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Posts posted by tooz

  1. "What else are you looking for?

    Can I help?" DavidI

    DavidI, any and all whitewashed or snow covered AFVs for the Germans will do. I have Halftracks and some stugs but no tanks. Wicky did some awesome work with the US and Brit AFVs, so now I am looking forward to the German tanks also being outfitted for winter.

    If you check the post for "New batch of Mods at CMHQ" you will also see that Zimordok may be returning to the modding scene. Great news for certain!

    I don't play Normandy battles because I think the lack of Cromwells, KTs and other tanks spoils things. In fact, when I crave NWE 44' battles I fire up CMBO--still fun four years later. Plus it is a chore swapping all the ITO uni's for ETO--even with a mod manager. Playing winter Bulge and Nordwind battles in snow is easier as there is nothing to change. I have the US uni's and Allied armor, and uni's for the Germans, but my enjoyment is dampened a bit when I see my camo tanks sticking out like sore thumbs in the snow.

    What do I want? Any German gun or tank given a splash of white paint will do nicely--then off to the Bulge I go. I need a break from the hot climes of the desert and the rain, mud and mountains of Italy. smile.gif

  2. "i haven't been modding (although I've been grabbing all the mods i CAN get.). If i get a chance, expect some winter mods, hopefully before the winter is over!"---Zimorodok.

    The return of "Rustwerks"? Woo-hoo! Good news for sure! Two years later and I am STILL enjoying many of your classics. Looking forward to seeing some CMAK winter mods!

    If ever we meet, I'll pay you back with Kingfisher beer! :D

  3. I have prayed for Matthew in Buddhists Temples, Catholic Churches and even a Chinese Mosque. I hope God, by whatever name he calls himself, can hear and answer our prayers.

    Fourteen years old. Matthew is a hero. Fight the good fight, win the most important battle--the fight for life. Nothing is more precious or fleeting. God bless you, Matt.

  4. "Not playing much these days, but I am doing a lot of mod tools' programming for "the game that shall not be named here".

    Proper terrain shadowing helps conveying the 3D structure of the virtual battlefield! I am looking forward as to how CM will advance with respect to this topic."--Rollstoy

    Wow!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: That is some terrific work! Are you getting paid for this? If you need some playtesting, the email's in the profile. I like your "game that will not be named" remark. Way cool!

    "I got Codename Panzer, and I wouldn't recommend it as a WW2 strategy game. It is a real time game, and gives me more the feeling as an arcade game than a strategy game."--Altraum

    THAT'S what I wanted to know. The demos give me this impression as well. Good, now I can save my money. Still the graphics--especially the flowing river, are top notch.

    Good stuff!

  5. With apologies to the original thread's author (too lazy to check) I thought I'd canvass the forum and see what new WORLD WAR 2 games are out there that CMers love.

    I also wish to thank the many gamers who gave me the heads up on a truly great game--"Hidden and Dangerous 2". Despite being almost two years old it is like a brand new game for me. Besides, here in China I got a copy for 59 RMB--that's less than $8! Woo-hoo! No, I have not seen any CM rip-offs thankfully.

    Let me start my own post with my own non-CM titles that I am having fun playing:

    Call of Duty (don't have the expansion pack yet.

    :( Great game if you like shooters. Personally, getting from one level to another is annoying. Great graphics make it fun.

    Hidden & Dangerous 2 and H&D Deluxe (a FREE download) Great combo of FPS and half-squad tactics. The graphics make this game.

    Eric Young's Squad Assault (yep, originally I scoffed at this game but I find it entertaining--and challenging). Graphics are "iffy" and mechanics a bit sloppy, but I must confess it is fun. tongue.gif

    What I want to know from fellow CMers is what recently released (from last spring up to now) WWII games(I know there are a plethora of great games on other topics such as Rome: Total War and Halo 2 for example, but this post is about WW2 games compared with CM) that have been released since last spring do you play? How do they compare with CM? I especially am looking for some feedback on "Codename Panzers". The demos suck because the damn cursor "floats" (not steady) on BOTH demos--which does not happen with my other demos. This game has great, great graphics (except for weird faces) but I wonder about playability. THIS is still CM's overwhelming strength, which enables CMBO to STILL remain a thoroughly enjoyable, albeit old, game.

    How's "Pacific Assault" from the Medal of Honor series? "D-Day"? "Soldiers"?

    Just curious, always looking for some new challenges...

  6. My two cents...New games released--notably Halo 2 and the upcoming squad based WW2 shooter "Brothers in Arms" speak much about their AI learning AND remembering. This seems to be the new trend in PC games and I can't wait to see the results.

    Give me a game that has an AI as smart as Halo 2, graphics like "Hidden and Dangerous 2", and the PLAYABILITY of CM, and I will happily live out my retirement in peace (and say to hell with fishing!).

  7. "Have the people who ask for "just a little add-on" ever done any programming. Coding finite element models or CAD models is similar. sometimes it's easier to start from scratch rather than modify old code. Especially if it's one you haven't played with in a while.

    In addition, Sod's law as applied to programming states that copy/pasting a section of code from one program to another will almost never work."--Flamingknives

    This was the answer I was afraid of getting. However, it answers my question. *Sigh*

    Oh well, back to playing my BB until the revised patch comes out. For me, NOT having T-28s in CMBB is like having the US without Stuarts.

    I guess I hate waiting...and waitng...and waiting...(cobwebs now forming)...

    Thanks for the responses guys.

  8. Yeah, okay. For me it seems odd that CM never had an expansion kit for existing games. There was CMBO, then CMBB and CMAK, but these are more like modules (to coin the old SL/ASL terms as opposed to inexpensive expansion packages. CMBO is now too old, but BB could use some spice--especially the tanks and CMAK REALLY misses Vichy French, Greeks, and other things.

    Would this really be that big of a deal for some tweaks.

    I guess I don't want to sit around and wait for a new engine that may NOT even be available in 2005. Er, I'm getting older. Heck, I cannot even look forward to Wartime Command any more (who knows if that will ever be released)! So, give me something! Please?

  9. Junk2drive: I know from talking to Wicky that this is a very tricky and time consuming process. So, IF the modder has the time and intrepid enough to add snow to his whitewash--fine!

    Then again, won't this lead to people asking for snow topped helmets and uniforms? It seems like it is a hell of a lot more difficult than to just make things white. Then again, YOU'RE the modder here--not me.

    Oh yeah, did you ever make that list of CMAK compatible CMBB WW mods?

  10. (This is actually a CMBB question but has ties with AK.) Since the good ole boys at BFC are wiping off the pie from their faces I think this may be time to raise one simple, albeit naive question: We now have multi-turreted tanks in the code (Grants,Lees and MII/39s). So, is it possible for BFC to do a quick CMBB add-on (something we could download) and give us the sorely missed T-28s, T-35s, and Lend-Lease Grants and Lees? Hell, I would even pay money for this! If multi-turreted AFVs can appear in CMAK is it possible to do the same for CMBB? How much different is CMAK from CMBB? To be honest, I STILL prefer CMBB (I am playing more BB than AK).

    I know, I know, we are too busy working on CMx2, but how about something quick--for Christmas? I dare suggest that if BFC needs help perhaps give a loyal BFC Forum speaker and modder (for example MickeyD) the necessary coding and permission needed to make these tanks and then code these into a download or disk? Forgive me if this is a stupid computer question for I AM a stupid computer user.

    Just wondering, I mean, maybe I won't LIVE long enough to see CMx2! Can you guys at BFC throw us a bone to replace this "patch bone" that is lodged in our throats?

  11. "Opinions? tooz?"--junk2drive

    Whitewashed German AFVs for CMAK! Whitewashed German AFVs for CMAK! Whitewashed German AFVs for CMAK! tongue.gif

    Personally I think Dey and Aristoteles have been a blessing for this CMer. I am still holding out for a WW SPW 250/11 Grau and MkIIIM GELB (those listed at CMMODS are wrong--they do NOT change these two AFVs), plus that cute little 28mm ATG! ;)

    That said, all I want is...MORE!!! :D

  12. AI works fine, all of my saved games are running without a problem. My PBEM games have stopped (fortunately I have many cmBB games running...) and here is the one important question: can I leave the game alone (NO UNINSTALL) and will the 1.03 patch correct the 1.02? In other words, will the 1.03 patch accept my 1.01 PBEMs without too much problems. I REALLY don't want to spend time which is better spent playing rather than performing an uninstall!

    All I want to do is drink my beer and play my games.

  13. Whew! It wasn't me then--I just discovered that you CAN download more than one at a time! Yep, a real computer whiz I am. :confused:

    I do think a self-imposed limit of NO MORE than two at a time is reasonable. Lucky for me, I now have most of the mods! ;)

    Good to hear it's back up. I think most of us were frantic when we couldn't get Marco Bergman's new AC--I was anxious when I couldn't!

    Thanks, COG, for providing us with this wonderful, invaluable website!

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