Dell repairman NOT to run the laptop for more than three hours at a time (let the Laptop "rest" a bit). This is a bit of a downer but it pleases the wife to know I have a time limit--otherwise I'd be on the laptop playing CM 'til dawn.

  8. I just finished some crosovers from BB to AK with white clothed Mountain troops--what a mess! I kept on getting "seagulls"--either grey bodies with white sleeves or vice versa. The leaders were the real pain. Here's one post from another similar thread I started which saved the day:

    "You add 50000 to winterize stuff." (Some need 60000)

    "Most BMPs transfer directly from CMBB to CMAK with notable exceptions. The guns got renumbered as did the Marders. The Best German uniform BMP List is at the Grossdeutchland for CM site. I wish someone would do a comprehensive list for all CMAK armies like the one GD did for CMBB.

    German Mountain Troops in CMAK have seperate arms

    and helmets from your Heer types:

    Mid War:

    Head Body Side LArm RArm Legs

    9028 9006 9128 9134 9172 9039 Co.L.

    9028 9013 9161 9165 9172 9039 Sq.L.

    9027 9004 9142 9047 9043 9039 Squad

    9027 9005 9142 9047 9043 9039 Crew

    Now here's the one you really want:

    Mountain Late War:

    9034 9011 9129 9135 9138 9041 Co.L.

    9034 9014 9162 9166 9173 9041 Sq.L.

    9033 9009 9143 9048 9044 9041 Squad

    9033 9010 9143 9048 9044 9041 Crew

    Hope that helps.

    DavidI "

    DavidI: you're my hero! I also found that those "Bulge winter uni's mods" (forget the modder's name, sorry) work well with BB--especially the SS Mech guys.

    Now that Wicky is dabbling with snow dusting (GO man GO!) I hope that other modders will follow suit and outfit the German ob. I'm not a modder, but I have some folders prepared that I may upload later to CMMODS (never tried this before, I'm sure I'll foul it up somehow).

    There are a plethora of really good "Bulge" scenarios available at the 'Depot and "Proving Grounds.

    Another note of interest is that my ATI graphics card was replaced by an nVideo card and now I finally have FOG and DUST!!! I am now looking forward to spending these next wintry months lost in the fog and snow of the Ardennes.

    Still miss my King Tigers though... :(tongue.gif

  9. 1: "Just got a new ATI Radeon Geforce 560 (or is it a 650?) and for the first time in four years--I GOT FOG!!! And dust, without which makes "Khamsin" less fun. So, ATI users--you CAN get fog. Woo-hoo! I am loving it!"

    2: "Radeon/ATI & GeForce are a contradiction in terms. GeForce is an NVidia based card, and yes, it will show fog very well (along with all the other effects). Are you sure you aren't talking about the 6500? That's an NVidia designation. There is no way (that anyone here I'm familiar with know about) that ATI cards will show fog in any CM game. Sorry . Glenn"

    3: "I think so. This guy hasnt done his homework. ;) Alexocar"


    1) OOPS! Just checked, and my computer has an nVidia® Geforce FX Go5200 AGP. redface.gif

    Turns out that I originally had an ATI graphics card which went into the tank. Since I still have an extended warranty from Dell, they replaced it with a BRAND NEW video card (talk about great customer service--even here in China).

    Oh. THAT'S WHY I NOW HAVE FOG AND DUST. So, my apologies and a suggestion: GET RID OF THE ATI CARD!!! CM life with fog and dust is so much better--it is keeping this aging game fresh for me. I did notice that ATI has a new "Pro" graphics card, being offered by Dell. Maybe that'll work. Regardless, I'm glad as hell DEll switched from ATI to nVidia.

    Sorry for the hasty, erroneous post (must have been all of the celebratory beer I was drinking at the time--"burp"). tongue.gif

    2: Glenn, yep, you were right--it is a 5200 and not the 6500,however (I play CM on a laptop).

    3: Alexocar: Yep, I lept before I looked. BTW, have you unearthed any other missing/lost CMBB/CMBO mods that were lost in the great CMMODS crash? You definitely did us modsluts a great service.

    So, maybe this ATI Pro card will show fog and dust, if not, I think it's time for CMers to dump their old ATI cards.

    I still shake my head in disbelief and joy when playing "Khamsin" in a dust storm and the many foggy battles in BB and AK.

  10. "For German AFVs, the CMAK Hetzer and PzIV have been totally redone, so don't use CMBB winter mods for them."

    I believe textures for all the PzIIIs, Stugs, Brumbars, and PzIVs (?) will match."


    These two paragraphs have a conflict. Were you referring to certain MkIV models--particularly the "G" model? So far I have found that DEYs Tigers and MkIIIN work great, as well as Zimordoks' Stugs, MkIVH and J. In addition Bogdan's Panther VG fits perfectly, as do some of Gordon Moleks' CMBB mods.

    I am having problems with the armored cars and transport vehicles. If I can learn how to upload mods I can do this--but I first will need Gordon Molek and Bogdan's permission to do so.

    Then again, wouldn't it be better if the modders themselves would crank out a few more versions?

    "wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more"! ;);):D:D

  11. "Hi HB, you did a lot of hard work to make those PzIII's, thank you for sharing them with us. I think it's a bloody shame how the early war context in BB is ignored for the most part, and also the total lack of interest in the axis minors. For me these included things are some of the major strengths and high points of the game."

    A big "bump" from me here. All of the modders and scenario designers' hard work has made this series what it is today--STILL the best WWII game out there.

    I was never much for model tanks as a kid, otherwise I would try my hand at modding. Eh, I'll stick to playtesting. smile.gif

    Keep crankin' 'em out guys--please! :D

  12. mike8g, thanks--I forgot about that website (I had bookmarked it a few months back). Good. Now let me pin down what I need--German mountain infantry bmps and what bmp winter prefix value do I add (50000 or 60000?). I used another mod from CMMODs for the infantry (winter whites) but for some reason my mountain troops look like seagulls--white body with grey arms and helmet. Hmmm, something's amiss here.

  13. I checked the CMAKdb ( a very good site) but I could not find any bmp list. Is one available? I have been crossing over CMBB winter mods to CMAK--with decent results. However, there are many units I cannot convert because I am unable to locate the required bmps. I just need the Germans, especially transport, guns, armored cars, and mountain troop uni's. Once this is done I will be posting my "cross-dressed" units to the CMMODS db.

    Any help appreciated. just gotta have those white mods for my snowy Bulge battles.

  14. Hey DEY, glad to see your still cranking 'em out. Right now you are the most prolific modder. I enjoy and use every one of them. I hope your personal matters are going well (my Xmas wish to you).

    Oh yeah, I FINALLY found that elusive MkIIIM gelb mod in my THIRD attempt at downloading the cmmos packs. Perseverance pays off, for sure. I'd still like to see your version--if that is in the works.

    I've been doing some fiddling with CMBB to CMAK ww German AFVs (since my pleas went unheeded). Many of your mods work just fine. If anyone is interested MAYBE I can upload these to CMMODS.

    Then again, they are NOT MY mods, so I guess I better ask permission first from you, Canon, and Zimordok. I finally have white panthers and tigers--woo-hoo!

  15. "Note: I left out the rear BMP since the CMAK version seemed to match reasonably well"

    Uh, any way we can get that bmp added? I like the tank--a lot, but it just seems like something is missing (because there IS something missing).

    I have started your op also, check back at The Proving Grounds later for some feedback.

    Welcome to the world of modders! Personally, ALL modders' works are greatly appreciated as they enhance my CM enjoyment. Anything else in your modding future?

  16. "Tooz,

    It was Prussia that I had in mind.


    Cool. I am thinking about other uses for this great looking mod (the winter Partisans will get a lot of play). One idea is to use the Volksturm guys to depict the many auxillary forces that fought for Germany (or against Stalin and Tito)in WW2. These include the Croatian Ustasche, Baltic Schutzmanstaff (I'm uncertain of the spelling), kapos (comes in handy for Warsaw Uprising scenarios) and a slew of others. If you wanted, you could really get fancy with some of the more obscure formations in WW2. One website to check out is "Axis Europa.com". This is the best source for scant info on these esoteric troops. The books are a bit pricey, but there are some bargains.

    I wonder how many CMers know about General Vlaasov's "POA" (Russian Liberation Army) and von Pannwitz's Cossacks. Due to the limitations of the polygons I wonder how well would a mod of the big furry hat worn by the Cossacks would look in CMBB. Oh yeah, but there are no horses. Darn.

    I am currently putting together a series of Yugoslav Partisan battles. Now I have better uniforms, just wish I had higher mountains.

    So, I hope you didn't misinterpret my previous post--I am VERY happy to get these guys. Now that 99% of my BB has been modded, I'm always looking for new fixes to sate my voracious mod appetite. The possibilities are endless. This is what makes the CM series great--it truly is a "lifetime of fun".

    Please keep 'em coming. :D

  17. For those Sealion scenario designers allow me to offer my services for playtesting--or just post them at THE PROVING GROUNDS. Then again, if your designs are first drafts and not ready for posting you can just send me the battles/ops to me in the email addy in the profile.

    Look forward to it! I'll have time off from late January to late February.

    GREAT WORK JUJU AND J2D (THE UI is very cool indeed!)

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