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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Zapp, yes eliminating this altogether. Great idea. Little alteration to programming, hope that Hubert listens.. It'll crash SC2 before it hits the competitive Market if not. Players are anal about their moves in this game...
  2. Well, heh, that is true in a aspect Ev but not entirely. These leaders didn't control all the aspects that we do in SC, we can play Patton or FDR. We can play Admiral Doenitz or Goring. We have it all at our fingertips. The Leaders are merely Icons and no matter which way you slice the pie you end up with their Good Traits or bad attributes. The biggest Notably if you're playing Axis in '39 Poland Scenario is the the early DOW and unpreparedness for a 2 front War. I would've waited as Hitler till I had more of a Navy and Army to face the possibility of being hit by the Reds and the Democrats. The AI plays more like a Private who can't peel a potatoe and the only way to make it a challenge is to give yourself virtually nothing to fight back with.
  3. The Allies would've never joined the Axis. Ignorance is bliss I suppose There were a few short sighted General who would've gone for this in Our Ranks but to Ally Tyranny is a Joke. It's more than likely that Stalin and Hitler would've gone to bed together in '42 or '43 over Stalin's Second Front<still very unlikely> than any other way. Churchill is just not that sort of Man and if you don't know that then read about him
  4. LOL Well, Mr. JR Member last I checked I was #1 in IP SC and you're not even on the list. So go play and curse less<as cursing is a sign of low intelligence>
  5. People will say that the Axis had the "Great Men." That on the Allied side you only had Zhukov, Montgomery and Patton in the Euro Theatre. Although the Top Leadership of the Allies were far better. Churchill, FDR and Stalin were far better World Leaders than Hitler and Mussolini. Hitler could get together a Mass Rally but he was not General. He was given to fits of Rage, madness, went to Tarot-Psychic readers, etc..Mussolini, aside from bring Fascism to the World I can't remeber much notable achievements there. Churchill had his historic failures but this Man was an Ex-Real Military Man. He had what you call real Guts and Qualities that would help his Nation prevail up against some pretty bleak Odds. FDR got his Nation into a War they weren't sure they wanted sneakily, bit by bit. Little resources here, little lend lease there, little embargo over there. He was charismatic, not saying Hitler wasn't, but he was no Fanatic and I don't sense him as being as Failible. He didn't make as many mistakes<as least important ones> Stalin, was a psychopath and well, against another one he was even more so. I don't recall anyone ever attempting a Coup in Soviet Russia whilst he was still Healthy mentally. I think that the Allies Deserve some sort of Political and Leadership bonus in the game on that level. The fact they were 'good', and the World knew it. Though they don't have a Guderian, Rommel, Manstien, or many of the other great Field Leaders... Truly Patton IMO was not fully tested against a "large equally equipped enemy." Nor was Montgomery as both men at the time had #s, airpower, and supply on their side by the time they won... Zhukov was different and he used Weather, but the fact is Germans and Italians didn't have as much political Power as the Allies IMO, part of their failing. Just an added thought folks, but certian values in the game should be adjusted accordingly. Liam
  6. Yes foul language but by far Hitler was the Worst General of WW2. He was a successful WW1 Corporal who attempted to run the OPs of the Entire German War Machine. Towards the end of his Reign he was giving out orders to units that no longer existed and in large part he was the reason the 3rd Reich fell so early. On the other side, the Americans and Brits were too afraid to get their feet wet IMO in Normandy causing much more death than was neccessary when the Axis could've been defeated in the Summer of 1944, which doubled the Mostly Civilian not military casualties. Saying from 44 to 45 as many died as from 39 to 44
  7. Zapp: this is a major design flaw. I have one idea for a fix Do not let a player Save the game without both players voting for a save. In some games I play before you can quit, all players have to vote and then there is a timer to save. Well, modify SC2 to the point where if I want to save I cannot do it without your okay as my opponent.Offer the Autosave feature for those who trust it, but disable it for those who do not. Small amount of programming here Big Factor Problem could be fixed unless player asks for a lot of 'breaks'... but that would eliminate a lot of the problem.
  8. Well Kuniworth I've been chasing you around for friggin' 2 weeks to finish our game and you've done like 6-8 turn since things went down hill for you! bahhhh. It's over, I say we all just continue ourselves we don't need a moderator. I don't care if there is cheaters out there. That's not the spirit, you've just lost interest in things We both know in our game that the Axis are fighting a winning battle. Minus 6 airfleets to my 1 over the course of the game. Minus 1 Russian HQ and 105 Allied land units to my 5 or 10... SO just surrender and we'll put it at American down 1... Now for the next match
  9. Curry Blashy Well, there is Dice with Rolls in Combat, but they don't decide the Combat 100% So why not make the 'chance' less in Technology and more SureFire. That way it's not luck but rather planning and strategy that acquires it? You can edit this SC2 so a moot point. You will have the ability to do all what you guys want
  10. Well, now this bug has been found I think that it should be brought to Hubert so that SC2 doesn't have the same flaw. At least make it a bit harder for the cheaters so not every 14 yr old kid has got the "Force" on his side<the Dark side of course>
  11. We were playing this game before I don't see why it should stop now. I think that it's a cop out
  12. Johnny Rambo, I believed you from Day one I have had several games with different players that were just odd ball. In Axis & Allies Club crew I was banned by Bill Macon for saying that their was a dicehack. The #1 Player of the Axis & Allies Club Commander of War had been given an introduction by a fellow player and rolled 1s every time. We were involved in proving the case, most backed me up as well a majority of the top ten players.<I even linked a site that had the dicehack on it> I love the feeling of Democracy I get from this forum<free speech> and that people take seriously what is readily apparent. There is more than one Cheat for SC and it's pathetic but it's pretty apparent whose using them and why.
  13. A further comment on this game, Kuni got Jet4 for both US and UK. Also UK has Gun Radar 2 US has Anti Tank 2
  14. Heh, unless you're editing only AI offers that option
  15. End of Turn: Kharkov falls in the South. Russian Front any day now will evaporate into disorganized Ramble. However on the Western Front. New UK and US Jets hit the assembly line and are now in service helping to conquor France. Paris was surrounded now opened by up, afraid it shall fall in 1 turn UK & US very strong presence but yet to face the full brunt of Axis Land Armies
  16. Nov1st. Switzerland surrenders D-day commences, German lost an Armor Unit. Full fledged invasion Force. 2 RAFs lost 1 LW
  17. Sept 6th: A Russian HQ Sniped on the Eastern Front. Few more Russians killed. D-Day may be comming soon. :taps toe: Switzerland invaded by Italy
  18. Aug 23rd: Seeking to avenge their fallen Comrades Red Army strikes back at Gariboldi's Command damaging an Italian Armor down to strength 2 but doesn't to kill the entrenched Unit or recapture a Mine. The continual Luftwaffe pounding around the clock of Russian Corps and weeding out their thick Numbers is non-stop...Western Front is quiet with Brest and Bergen occuppied. German units are within 3 hexes of Moscow though they've not captured any of the Key cities around her yet. Russian Army is Vast and we must assume that the Western Allies are assembling a massive invasion force for a Calais landing at some point or another. [ May 15, 2004, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  19. 1942 Germans have Jets and LR Fighters The UK Does not, Russian Front cedeing to Germany. This is a Hellish War
  20. Aurevoire Mr. Sweden, say hello to those Northern Ladies for me Guys SC is fun don't get me wrong but it you only have some many strategic Combinations pefer you run out. Lets just say after you've played 90-95% of them you get bored? It's already old for me after about 300-400 games... Just the competition that has kept me around at all<which is now leaving>
  21. Agreed Dalmatia, Greece gets 2 Armies.. The Yugoslavians get 3 Corps, there is no sense in that. Croatia served their Axis Masters well.. Although so did many other nations. I would think that most of the Balkan Minors were poor quality troops. Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary get 4 Armies they could'nt hold the line at Stalingrad. They were not like the Germans who were fighting fanatically for World Domination. I think the Italians were even slightly better rated but not by a large factor they couldn't beat Greece on their own. Fact is the Balkans had a lot of reason to fight each other but not as much to fight others outside. Although Yugoslavia did.. they were invaded.. Why Greece and Albania didn't join in the Partisan Movement I'm not sure, fear of Reprisals I imagine...
  22. Kuniworth is correct, the First Blood Hex is the first Kill Hex for the German Juggernaut IMO A term that Rambo uses, in reference to Rambo First Blood It can be the Hex Due South of Antwerp or another Hex South adjacent to the Ardenne. The Elbow is useful for the Allies to transport the 100% effectiveness non-HQed units from Great Britian. If you Park a Vessel in London port it can strike from the "Should be Calais" Port Region directly Into France or the Low Countries. Vis Versa this Hex is a dangerous location for an Allied Corps if it gets cut off, no supply and just 1 German do can do a Dunkerque cutting off that unit from escape, resupply or effectiveness. The Brits at this point can nolonger use that the Calais Hex Either... So Normally I trap a Brit Corps there and leave it at half strength until the France momentum is up and Paris is directly threatened and LC is nolonger the battleground.
  23. Yugoslav partisans definitely didn't breed half strength corps every other turn like they do in SC 1 and spread all around the Balkans taking it over and they wouldn't have been able to either Even a Balkan city Militia in Bulgaria/Romania/Greece/Albania/Hungary would've stopped them... so isolated partisans to their mother country would be a smart additive. However Partisans in more an abstract fashion that reduce the value of say Resources in the Balkans, or Yugoslavia is more realistic. Even increase the cost of Operating units in and out of the area due to Rail damage. The primary of function of Partisans. Lawrence of Arabian style... Good Pioneer of sabotaging a Larger army with a small band by hurting their ability to transport and supply... That and if a Rebellious country is abandon long enough perhaps then it can breed a resistance that could take it back over. Croatia, was too small. Luxembourg is too small to be honest. Although Luxembourg has a valuable resource, it has Metals...though no real army to resist, I think Luxembourg City or a Mine should be included but not the Country. Croatia from what I know was not recognized as a real nation, may have been a puppet regime. Fact is they were one amongst several factions against the Serbians in Yugoslavia. We should represent those Factions as Mentioned by Panzer. I agree totally, that the Bosnians/Croats/Albanians/Macedonians/etc... could've caused a lot of havoc for the Serb Goverment and for themselves... There should be a great X Factor in Yugoslavia. I don't say divide the Nation but if you invest in her to attempt to make her align with your Country, a big risk that another Rebellious coup will steal away your investment. Plus you have to include whether or not you harm other Balkan Minors.. Had Germany not invaded Greece to help Italy perhaps no investment would've been neccessary or any invasion. Yugoslavia had a decent Army. 3 corps is pretty pathetic..I'll bet the Yugoslavians of 1941 would've given the US Army a run for it's money organized What of Lichenstien?<sp heh that's the smallest nation I know of in Europe, can't include them.
  24. Since ages ago I've been writing on the Power of the F-16s in SC Well, now maybe people will listen...
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