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Posts posted by SeaWolf_48

  1. I final know what's missing! The panzers in this game don't seem to have enough punch. Armor units should be able to move after combat, if they have not moved prior to combat. Infanty units should stay the same, unless they are Panzer Grenadiers, or Armored Infantry. This would give the germans much more power earlier in the game. This would allow break throughs and encirclements, a major doctrine the Wehrmacht depended upon. Lightning War instead of trench war. What do you think?

  2. Group North (Canada?)

    Very good suggestions, you've put alot of time into your forum note. Many of us have implied the same items, but your list is the best itemized list I've seen, are you an Engineer?

    They may not have another patch, but I wish that we could customize the campaign senario's with a better tool than the one supplied in the game now.

    I really like No's 3,4,5,and 10. plus Paratroops

    You may be a newbie with the game and this forum, but you certainly have been playing wargames for a while! Some persons here don't know the difference.

    [ December 29, 2002, 10:05 AM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  3. Hay Wagner, you have a ostentatious parade of importance. This site is fun, do you like pissing on peoples picnic's.

    If people are suicidal about this game then the freeways will become less crowded; and if there is any duel personality, bipolar, gamer in this cyber forum atleast he's not on the streets scaring people.

    Affectionately Yours


    P.S. Have had two bipolar girlfriends, man what a trip. Fun at first, then you find out they're bipolar, manic one day, want to die the next??

  4. Fellow Cyber Generals

    Since some of you have so much time to play war games, I propose that some of are best gamers design two or three senarios that only take around three hours or so too complete.

    Maybe: Barbarrosa June 41 thru Jan 43. , Normandy Jun 44 thru May 45. , or a Mediterranean Only Senario from whenever to whenever. Play testing each senario so that both sides are balanced, which allows the better or luckier player to win. This way we could have a tournament that doesn't last for weeks.

    By the way, LH made some great Unit icons (counters). Check them out.

  5. I've read of a story during the Battle of the Bulge during Christmas Eve. On that cold winter night eight german soldiers took refuge in a cabin in the Arden Forest where a hungry old Belgian woman, who lived alone, was making a meager dinner. Later during their scant dinner, where they all shared their food, eight American soldiers knocked at the door. When the old woman open the door the americans ran in from the cold to find the startled german boys. Both sides went for their rifles and raised them at their dreaded enemy.

    In a moment of silence while, all stared with great fear of life at eachother, the old Belgian woman stood between the young men and rebuked them in strong french, "put down your guns, immediately, who do you think you are, don't you know what day this is", and proceeded to disarm the young scared soldiers. There was a long pause, then one man lowered his rifle, which cause a relief to the others, all followed until all were disarmed and releaved from the tension. While all were still standing the woman started singing Silent Night, Holy Night in french. Both sides knew this song and started singing it in there own languages. This broke the ice and some started to cry, inwardly they felt safe and warm. This caused them all to put down their weapons, and later they all shared the small diner together.

    The story goes that all the men slept in that house that night, woke in the morning and left looking for their respective lines.

    Peace on earth, good will toward man!

    [ December 24, 2002, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  6. Good comments COE

    Agree with your suggestions, like the crusty old farts have told you most of them have been mentioned before. I hope that they invent a FAQ file, and catagorize them (and add a spell check).

    Engineers, paratroops, SS Div., and Spies; which would mean that you would have to have counter intel to find them (like MI-5, and Geheime Staatspolizei = Gestapo) and use up scant MPP's to find them.

  7. To those of you who believe in Jesus "Merry Christmas, He's the reason for the season".

    All others "Happy Holidays".

    Thanks also to Battlefront for a great website, where else can you get this entertainment for so cheap! All the laughs, the agony of defeat, the knowledge of this band of brothers, and the knuckleheads. I also enjoy the game, it's the equivalent to 21st Century chess!

    Thanks Everyone.

  8. A line from Blazing Saddles.

    I knew if I lead off with this line you would look at this e-mail.

    So, this site is getting too additive, it usually starts off with some concept like, The German Army Units needs SS Corps that kick everyones butts. Even 3R had black counters that represented the 1SS Div, or the HG Div. Not a bad idea however. But that's not the reason for this message! The reason for this subject is how each message starts out with some concept that we all think we know so much about because we've read a few books on WW2. Then a couple of internet guru's get sidetracked and start having internet mental sex, patting each other on their backs!

    Ofcource we all read this Sh_t because it is so intresting, and get caught up in their fantasy.

    So the answer is...Duty, Honor, Country, something Walther Model, Alfred Jodl, Sepp Dietrich or Gerd von Rundstedt didn't have a clue of. (I know your not suppose to end a sentence with a preposition but it just sounded right! Do you also have a dictionary next to your computer?)

    Thanks fellow gamesmen.


  9. I like your idea Jersey about the two different units. There best Pilots had to be retrained, airports had to be lenghtened, ground crews had to have new equipment and training and new fuel was used, all these items changed before the germans could use their jets; meanwhile prop planes were still in use. As new jet units come off the production line, old units should be updated with MPP costs.

  10. Very true Hueristic.

    The late time I play as the allies, Russia didn't join until June '42, and by then Germany had 6 Panzer Armies, and 10 Air Fleets. They slottered the Ruskies. I'm playing ver. 1.06 with Mod campaign for 1939 though.

    Has anyone won with ver. 1.06 as the allies? I haven't!

  11. No Krauts in No. America, Hitler was looking East not West. Germany needed a navy to get to Canada or the US. Both France and Britain would not let Hilter use their navies, for that purpose. France was conquered and they would have scuddled their ships before allowing the germans use their navy. Same with Great Britain. Churhill already had a senario for the Royal Navy if England was conquered. He wanted the warships to go either to Canada or the US.

    But Germany could build their own navy if they beat England in 1940, or Russia in 1942.

  12. Gentileman

    It has come to my attention that not all countries had strategic rockets, or the means to make strategic rockets during WW2 (I don't think that the rocket units in the game are Katyusha's). It seems more realistic that all the countries did have or could have made Siege Artillery. In SC every country can make Strategic Rockets, only Germany made V-1's and V-2's. I would like to see all countries be able to make siege artillery like the railroad gun Anzio Annie, the 31.5" RR Gun Dora, and the 24" siege mortar called the Karl. Possible one unit per Armed Force. The US and Britain used Naval guns from battleships to destroy ports and units near the coast, and this is already portrade in the game. But England and America could have made big guns, they didn't make rockets like our game has until they captured german scientist after the war. The siege artillery could be used against forts and cities to break down their entrenchment.

    Also, who had jets beside the germans during the war. The US and Britain started to have experimental jets before the war ended, the P-80 Shooting Star and the Gloster Meteor, but they weren't ready for war until 1947. Russia and Italy didn't have the means or the industry to ever produce jets. It seems that only the germans should have jet power! The US put its money and time into building the bomb, which was used in WW2, but who wants a nuke in this game. The P-51 and B-17s shot down more German planes; both airplanes (Me-109s, and Fw-190s) and Jets the Me-262s, than any other type of warplane. The Russians used their planes for ground attack. The IL-2 was their best plane. The English had the best Fighterbombers the Typhoon, and the Mosquito. These should be the goals for the Allies.

    Maybe making Fighters, Fighterbomber which would include medium bombers (like B-25, A-26, Ju-88, and Mosquito), and Heavy Bombers would be a better portrail of airpower. Only fighterbomber/medium bombers could attack ships and subs. Fighters were not used for ground attack because they were vulnerable to ground fire, a bullet in the radiator and the plane was history. Well, what do you think?


    Comments gladly excepted.


  13. I agree with you, The US has a hard time in making any units. I feel that making the US have 300 of MPP's minimum would be more realistic. I have a hard time even winning being the Allies, and they won the war, never winning before 1946.

  14. I don't know how to be humble about this subject. I've been playing war games since AH D-Day in the mid 60's. There are some things that shouldn't change even with the computer age with war game educate, if there is such a thing. I think that we should respect and build on the people and games that went before. Avalon Hill, SPI, and other board games were the model that started war games (not minitures)as we know them today. Concider, the hex map, land, sea, and air units (counters), movement rules, Resource points, etc. all started more than forty years ago. So my point is! 10 comments.

    1) You should not be able to create new units next to enemy units. In friendly Depots only.

    2) Enemy zone of control? Should being next to an enemy unit slow you down, effect supplies, limit reinforcement size, cause starvation of units if completely surrounded? Passed games had these rules.

    3) How about building forts, bases, ports, airbases?

    4) Each nation should have a limit to the number of units that it could build. Military books show limits.

    5) It takes time to build units, major warships it took two years to build, paratroops (where are they) took two years to train. This makes the gamers plan ahead, no instant panzers, poof!

    6) Loaning MPP's to your allies, Italy lived on german steel, coal, and food; not to mention Britian, could they have survived without US food, tanks, weapons, trucks, ammo, ships, etc.

    7) How about adding the Murmansk convoy, suppling Russia was one of the Allies biggest challenges. Ivans lived on k rations, and drove duce and a half trucks all the way to Berlin.

    8) Iceland is missing, this Island helped stop the submarine challange. Canada and the US are to close to Europe

    9) Where are the winter rules, General Mud, Johanne freezing in Mother Russia during 1941/42 winter, makes me cold just thinking about it!

    10) How about Spy's, the codes being broke, Enigma made Brittan much stonger, because they could concentrate there limited resources at vital points. You have partisans, but they get to strong, this would make the fog of war more interesting.

    I love this game, it has one of the best AI opponents that I,ve ever played against, and the over all concept of this game is entertaining. The map is funky but I'm sure that it will get better.

    I hope you get the jest of this memo.

    Devoted Gamer of SC.


    P.S. How about a spell check on this site!

  15. Brad

    I like the 1.06 download with the modified 1939 Blitzkreg campaign. I think one on one would be better than group play, and you could seed the players by experience until the final two play the SC (no not Southern Cal., Univ. of Spoiled Children, I'm a UCLA fan) Super Tournament.



    P.S. Live in So.Cal. (Orange Co.) golf all year long in shorts, best weather on earth for golf, and sport a 9 handicap.

  16. Dear Emil

    Your pretty brave behind a network, are you a real a 12SS Div. Hitler Youth member. My Father was in the 82nd Airborne (not the 101st which is so popular now, which was made from an 82nd regiment the 501st, the 82nd had 5 combat jumps against the germans) during WWll. He didn't jump at Normandy, but jumped into Nijmegen Holand, fought in the battle of the Bulge around St. Vith north of Bastogne, and in Operation Versity (Jumping over the Rhine into the Ruhr) the biggest airborne operation of the war. After the war the 82nd All American Airborne Div. were MP's in Berlin to try to keep the peace in war demolished Germany. He respected the German soldier and spoke of there toughness, he told me of the 88mm AA gun and how you didn't hear the round until it hit near you. He had many friends die at a young age (cut down in their youth because of german bullets).

    I asked him if he killed any germans, and he looked away sheepishly and said, "yes". He didn't brag about taking a human life, but understood the responsibility of serving in a Armed Force. Well, he missed you, whoever you really are, but I suppose that your not a kraut eating goose stepping pollock raping napalm sucking weasel, nazi. Proud of your service during the war, proud of the 20 million dead in Europe because of the unjust over bearing treaty of Versailles. Well, paybacks are a mother. Half of a country for fifty years, 1.5 million MIA's in Russia, cities bombed into rubble until there was nothing left to bomb but Dresden. I guess "sieg heil" hail victory, is what the Allies could chant in May 1945.

    But that's not what is important now, how about Germany backing the US in Iraq? We built you back up during the 40's and 50's, made a Republic in that Germanic forest of roving hords of Huns, and gave you a great economy with the latest technology, and not to mention a great culture, with programs like "Dallas" with JR, and Baywatch (Ha Ha).

    Germany is so liberal now that they are now preaching "peace at any cost"!

    I welcome your responce so called Emil. Why didn't you pick someone noble like Michael Wittman?

    Reluctantly yours,


  17. Great job on the unit counters. You must have some spare time on your hands!

    I don't like the US counters. the lite green on the lite brown looks bad. American olive drab is traditional with board games, The Brits said" Over paid, over sexed, and over here"! The Yank reply to the brits was "Under paid, under sexed, and under IKE"! Give the US counters our own color! Green.

    The Russian Red and brown looks O.K. but it clashes on my screen. Maybe the red could be a little more gental.

    Again, great job!

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