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Everything posted by kurt88

  1. Truly wonderful and exciting AAR,guys,a great read! And though JerseyJohn may win the prize for the best posting in Rydercup AAR's,I say :'Come on Archibald,Europe's fate and future are in your hands,slay these godless Americans!
  2. March 1940, Axis refit and rest,all quiet on Western front. [ August 24, 2003, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]
  3. Good points JerseyJohn ,but I'm afraid Hubert won't bring anymore patches for SC.Let's hope these things will all be included in SC2,so let's ask Hubert for an update! Hubert ,give us some news,we're dying to know!! Look at JerseyJohn,he thinks disorder's the pope,you gotta help him.
  4. 11 february 1940 Heavy air fights over French border,UK throws carriers and RAF in the battle,both sides take casualties.One British army destroyed just south of Brussels.French Army holding the line next to it is reduced to five. Italy enters the war and invites neighbouring Canadians,British and French to come eat spaghetti. Malta appears to be abandoned.
  5. The ongoing Rydercup proves once again (just as the Z-league matches) how big and loyal a fanbase Strategic Command has. Surely Hubert must have noticed this! And surely Hubert must know how anxious everybody here is to learn about his current activities.Ofcourse we all hope he's working on SC2! So Hubert,please a rumor,a whisper or a drunken story to satisfy our impatience.Throw us a little bone that we can fight over!
  6. Succesfull attack on LC and Poland,they both surrender.German forces getting ready for France.
  7. Nov 26 1939 Hitler is somewhat reassured when he hears that Army Group East destroyed a Polish Corps that was blocking the way to Warsaw.A little smile curles around his lips when he hears more good news:Warsaw Corps reduced to strenght 1,entrenchment brought down to 0. Strangely enough an RAF unit was spotted right east of Warsaw,German troops suspect it there only to delay attack on Warsaw.Thus Bock ordered to ignore it and focus on Warsaw. Polish air still hiding in Northeast Poland attacked German panzer to no avail. On the western front al stays quiet.Though in the whispers of the night,troop movements can be heard.
  8. This is great idea JerseyJohn ,I completely agree with you on all points. The game as it is now would only become better with the introduction of minor HQ's. And on a bigger map it would even be better. And on a bigger map majors like Germany,US and Russia (perhaps UK as well) should be given the choice of buying motorized HQ's or normal ones.
  9. Disorder If the problem persists,I won't mind to starting over (we weren't far anyway ) Maybe try TCP/IP instead of PBEM. Ofcourse we would have to clear it with the team captains. [ August 18, 2003, 02:03 PM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]
  10. Axis Turn 3 Nazi's march in to Copenhagen,Denmark surrenders. Polish resistence still tough for Army group East,1 panzer and 2 armies took out Polish corps.North of Warsaw another one is damaged.Germans withdrow forces from Polish front for future operations. The Fuhrer complains about acute diarrhea,headache and anxiety attacks.
  11. Come on Kuniworth, I'll send you some Stella Artois if you bring victory to Europe!!
  12. Axis Turn Two, Denmark falls after combined attacks by air,water and landforces.Copenhagen not yet occupied. In Poland a firm defence around Warsaw has been established,but German Forces are not impressed! Frech air down to 1, two polish corps severly punished.
  13. Post in the Opponents Finder forum [ August 17, 2003, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]
  14. Edit the game before you open my turn,I think that's how it should done.I never played PBEM before,let alone with a bidding system. Here's what I did : I edited the Fall Weiss campaign according to the bidding (Uk=100,Russia=800), then played my turn and send it to you. If I'm doing something wrong,please let me know, I don't know better. :confused: Jupiler is by far the best!!
  15. Thanks for the support,Kuniworth I'm gonna need it ! And I'm from good old Belgium,monkeyzoo of Europe!
  16. Oh yeah almost forgot: to modify campaign: -open campaign editor -open Fall Weiss scenario -edit camaign data -change mpp start values (100 for UK,800 for Russia) -save campaign under new name e.g. Rydercup [ August 16, 2003, 03:37 AM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]
  17. Sept 1939 Axis forces launch attack on Poland kiling two Polish armies. Denmark also attacked-heavy shore bombardements.
  18. I'm sorry,seems the 1:8 system is in order,I bid 100 for Axis. For PBEM play:kurt_vanlooy@hotmail.com TCP/IP is also good for me.
  19. Which bid system 1:1:1,1:4 or 1:8,Kuniworth mentioned 1:1:1 I think. Would you like to play PBEM or TCp/IP?
  20. In a game vs Some God I decided not to perform Barbarossa,but build a solid defence line against the Ruskies and expand elsewhere. Regardless of the stupidity factor,is this against the rules? Some God said this might be the case but I had my doubts hence this question.
  21. Great stuff,I realy enjoyed this one. As a fellow rookie it's comforting to see there are others getting their butt kicked as well. Hang in there Curry , someday we'll beat these guys!
  22. Another european newbie here,ig I can help let me know!
  23. A few more techs in SC2 seems a good idea to me.
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