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Posts posted by tooz

  1. "Where is this "ATI control panel" appearing at, within the Display control panel's tabs or is it appearing in the system tray in the lower right hand portion of your desktop or further still is it a control panel in-and-of itself listed with the other control panels ? What specific features does this control panel control ?"--Schrullenhaft

    The ATI Driver and ATI Control panel now only appear in my "Add/Remove programs" folder of my Control Panel. No matter what I do, I cannot remove these two items--despite the fact that these items do not appear anywhere else. I have already hunted down and deleted all ATI files in the registry. However, I am going to look for this Windows/Systen 32 folder--where is this to be found? In my program files, Windows folder?

    I am just wondering if I should just replace this viedo card with a newer, higher end card. Maybe the card is NOT a new card--the tech guy showed up at my house with the card--but there was no box. That has me wondering.

  2. Hey Junk2Drive! Thanks for the link! I don't think I'll be buying any of their products any time soon but just surfing the forums is an education.

    Out of curiosity, what DOES one do with this tank once you buy it--make cool screen savers or design your own rudimentary Panzer Elite game? Pardon my ignorance, but I am interested in these things. Do many people use these models for work?

    Do CAD monkeys have 3D models of CAD monkeys? ;)

  3. Schrullenhaft--thanks. I have already downloaded and used "Driver Cleaner Pro"; installed the latest NVidea Driver; downloaded DirectX 9.0c; deleted all traces of ATI from my registry (but still cannot remove ATI Control Panel--folder deleted, however, and the ATI Driver from my Add/Remove programs list in the Control Panel--strange); defragged the hard drive; I still get the "stutters". Maybe my laptop Pentium-4m was happier with ATI? Again, my shooters--Call of Duty and H&D2 play fine--without any problems, my Direct 3D games--just CM, aren't happy. Sigh.

    This ghost in the machine continues to both haunt and taunt me.

  4. On the unistall for the ATI the folder was deleted, but when I try to uninstall the ATI driver I receive a "Error loading C:\Windows\System32\atiiexx.dll, The specified module could not be found"

    So, it still shows up on the add/remove programs folder.

    The ATI Control Panel is also still there. When I click "remove", I see the installation window open, load, then disappear. But the ATI Control Panel file does NOT disappear.

    OK, how do I remove these recalcitrant files?

    My game is still stuttering--even the sound stutters. Maybe I need a Dell techie to return and do this driver thing correctly?

    I did a search for any ati.dll programs and deleted those that I could. Some however, could not be removed. I also used the "Driver Cleaner" program before installing the new driver and Direct X.

  5. These replies have been of great worth. Now, DEY--another computer savvy gentleman whose opinions I value and judgement I trust, has stated that I should delete my "Pref" files in both CMBB and CMAK. Before I do so, are there any caveats? Have other CMers experienced game operating problems after doing this, or are the results ALWAYS beneficial.

    Nowadays I am definitely gun-shy about deleting ANYTHING before I get some more opinions. Yeah, I'm learning, albeit at a glacial pace.

    One more oddity: after I downloaded all three patches, I see Version 1.03 listed. I try some games and see "ghost tanks". These are outlines of tanks that are just white silhouettes. I look for their bmps and find them missing(?). Fortunately, thanks to guys like you and Junk2drive, I backed up all of my files before I delted the origianl CMBB program. I have since recopied my saved bmps into the new bmp folder and no longer have the "ghost tanks". So, what happened? Maybe some of the patches are corrupting due to age?

    Oh yeah, both of my games still stutter. Maybe my laptop liked ATI better. I guess I will have to live with it.

  6. Answered my own question about version 1.0. I now realize I have three patches to download. Then I can recopy my backed up files (and for safety will back up all of my bmps after the patches) which include my precious mods, scenarios and PBEMS.

    Now, should I delete the Prefs files for both games? With that answer I can close this thread.

    CM has taught me more about computers than any class or manual would.

    [ March 22, 2005, 02:41 AM: Message edited by: tooz ]

  7. Oh yeah, what I did differently the last attempt WAS TURN OFF MY NORTON ANTI-VIRUS. Now the game is reinstalled and running. Howver, this version 1.0 is real confusing--do I have to download the patches? I double-checked and my menu screen is normal--except for version 1.0. Before I do ANYTHING else I'm waiting for advice from you guys.

    Thank you for spending the time to help.

  8. "Did that CD ever work in this drive?"--Redwolf

    Yes, since January 2003.

    "I've got the feeling the original poster is way too increcise about decribing what exactly he does and did."--Redwolf

    OK, let's try this again. ATI video card gets replaced by NVidea card. CMBB and AK still work--but my other games--Call of Duty and Hidden and Dangerous 2 now no longer run. I call Dell China tech support. Following their instructions I download the latest drivers and download the latest Direct X form MSN. I did that. Now CoD works very well, however, now H&D2 will not run, and the two CM games "stutter"--especially large games and when viewed from camera angles 1-3. I again call Dell China. Techie tells me to uninstall my games and reinstalling them. This works perfectly for H&D2. So, I now uninstall CMBB and no matter what I do, the CMBB installer won't extract. The CD just spins and spins. I click run, then browse, then CD CMBB setup. Nothing. I then get a "type the name of the file and folder, and windows will extract it for you". There is a default window: D:CMBB installer. I click OK. Nothing, CD spins and spins. I try again to insert the CD, double click the CMBB installer--nothing but spinning. I try right clicking for Open, run as..., just spinning.

    I get this:

    D:\CMBB Installer.exe.

    This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

    I persist and see this window:

    Combat Mission: Barbarossa to...

    Combat Mission Barbarossa to Berlin will be installed to...

    I type in C: Program Files CMBB

    I click install.

    More spinning.

    "The original post mentions a mobile NVidia card which indicates he did not switch Video cards, but moved everything to a whole new notebook."

    Huh? I don't recall writing that. My video card was replaced inside the SAME laptop.

    This kind of inprecision makes it very hard to help debugging it. We need more info, and more importantly, more precise info to help."--Red wolf

    What else can I add? Right click on the CMBB installer--nothing

    Double click (left) on the CMBB installer--nothing.

    Also, note that I successfully installed another PC game since this has happened. The new PC game runs fine. So, it is NOT my CD drive. Is it the disk? The WinRAR file on the disk?

    What else can I try?

    I keep trying and now I am getting that window: CMBB Barbarossa...

    Install to...

    I choose C:\Program Files CMBB

    Now the game seems to be installing, it shows all of the bmps, wavs etc extracting. However, right near the end...


    Now, it is showing Version 1.0??? on the lower right screen? Huh?

    New problem! What do you make of this?

    Well, let me ask you guys this now? Should I delete the "prefs" file from both BB and AK folders? Play is STILL too choppy.

    What a struggle!

  9. Hey Guys, I recently switched from an ATI to NVidea GeForce 4 440 Go video card. I then noticed that my Call of Duty games would no longer run (?). I then updated my driver and Direct X. NOW both CMBB and CMAK "stutter' when playing games--especially games with burning fires or falling rain. :confused: :confused:

    My Dell (China) techie has told me that I should try uninstalling then reinstalling these games. SHEESH! This guy obviously has no concept of folders heavily laden with new mods and scenarios! :rolleyes: So, now I am busy spending valuable playing-time on making a time-consuming back-up disk. Before I uninstall, reinstall, what do YOU guys think is going on? I have learned to rely upon your acumen more than these guys in Xiamen, China.

    Thanks--especially to Redwolf and Schrulenhaft for the help with my previous thread.

  10. "I'm curious, though - which country do you want to base the new mod on?"--Foreigner

    Can't use Hungarians or Finns, so the only option is to use the Allied Romanians. All of the battles depicted will be those battles of the Third Ukrainian Front. I am hoping that having Germans face troops attacking them with their own equipment may be interesting.

    Hey, so far this is ONLY an idea. I did say "proposed" mod, right?

    Now about those info-laden websites on Bulgaria...

  11. "What are you going to do about the .wav files?"--Phillippe

    Good question. Bmps come first, then wavs. Bulgarian IS very close to Russian, however. "Blagodara" instead of "spasebo" (but "blagodaroo vas" also means thanks). Then again, the troops never say "thanks".

    Bulgarian swear words grogs?

    By the way Phillippe--I loved your Semitiotics mods. I especially loved your French mod for CMBO.

  12. Thanks Dave. J2D (THE go-to-guy for these types of questions) filled me in on the details.

    It sure would be nice if there was some way to introduce new forces into CMBB and CMAK. The one mod I am craving is one that could turn my 1944+ Romanians (Sovietized?) into Bulgarians. Although the Bulgarians never fought the Russians (never even declared war on Russia) they were quite active in the Balkans and southern Austria. Add in the fact that almost all of their SWs, ordinance and armor were German made and you could have some interesting battles and ops. The history of the "Prinz Eugen Division" has enough info to assist scenario designers.

    Having Greeks in CMAK was a wish while AK was still in development.

    All the more reason to eagerly await CMx2.

  13. If I am not mistaken, didn't the Greeks use a lot of Italian equipment--especially helmets? These were purchased, not captured, from Italy. I have seen numerous photos (but can't find these photos on the net, and I do not have a scanner)of Greek troops wearing Italian helmets.

    Now the question: Is it possible to make a mod by switching sides? What I mean is, is it possible to copy the Italian helmet file,renumber it for the FF helmet, and then overwrite that file. Will that work or is the French helmet "hard coded" and thus cannot be changed? If not we would have modded Greeks with Italian helmets.

    IF this can be done, then can we do something similar and give ourselves VICHY French by copying the FF bmps into a folder, then copy the Italian bmps into a folder, then overwrite the Italian bmps with French bmps. Is this possible?

    I may take a stab at this soon, but if I am wasting my time (as well as yours by this suggestion) it would be good to know.

    If we can have modded Vichy French then we can recreate some very interesting battles that took place during Operation Torch. Also, you could have Free French vs Vichy French fighting in the Levant.

    Getting even sillier (?) we could then mod the Italian MR35 into a French R35 and mod the captured French tanks in the German OB (they are included in CMAK right? I know we have them in CMBB). Voila! Vichy French with French tanks.

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