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Posts posted by tooz

  1. Wicky--you're the best!

    I just made it through a day of watching football without drinking a single beer. This is a first for me. I am heading back to the doctor this afternoon for more advice.

    The really good news is that the medicine I am taking--colchicine--is working very, very well. What is odd is that while on this I cannot drink grapefruit juice. My new diet now contains a list of no-nos which are foods generally thought to be good for you.

    Sure could go for a beer right about now...

  2. I have been diagnosed with gout. My doctor told me that I must have had this for some time. Are there any other forum members out there that are also suffering with gout?

    Any advice would be welcome. The worst thing about changing my diet is that I have to avoid beer! I am hoping against hope that there is some beer out there that will not aggravate my symptoms.

    Life without beer? Perish the thought!

  3. "Oh the site failed to inform you that players in Wisconsin get a 10 year delay for not being Wolverine fans. "--Sixxkiller

    OK, I am from Philly and just live (and shiver) here. Does being an EAGLES fan lessen the wait?

    I have always been drawn more to WWII than any other era. I hate to confess this, but I spend most of my playing time with Empire Total War--bugs, bad AI and all--and this is making the CM N wait bearable. Then there is Napoleon Total war coming out. I have been trying other new WWII games but nothing ever stuck like CM. I have now been more interested in other historical eras since. I guess my "nutter therapy" is going well. or is it?

  4. Yep, that is cool! I still have some of those SPI magazines without the included games (which I discarded foolishly for lack of storage space). That huge game that those guys are playing has to be WESTWALL. I once saw that game being played at an old "Origins" convention many years ago. I never knew if they had time to finish it. I noticed that none of those players used a "dice cup" or "tower". I wonder how many errant rolls wiped out stacks of units on those old creased maps.

    Yep, board games, I still have some Avalon Hill games and recently have been getting back into Advanced Squad Leader. By the turn of the century I had begun playing PC games more and ASL less, now I am rekindling my love of "pushing cardboard". The biggest drawback I have now is that my aging eyes get tired reading all of those counters.

    Thanks Wilhammer for posting that.

  5. "This is what I mean by critical watching."--John Kettler

    Yep, most of us here at this forum consider ourselves historians and consequently when we watch documentaries I believe we all do this. The many historical inaccuracies do not bother me much any more. You do get use to seeing long barrelled stugs in Blitzkrieg footage or see those same ol' King Tigers parading around when watching something on the battles of 44-45. To me this stuff still entertains and that is what tv is about IMO. As mentioned in another thread I definitely do not mind watching this footage IN COLOR! I hope the colorization of old war footage continues.

    In another vein, I am watching a lot of "Civil War Journal" and "Washington"s Generals" in addition to the afore mentioned Mail Call. I am hoping that a lot of the old series such as "The American Revolution" appear on this station some time in the future. The older series run in the past from the History Channel do have that broader menu, breadth and depth that we seek.

    All I have to know that watching this stuff is still fun.

  6. Getting back to the topic...I wonder now if we actually see more commercials on cable/satellite TV than we did back in the days of broadcast. Over time some channels that started commercial free (AMC, IFC and Bravo come to mind) now have plenty of ads. In the old days sponsors paid for the shows. So now, who pays more? The viewer or the sponsors?

  7. "Um, those are Coors 'Light' commercials. You live in Wisconsin, who are you to be so high and mighty as to knock Coors, the original banquet beer?" Mike the Wino

    Simple, I am an old overweight microbrewery beer swilling fool. Come to think of it, I used to love Coors when I was younger and the beer was not mass produced. Now Miller and Coors merged to make a lousy mass produced beer.

    Oh yeah, I just live in Wisconsin, I'm from Philadelphia. I am never mighty but often high. ;)

  8. For me, the worst thing about commercial TV is, well, the commercials! I will never eat at McDonalds (never will) drink Coors beer (Football coaches with young stupid kids asking annoying questions), Miller Lite (greatness does NOT have a taste!) or these new infomercials that try to imitate news broadcast (credit card debts etc).

    Every now and then Geico Insurance puts out a funny ad--lately their "pothole commercial" is cute.

    Getting back to the thread (sorry) I wonder how long commercial TV will last. I find it annoying that I pay the cable guys over $100 a month and STILL get bombarded with ads. However, some channels--such as Smithsonian and Military History seem to show the fewest commercials-which probably explains why I watch these two stations most.

    Watching a sporting event nowadays makes me wonder if the time spent actually viewing a game equals the commercial time.

    I was watching "V" for a few episodes but lost interest because of all of the ads. Here in America it seems one half of commercials are about food and drink, one quarter about cars and a small percentage about fitness centers (eat! drink! watch this, watch that! and then GET OFF YOUR LAZY BUTT AND GET TO A GYM!).

    My joke is that the reason why I drink so much beer is because "my TV tells me to!"

  9. I also get the "Miltary History Channel" which seems to consist of old History Channel shows (including Mail Call, Civil War Journal, Last Days of WWII) which were aired back when the History Channel was decent. I don't really care for Ice Road truckers or some similar programs. As of yet this channel is not available in HD. What I love best about MH is that it is commercial free! I wonder how much longer this will go on.

    Getting back to the main topic I watched tonight's show (Tuesday) and thought is was okay but the quality of the film is hard pressed to pass off as HD. I did like the old vet from the 9th Infantry and his story of his reunion with his wife. So, overall i still say that for those of you who get the Smithsonian Channel, the show "Apocalypse" is clearly better when it comes to eye candy. You should see the French tanks in color, some sporting their camo schemes.

    Here's hoping this trend of restoring old footage continues.

  10. I have been watching this series as well as another program on Smithsonian Channel (US TV)--Apocalypse. The quality of the colorized, digitally remastered in HD footage looks better (IMHO). It is really cool to see sharp detail--in color-- of footage that you have seen time and time again. The Apocalypse series has one scene of Junkers flying into Tunisia that is quite stunning. I also never realized that the French Zouaves had red hats.

    My HDTV TV has a "Full Pixel" setting which is the best picture I can get. Some stations (such as Smithsonian) broadcast in this mode while others (History Channel is one) do not.

    Now if only they would remaster the World at War series--woo hoo! I sure hope this is a trend. Maybe they can do the same for the old World War One stuff?

  11. How about Ice Hockey Goaltenders? I played between the pipes for over 36 years. I have had my "bell rung" by slapshots off the facemask (still cannot fathom goalies of yesteryear NOT wearing them). One shot that I recall vividly was while playing summer hockey in Connecticut this AHL guy (Larose from the Chicago Wolves) cranked a slapper from top of the right faceoff circle and the shot hit me dead in the mask, above the cage. The rebound caroomed back to the center red line on a fly. Seriously. My head did not really hurt (had to have the best quality headgear and CUP protection!) but I did get a ringing in my ears that lasted awhile. Had a shot crack open my old Jacques Plante/Bernie Parent style mask and split my chin once (lots of blood and gore). Now that I get older I do wonder about how much more trouble my body will go through in the coming years. I already have the ankles of an old lady (also not a pretty sight) and my right hip is tweaky. I remember making many a save I wish I hadn't--the welts! Let me tell you about welts! Purple and yellow spots that later calcify before going away. I wonder what long term effects they had.

    Maybe I'll revisit this post in a few years. So, if anyone has kids playing goal, please spend the money and get them the best protection out there. It is NOT inexpensive however. This is probably why I never took up skiing--couldn't afford two winter sports.

  12. Yeah, I have some guides and I am pricing and budgeting.

    How long is that train ride to Moscow from St. Pete? Does the Russian train system have a website? Linky please. Metro? If it's in Russian np, because it will be good practice.

    Talking about time machines...When I rendezvous with the missus in China I will get a taste of China now, and China then. Her home town is very rustic with big hogs roaming the alleyways along with chickens everywhere (talk about free range). I always get a smile looking at the little piglets trailing behind. My wife's family home only had running water put in back in 2002. Once I get to China my expenses are light because we stay with family in nanjing and Guangzhou. I finally get to spend a little time in Hong Kong at the end. I have been to Shanghai and Beijing more often than Chicago and New York.

    The trip also gives me a good contrast between two Communist superpowers (I am sure Russia's hammer and sickle is everywhere). China is suffocating under an environmental disaster. There is trash everywhere--especially in the countryside and even in Nanjing some rivers run black! How about Russia? I am thinking that I will see less trash and smiles in Russia (the Chinese always seem to be happy). One thing for certain, communists in China that actually believe in communism are hard to find.

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