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Everything posted by GerryCMBB

  1. Thanks for the informative answers. I personally would not want huge scenarios, as in large number of units and over an hour. I already have enough problems with all the clicking I have to do with the scenarios I have. I was thinking of the map size mostly for increasing the engagement range for certain tanks. Again thanks for the answers. I enjoy reading peoples' thoughts on the game. Gerry
  2. Hello All: I am new to the series and have a question, not trying to start a flamewar or anything close to it. A few posts say that recon vehicles are not appropriate for these missions as these vehicles would be used before we got to the point of the mission start. Also, my understanding is that battles between the really big tanks work best on larger maps and it seems there is a problem currently with computers be able to play on larger maps. So I am wondering why Battlefront would have a game that seems not suited to big battles. I assume some changes will be made down the road to allow for bigger maps to work for all players? So that recon vehicles could be used in the usual role and Panthers, etc. could showcase their strengths better? Thanks, Gerry
  3. Sorry, a bit confused as one of you says the AT Grenade is thrown and the other says it is fired by the M1 w/rifle grenade adapter. Also, is M7 just the name for the rifle grenade adapter that is attached to an M1 Garand? Thanks, Gerry
  4. Hello: I have a squad that has a Bazooka and 4 AT Rockets in the Special Equipment panel. I think the Bazooka uses these AT Rockets. In the same panel there is 1 AT Grenade. And in the Ammo Panel there is an item below grenades that says "66mm HE 3". The squad has a M7 Grenade launcher. I do not know whether the M7 fires the "66mm HE 3" or the AT Grenade. I think the former. If so, what fires the AT Grenade? Or is it just thrown? Thanks in advance, Gerry
  5. Thanks. Great to see people so friendly and willing to help. Gerry
  6. Hello All: How many men are needed to fire this? I ask as sometimes when playing the Americans, I see only one enemy and he appears to be firing it as an HMG (I think the issue of something being wrong with the animation has been brought up before?). Thanks, Gerry
  7. Hello Pete: As Ian said, any chance you can tell us how you did this? Maybe there is a special tool in the works? Thanks, Gerry
  8. We Band of Brothers and A few Good Men are sites that are often mentioned. Also the Blitz. You might want to search for previous threads on this. Gerry
  9. Hello Steve: It doesn't seem to work like that. Even with Landmarks off, 2 of the 3 objectives still have text displaying twice. Not a big deal. I am getting old so it could be operator error! Gerry
  10. Hello Paper Tiger: Thanks for doing this. I assume if I play the missions it would ruin the campaign for me? I prefer H2H campaigns versus scenarios. But unfortunately we don't have than now (anyone know if there are any changes coming in this down the road?). So a compromise right now might be to play these historical missions H2H. So thanks again. Gerry
  11. Hello: It would be really nice if they could add something that makes it easier to see the teams of a squad. Wondering if they could start out with the icons not having a silhouette of a solder but rather numbers for the squad number (1 for squad 1 etc.). Then when you split the squad you would see 1A, 1B, etc. As someone noted, right now the difficulty of easily finding the squad members makes the micro-management process more challenging. Gerry
  12. Hello: I never played the CM1 series but I get the impression it was more AFV-oriented. Is that true? Gerry
  13. Hello: Any else have the text for each objective show up twice? Thanks, Gerry
  14. Hello: At what point does one stop answering questions from newcomers? If you stopped a few months ago, I would have missed out on many helpful answers. I imagine it is frustrating for veterans of the forum sometimes but people can choose whether they want to answer. I hope they still will. Gerry
  15. Thanks very much for the offer. Really appreciate it. Gerry
  16. Hello: It's a PBEM from my opponent. Can I turn that into a saved game file? Thanks, Gerry
  17. Hello All: I placed an AT Gun near the bocage so that it could fire down the road (say 12 o'clock) but still have a field of fire to the left-hand side (say 9 o'clock). I think it got stuck in the bocage because it could see a Grant in its LOS for a full 20 seconds and did nothing. A second later it was in the same state as the sheep that got stuck in the bocage. Why did it not fire on the Grant? It had LOS but I assume that means the crew could see the Grant but they couldn't pivot the 75mm enough to get the shot. I had given it a Face command in the direction of the Grant because I knew it was in the area. If I moved the Gun an action spot away from the bocage it would be out in the open. Any tips? Thanks, Gerry
  18. Hello: Is there any way to print out a mission's map, on say an 8.5x11 page, for planning purposes? Other than a screen capture with an overhead view? Thanks, Gerry
  19. Lovely. Something else to look forward to! Gerry
  20. Hello George: Many times when I see your posts I follow your blowtorch link. I did not get into CMx1, so wondering if you will be doing themed packs like this down the road? Thanks, Gerry
  21. Hello: "What, this is normal. I have yet to figure out how not to get infantry into this state if its any kind of battle that is a challenge." This is what I wanted to know. And thanks for the reminder about reserves. Such a standard military idea that I have been neglecting. Making one more push for an objective with infantry in the states I mentioned usually ends with them doing their Brave Brave Sir Robin impersonation. Gerry
  22. Hello: Looking for a scenario for H2H play that will be an "easy" introduction to armor. I would like to have the AFVs and it would be OK if my opponent had them also or just had AT assets. Not a massive combined-arms mission. Thanks, Gerry
  23. Hello: What I think would be good is for Battlefront to provide 2 interfaces and we choose which option we have running. Option A could be the current one (even though Steve said it would change I am not sure how much) and Option B would be something like Clark's suggestion. Seems there are different player preferences in terms of how people want data displayed or how they collect/see the data. Instead of trying to satisfy everyone with one UI, why not have 2 variations? I am sure some will say that then there will be a need for a 3rd option, etc. But a choice of A and B above would probably satisfy most!? Gerry
  24. Hello: Won as the Germans which surprised me. I didn't realize I had killed so many of his troops till the AAR screen. I kept control of the farmhouse. But just about, as my troops were in a bad state. Main reason I was surprised to win was that I had lost all the heavy weapons. And the briefing said something to the effect of minding them. So wondering if that is factored into the scoring of the scenario? Gerry
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