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Everything posted by markl

  1. I was thinkng of a battle generator using existng maps. After purchasing a few games lately with no quick battle generator of any sort, I have come to the decision no quick battle generator no purchase. I sure hope they include one. Considering Company Of Heroes included one it can not be that hard. Cheers MarkL
  2. Has anyone tried Pacific Storm yet. I have the Australian version and the patch is not compatable with our version yet so I have uninstalled it. Just wondering if anyone has the CDV version, and if it is any good after the v1.3 patch. It does seem to be a bit tedious with the spread sheets like game play in parts. But I think the concept is quiet good. Cheers MarkL
  3. I have just been looking at the page for Theater of War and did not see any mention of a quick battle generator. Does anyone know if the finished game will have one? Off topic, Out of interest has anyone tried "Pacific Storm" Unfortunately not all versions have a patch yet. The current 1.3 patch only works with the CDV version which leaves a lot of us out in the cold. It looked so promising but so far (at least without the patch) it dissapoints. I had high hopes for Pacific Storm as being something different. But have removed it now till my version of the patch comes out. If it ever does. Cheers MarkL
  4. Thanks for the link. I will do a search on the author to see if I can turn anything more up. Cheers Markl
  5. Hi, I have read the manual but so far I can not understand how to use the various sighting scales in the stations. Fom searching past posts I found a link to a manual that had colour pictures that look to be almost the same as in the manual. This manual looks to be from the days of when the demo was released in Russia and a translated manual produced to get people started. It is far beter than the pictures in the official game manual. The manuals list what the scale are but not how to use them. What appears to be sloping range finding scales are very close together and I can not work out how to use them. Same for the different balistics scales. I can not find any documantation on how they work Have I missed something very basic here? Most people seem to be getting the hang of it by the lack of posts regarding this issue, so it must be me to some extent. Also are there any other forums discussing this title as it seems prety quiet here now. I must be the last one having problems. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers MarkL
  6. Hi, Is there an electronic copy of the main game manual? The installation installed two PDF manual / documents for the editor but no manual that I can find. The manual that comes with the game doe not really show the pictures very well. Looks like it needs to be printed in colour. I could not se one on the CD's either. Hope I did not miss it. Is there an electronic version available so I can print it out in A4 colour? Also has anyone produced any guides on using the sights etc. Cheers MarkL
  7. Hi, I am getting a bad link error message for the "ambush" mission. Could someone at BattleFront please check the link. I finally got around to buying this one. looks like a nice change from the CM series. Cheers MarkL
  8. Please add a mision editor or at least a quick mission generator. This looks nice but lacks the replayability (I think)that I like about the Battlefront titles. Cheers MarkL
  9. Well you know we have to ask, pre orders, release date etc. I suppose I should look at the site now. Finally IL2 with a brain. Cheers MarkL
  10. Well you know we have to ask, pre orders, release date etc. I suppose I should look at the site now. Finally IL2 with a brain. Cheers MarkL
  11. I was going to get the download version but I hate to say it the activation has put me off altogether. I use the web a totally seperate PC. What type of copy protect will be on the game disk? I really hate to ask such questions, and wish I did not have too. But thee are some copy protection schemes that I will not support under any circumstances. Sorry to ask, but I would like to get this one. Cheers MarkL
  12. Hi, I have sent you the few I have been able to find quickly. But they were out of the crashed archives as well. I can not test them for out at the moment as my games PC is out of action. Let us know how you go. Cheers MarkL
  13. That link by flamknives will be a good start to check acronyms I do not know. As much as they are often hated, they are they to stay and it is better to learn at least the common ones used on the forums. Cheers MarkL
  14. Hi, A few years ago when I purchased CMBO I had trouble understanding the abreviated terms used on the forum and had to start making up a glossary for myself from the various people who argued out the finer points. Well it looks like modern warfare has me back to scratch again. I do not remember seeing "MOUNT" before the new series of CMX started to be discussed. Could some kind person "or Grog" (not that I think grogs are not kind) put together a short glossary and post it for people to add to some time in the future with modern warfare terms not covered by past CM discussions re WWII. If I remember correctly some of the topics that listed "terms" in the past genrerated some lively discussions as to what the terms meant. Cheers MarkL
  15. Hi, A bit off topic, but has anyone played Full Spectrum Warrior? If you have do you know of a forum where I can get help getting the game up and running. The control keys do not seem to work at all in the Mount Training missions but seem to be working ok in the campaign. there does not seem to be a forum at the THQ site or a patch that I can find. I saw it for $20.00 so I thought I may as well try it, if only it would work. Cheers MarkL
  16. Hi, A bit off topic, but has anyone played Full Spectrum Warrior? If you have do you know of a forum where I can get help getting the game up and running. The control keys do not seem to work at all in the Mount Training missions but seem to be working ok in the campaign. there does not seem to be a forum at the THQ site or a patch that I can find. I saw it for $20.00 so I thought I may as well try it, if only it would work. Cheers MarkL
  17. Hi, A bit off topic, but has anyone played Full Spectrum Warrior? If you have do you know of a forum where I can get help getting the game up and running. The control keys do not seem to work at all in the Mount Training missions but seem to be working ok in the campaign. there does not seem to be a forum at the THQ site or a patch that I can find. I saw it for $20.00 so I thought I may as well try it, if only it would work. Cheers MarkL
  18. I think the learning curve for entry level is fairly easy. To master the game is a different matter altogether. For a beginner I think the slow pace plus if you really want to win you can double your forces against the PC makes the game easy to get into. For some other games like combat flight sims and other FPS you have to learn a whole lot of different keys that have to be applied in the heat of the moment. And with combat mission games so far you have access to all the maps etc without having to win the previous one. Which means you can have a go at the lot without the need for cheats as the game gets harder and harder as you go. I think the learning curve is a bit over rated. As for distribution. I vote for Battle Front to sell their games any day. How many other distributors will give you a new disk if you return he old one. Even after a few years. Or even return your e-mail regarding a bad disk. Look at CDV. We hear more complaints from people who purchased from them than Battle Front, because Battle Front always honors their products without exception. There is a good chance you can still get a new CMBO disk if you needed one. As for mass appeal. I could be wrong but it seems like the games with the most appeal especially with the younger set seem to have the worst copy protection on them. For example the new Battle of Britain II from Shockwave. Their distributor GMX has a very bad name, compared to Shockwave for the copy protection on their disks and have probable cost them some support in the future, and they are in a niche market as well. I think Battle Front are walking the fine line fairly well. Cheers MarkL
  19. To John Kettler: I do not know which verion they have. I saw a few brands on the case but did not check to see if CDV was on the list. (should have I suppose) There was no manual inside the box either. But considering the manual that shipped with the original game, that is no loss. And you are right why would you buy the Battle Front version. For $10.00 even I would buy a CDV version. (well I am not sure there, depending on the copy protection used by CDV that can be very bad) But generally once it gets to "Red Ant: status the copy protect is no longer on the disk. I guess it adds to the cost. I have not seen CMBO or CMBB in the value range yet. Another local store still had the boxed verions of those about two months back. Considering the crowds there at the moment I hope not to go back before Christmas. You just about have to camp out to get a car park at the complex. And to MAsta_KFc, That lovely little lass was not there last time I was there. They probably rotator around the stores to keep the customers intersted. As I remember she was he only one who knew anything about the games they sold or were coming up. I think some of the other sales staff have never seen the inside of a game box. You mention MS Flight Simulator and you just get a blank look sometimes. Anyway in end of January and early Febuary the specials will be even better, and I will be there with my cash. They may even have the buy two get one free like last year for the value range. If the others are there as per the link from Mace I may be able to get all 3 for $20.00. But I have asked them to get some of the Red Ant titles in for me and they were not interested. They said they just sell they as they get them ad hok. I can only hope. Cheers MarkL [ December 05, 2005, 03:32 AM: Message edited by: markl ]
  20. Another good set of training scenarios would always be welcome. I would like to see one like the old "King of the hill" from CMBO.(playd as allies) Or something similar tha has the ability to moove trops around to diferent places in vehicles to counter attacks with a fair chance of their surviving. I remember one that was also very good for anti tank rifle training, but I am having trouble finding it. It may have been by Sergi or Theike as I remember the map itelf was excellent. If I can find it I will post it's name. Cheers MarkL
  21. To MikeyD: I think the death sounds you mention is the newdeath.zip from the following. File size 707 kb.It took me awhile to find where I had that one stashed. If anynone wants it to convert to CMAK send me an email [marklaur@tpg.com.au] I did not check to see if they were still available at cmmods. The readme from the zip is below: ******************************************* ----New Death/Torment Sounds For Cmbb---- Backup old files, then replace. ---------------------------------------- Sounds created by StuG & Maxter --------- --------- ---------- --------- -StuG@muusikko.net- ********************************************* Cheers MarkL
  22. To npsbre, If you can not download the scenarios for some reason send me an email to marklaur@tpg.com.au and I will send them to you. The zip file is 203 kb, not very big. Cheers MarkL
  23. Can someone point me to a site with a current forum for OFP. I was at Electroni Boutique this weekend and I saw the GOTY edition with Cold War Crisis, Red Hammr and Resistnce. I only had straight Cold War crisis before. When I installed this version it installed two shortcuts. One for "GOTY Edition" and one for "Classic Flashpoint". I had quick look on the web and there could be updates for both versions but I am not sure. In the past when I have tried to update my last version with a patch or mod I trashed the setup completely. I would like to avoid that this time. Electronic Boutique even had a box with the first 3 Medal of Honor games and the often cursed Hidden & Dangerous II. I may neve play them, but for the price they were asking I could not leave them there. They even had CMAK for $10.00, so a few people will get that for Christmas a well. It looks like Christmas will be the season for gaming this year. Cheers MarkL
  24. I was in Electronic Botique today and noticed that CMAK was being sold in a plastic DVD case with the Red Ant / Big Bytes label, for AU$10.00. Last time I saw it there it was in the CMAK cardboard box. I would not have thought Battlefront would hae put it out in the value range boxes yet, but there you go. Looks like I may give it too a few people for Christmas. For anyone interested in Australia, I saw it at Miranda, Sydney. Cheers MarkL
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