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Everything posted by Terif

  1. June 1941: Bergen abandoned, occupied by Axis forces. Alexandria under heavy attack, but holding out. Vichy battleship destroyed in a last heroic battle. Axis approaching Algier. Germany has now the jet tech advantage: Lv2 against Lv1 (UK has 5 chits in jets). [ June 20, 2003, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  2. April 1941: Huge airfights in every place. German air attacks Malta and italian battleships bombard the airfleet with heavy losses for Italy. 4 german airfleets (jets Lv0) try to destroy a fully entrenched UK airfleet (jets Lv1) near London through direct attacks without success. Norway attacked by german forces, Oslo corps destroyed but capital not taken. Allied reinforcements move into Oslo and Bergen. Vichy still alive.
  3. March 1941: All swedish units destroyed besides the last army in Stockholm. Next turn they will surrender. Italy researched Lv2 anti-tank. Minor fights in Egypt. Italian ships and german airfleets near Sicilly.
  4. February 1941: Sweden still fighting against german Hq, 2 armies, tank and some corps + airfleets. Will fall within the next 2 turns. Vichy cruiser destroyed by german air in Italy. Airfights with Malta airfleet. UK reinforcements arrived in Algier. UK carriers and battleships attack Brest. German airfleets scattered all around the world. Italians finally landed in Egypt.
  5. December 1940: Algier and Stockholm still Allied. No enemy units near Algier. Vichy ships are searching for Axis units. Italy researched Lv1 anti-tank. Many italian transports at Egypts coast.
  6. November 1940: Still no DoWs. First italian transport appears near Alexandria. No fights since Brest. More than half of the Axis units are converted into transports... England prepares for a Sealion... [ June 20, 2003, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  7. Very strange: No landings in a neutral country. UK has now more ground units than Germany or Italy. Sealion against the whole french army ?
  8. September 1940: UK Brest corps destroyed. The continent is now in Axis hands. German transports approaching Norway...
  9. August 1940: Airfights over Brest. 3 german airfleets attack Brest port. UK corps in the city cut off. Italian units approaching Alexandria.
  10. July 21, 1940: France surrendered. No further losses for UK forces. First tech advance after nearly one year researching.
  11. July 7, 1940: The core of the french army escaped to England. They will return in 1-2 years to their homeland . All UK corps sitting near a port. France will fall next turn with only 2 french corps left, fighting till the death...
  12. June 1940: Italy joines Axis. Evacuation procedure started. Maginot line and french mine abondoned. Allied units heading to ports...
  13. April 14, 1940: Nelson battleship and a german cruiser are lying side by side at the bottom of the sea... Germany kills one corps per turn in France and is slowly marching forward.
  14. March 17, 1940: Germany decided to start a naval battle between Brussel and Denmark. Hood cruiser sunk. UK ships strike back, sink the german sub, damages a cruiser and cut both cruisers off from their german ports. The victorious combined french and UK fleet returns from the Atlantic sub hunt and will do the rest ... The first french defence line retreats after the leading corps is killed. Three defence lines left.
  15. Nothing new in the west. No advances for Germany... Last Atlantic sub sunk. [ June 20, 2003, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  16. Allied turn 4: Germany conquered Warsaw with the last unit. But Poland still in the game. Polish forces cut of the remaining german units from Germany. Koenigsberg port captured. French army in the Ardennes destroyed, hex occupied. Denmark corps destroyed, the capital will fall next turn. First german sub sunk.
  17. Allied turn 3: Axis operate another army (strength 4) west. Zapp gambles in Poland . 60/40 chances that he gets Warsaw... Both german subs found in the northwest corner of the map. They will sink in the next two turns.
  18. Turn 2 Allies: Axis invaded LC. Only 3 armies, 1 tank, 2 corps + Hq in Poland left. 4 Polish units and Warsaw still alive, therefore a risk for Axis to operate so much in the west so early... German subs stopped raiding in the Atlantic. Allied ships are searching... Ireland surrendered. Zapp has to take a break, continues later or tomorrow.
  19. Tigleth Pilisar: I just tested it: if Canada is assigned to USA in a scenario, then the 30 mpps go to USA and not to UK. So they earn 180+30 = 210 mpp. Therefore if in your case UK minors collect 120+ mpp, then UK owns either additional ressources than Iraq and Portugal (80+10=90mpp) e.g. Egypt (30mpp). Or Canada wasnt assigned to USA in the scenario editor before the game started. If you mean with PBEM tourney the ongoing tourney from Disorder/JJ (Z-plan scenario): there Canada belongs to UK and not to USA. In this scenario it is not possible for USA to receive the canadian mpp. If you mean another tourney, then UK probably owns other ressources too... About making a max for mpps stored by UK minors: I think this is not necessary. You cant use more than half of your existing units value from this poole anyway. Everything collected disappears when liberating UK. So a cap doesnt change anything, only a cosmetical change to make the numbers look nicer . This would make some work for the programmer(=Hubert), but wouldnt change the use of the mpps collected. [ June 20, 2003, 07:04 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  20. Tigleth Pilisar: The number on the ressources show their supply value. The mpps collected from them are the number multiplied with the value of the ressource. This is: normal cities 1, capitals 2, mines 2, oilfields 3... Therefore Portugal produces 10 mpp/turn, Iraq 80mpp (connected to russian capital and liberated. If attacked by Allies its 8x8=64 mpp) Canadian mpp still goes to UK and not to the US or so (Everything thats in UK colour collects for them). So its correct, UK minors earn 80+10+30= 120 mpp/turn. The only problem is, that these mpp are nearly useless. You can only use them to reinforce/operate/transport your remaining UK units, not to build new ones. More worse, if you liberate England, then all saved mpp - and that can be a lot (mpps from liberated minor coutries like Norway/Sweden also go to UK): in my game against GoldenPanda where he conquered UK, the minors collected a total of some thousand mpps - are lost. The liberated UK starts with 0 mpp, no matter how much the minors collected before. [ June 19, 2003, 05:54 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  21. Iron Ranger: I would be glad if I have something to do in July and look at some games . So disorder is right: take your time [ June 13, 2003, 10:05 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  22. Terif


    Yes, there is a place in the Battlefront forums. You find it three entries below the SC forum: Opponent finder forum. Heres also the link: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum;f=24 Sometimes you have to wait some time until someone shows up (up to 1-2 hours ), depends on the time zones and at which time you are looking for an opponent... Therefore its not a bad idea to make appointments in advance to meet at a certain point of time. Or just post some time before you can play and say it in your post, when you are ready. Lots of players also use instant messaging systems like ICQ, AIM, yahoo messenger and so on. But for new players its best to post or reply in the opponent finder forum. [ June 09, 2003, 08:28 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  23. Concerning our game: You are right, I guess it was a bit of luck to get Lv1 Jets before you. But perhaps it was because I invested in tech and you not.. ? In mid 1941 you had 4 airfleets and a bomber. You battled for France and had some losses in Eqypt. I dont think you had much mpp left for research. I usually invest 7-9 chits as UK and in this game as Axis I had 10 chits. You in contrary usually use the mpp for battles. So perhaps it is not that much luck, if I am sometimes ahead in tech... (especially from Lv 0 to Lv 1. BTW I had the Lv1 2-3 turns before you moved your airfleets in position). About combat luck: killing the french army in the Ardennes forest IS dificult !! I also needed very often many air attacks to do damage and kill it. Besides, how about your "lucky" UK corps ? I needed 3 turns to kill this single corps... didnt want to die . Sometimes one player has luck in a situation, sometimes the other. Combat luck evens out during the entire game. And mostly it can be explained with terrain bonus, entrenchment, experience and supply/Hq support (e.g. the Ardennes army: fully entrenched and with terrain bonus. Looking at the combat formula i.e: in average the first and second airfleet can not do any damage at all to the army and that is what happened in the game.. Only with a lucky shot they can do a maximum of 1 damage to the french unit. All following airfleets do in average one strength point damage). About carriers: Carriers are only useful with tech and experience. Your carriers had nothing from this (Lv0 and not much experience). And the most important before attacking as UK is reconnaissance ! Even as you noticed with your first airfleet attack that I had Lv1 jets and airfleets in Range of Brussel you continued to attack with all your airfleets and carriers. I had 7 !! airfleets around Brussel (not all intercepting, I had some 6 hexes away near Paris to make a counterattack). No wonder that I killed one airfleet and damaged your carriers heavily in my next turn... Summary: never attack so early (~7 turns before Russia would come in) without knowing the enemy strength and without any technology. And never continue attacking when you see there are strong enemy airforces around ! [ June 09, 2003, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  24. CVM: read my comment about house rules and especially an anti-air house rule (why not necessary) at Comrade Trapps thread: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=002493
  25. Comrade Trapp (and CvM): This is what Zappsweden was afraid of: When introducing one house rule, then all people come and demand for another house rule to solve their specific problem with the game. In general the League should be with no house rules at all. SC is balanced like it is, i.e. both sides have the same chances to win, if both players are equal. Every house rule shifts the balance to one side, you dont know the total effects in advance. Perhaps this house rule is perfect for your playing style, but thats unfair against all other players, that want to play a normal game. Every house rule limits the possible strategies. The reason for the house rule against the Rome gambit was: it decided the game in 5 turns and there is no real counterstrategy possible. Very experienced Axis players still can win against a successful Rome gambit, but its no fun to play any more for new/average players, if the Rome gambit is used. It shifts the balance heavily towards Allies. Therefore it was necessary to forbid this move. Everything else depends on the strategies both players use and you can develope a counterstrategy to everything so far. I dont know a strategy that is unbeatable after nearly 200 games played. You only need to know the counter . Therefore we dont need additional house rules. If you want a house rule, then not as standard in the League. You can make a house rule with the player you want to play. Nobody has something against, if both players want to play their game this way with a house rule. If he agrees to use it, then its ok. Officially there are no other house rules allowed in the League, but if both players agree to a house rule (or scenario) for their specific game, I think its ok. But you have to say it before the game and if possible remind the opponent after reloading the save some time later (not that he forgot about it). Edit: I just read in CvMs thread from Zapp, that it is even officially allowed to use additional house rules if both players want to. BTW: Your airfleet problem is no real problem. An airfleet costs 400 mpp (Lv0, normally it has Lv3-5= 520-600mpp) and has an attack rating of 2 against land units. An army costs 250 and has an attack rating of 4. Therefore using airfleets to kill ground units is very expensive and ineffective, if they are used in large numbers. An army is (even with the better experience gaining of airfleets) 2-4 times more effective than an airfleet. The main tasks of airfleets are: finishing off damaged units, making breakthroughs together with ground units, airbattles, reconnaissance and protecting the coasts. If a player uses airfleets in large numbers to kill full strength enemy units, then he will surely loose the game if the opponent does it right. Killing enemy Hqs is only possible if the other player moves them into the wrong place and has no air cover. If your Hqs are blown up regularly then you have to rethink/change your tactics and strategies. You dont need a house rule against too many airfleets. Its already implemented in the game with the mpps. If someone buys too much airfleets (lets say much more than 10 as Axis), then he will loose the game, cause he lacks ground units and needs the right mix of units. He needs a certain number for their main tasks, but not too much and not too few airfleets. For each additional airfleet he cant buy a more effective ground unit. If you see, your opponent buys a lot of airfleet, then use it against him and change your strategy accordingly (if you dont want to change your strategy, then you have a problem and need a house rule ). It works, I can assure you... . [ June 08, 2003, 06:25 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
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