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Posts posted by nevermind

  1. Originally posted by nevermind:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:

    In other news,i managed to make it 5 1/2 months without significant work,but i cant make it any longer.DSL will cancel as of the 27th of this month.

    I just dont get it.Why isnt there more of a demand for gay midget goat humping pornstars?I fear i may have to resort to my other career choice :( Unless one of you guys would like to hire me?I can provide my own goat :D </font>
  2. Originally posted by nevermind:

    In other news,i managed to make it 5 1/2 months without significant work,but i cant make it any longer.DSL will cancel as of the 27th of this month.

    I just dont get it.Why isnt there more of a demand for gay midget goat humping pornstars?I fear i may have to resort to my other career choice :( Unless one of you guys would like to hire me?I can provide my own goat :D
  3. Turns out to all you MAGGOTS .Except to Whino ,i havent recieved a turn from him.I cant figure out why though.You would think that if he were having,i dunno,computer problems or something,that he would tell us.I guess not though tongue.gif:D

    In other news,i managed to make it 5 1/2 months without significant work,but i cant make it any longer.DSL will cancel as of the 27th of this month.NO!Do Not cry!I will return,the future looks as bright as a steaming pile of sh*t can possible look.I'll be back in 2-3 weeks.I know you guys are gonna miss me,but dont be sad,i'll be taking turns sleeping in all of your backyards,so you can visit me there :D:D

    Turns flying at a furious rate all weekend,gotta get me a good fix before my forced hiatis :mad: :mad:

    Carry on :(

  4. Turns out to all you MAGGOTS .Except to Whino ,i havent recieved a turn from him.I cant figure out why though.You would think that if he were having,i dunno,computer problems or something,that he would tell us.I guess not though tongue.gif:D

    In other news,i managed to make it 5 1/2 months without significant work,but i cant make it any longer.DSL will cancel as of the 27th of this month.NO!Do Not cry!I will return,the future looks as bright as a steaming pile of sh*t can possible look.I'll be back in 2-3 weeks.I know you guys are gonna miss me,but dont be sad,i'll be taking turns sleeping in all of your backyards,so you can visit me there :D:D

    Turns flying at a furious rate all weekend,gotta get me a good fix before my forced hiatis :mad: :mad:

    Carry on :(

    [EDIT to add]

    Damn it,and i knew there was a new thread,why did i post in here?!?!?!

    [ May 23, 2003, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  5. Turns out to all you MAGGOTS!!!!

    Snotball i would like to be that worthless,useless platoon HQ that has no,zero combat bonuses of any kind.You know,the one that you remove from command and replace with a company HQ if possible.BTW,hope you troops brought their hard hats :D :mad:

    Kinky enjoy my sig when you inevitably get it.Better make it good,because this is the last time.I hope you know what im refering to,if not i'll be happy to enlighten you.

    Whino tsk tsk tsk,a gun on a hill,sitting in the open ground?I apreciate it,i just wish that i hadnt issued the wrong orders to my sharp shooter. :mad: :mad:

    Sorry for slow turns,my situation has not improved,it will continue this way,or get worse.

  6. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    nevemind look for the email that has "PBEM" for the subject. The whole of the text is "making sure all the maggots get fed" , or somefink like dat. Turns out last night to the whole stinky, moronic, llama-huming lot of ya.

    Work?!?!? On a Saturday? WTF? :mad: Sad but true. Home early this evening, maybe, and turns will go out tonight or tomorrow morning.

    That is all, maggots. :mad:

    GGRRAAGGHHH :mad: I dont get it.I mailed that one this morning with all the others :confused: :mad: :mad:
  7. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    But how do I know you know what I meant to know so you could know what I meant?

    And as for that stick, by shoving it up your arse I'll accomplish two things -- relieving my pent-up fury and giving you something actually resembling a spine.

    :mad: :D :mad:

    Now I really can't wait for our game. :mad: :mad:

    Now then,doesnt that feel better? :D:D

    [ May 16, 2003, 08:36 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  8. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:

    BARFFFFFFFF!!!!! GGGRRRAAGGGHHHH Oh my gawwddd Ass69 what is wrong with you?

    Even though i may second the things you say,i just want to make one thing Very clear:

    If you start asking for a group hug,im leaving

    Just to clarify. My post was mainly about someone else on the boards going through something unbelievably tough right now. You were the second example.

    I can't tell you how much his e-mail meant.

    Maggot. :D :mad: :mad: </font>

  9. Originally posted by MikeyD:


    I'd say doing a run-through would be appropriate if you're playing defender on your home ground. Logic says you would have more info in those circumstances. Or if you've been fighting for the same factory in Stalingrad for 3 weeks straight. You should be expected to know the territory by then.

    There is one problem with this.If the defender does a run through against the AI,he gets to see what the attackers force composition is.That is a little bit too much of an advantage,IMO.

    I am really starting to like playing double blind PBEMs.I just hope that all the great scenario designers out there keep us supplied with a steady stream of this type of scenario goodness.

    Another interesting point about double blind play.It will make you honest.You will advance more cautiously and IMO more realistically.All in all,i'd say the briefings are about right,i've seen some that didnt tell enough,and others that told way too much.

    For future versions of CM,add a map to the briefings with all the lines of advance,suspected enemy positions,etc.Here is the cool part though,add FOW to the briefing map.Have the option to have things like fords and bridges located on the attackers briefing map incorrectly.This would impose a penalty to the attacker.Of course for this to work,you would also have to have FOW applied to the actually battlefield.A very similar discussion about this took place awhile back.I was thinking that everyone liked the idea ? :confused:

    [ May 16, 2003, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  10. Originally posted by Captain Pies:

    Yes,i know.I dont have the ability to post screens,and the effort i have already put into my failed explanation of the situation is a waste of my time.The vast majority of the problem is that i was playing CMBO.Most if not all the issues at hand are addressed in CMBB.I fought it for a long time,but CMBO is offically dead to me now :(

    I'll just have to put up with the eastern front for a little longer.CMAK will grant me the ability to play as the americans in a "realistic" game for a change.

    Thanks to all for the responses,the poll is offically closed,well it is too me anyhow.I should have been adult enough to not even post this.To me however,it is and always will be a "gamey" tactic within the scope of CMBO.

    [ May 16, 2003, 11:58 AM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  11. Originally posted by Admiral Keth:


    I just downloaded "Small Battles, Bidermann's Gun". I successfully unzipped the 17kb zip file to a 18k CME file. I have also looked at the internal structure of the file and it seems fine.

    Unfortunately (on many levels) I'm at work and cannot load up the file in CMBB...can anyone else help us out here?

    What is the size of the respective files you download/unzip?

    The size is 16.8 kb.I dont understand why it isnt working.Granted i am not using winzip,or any similar program,i am using the unzipping ability/utility built into winXP home.

    I have never had problems like this before,and have never had a file from the scenario depot that wouldnt unzip.I can also normally double click a zip file and it will let me see what is inside it,without having to unzip.The file in question is empty and wont unzip :confused: :confused:

    What am i to do? :(


    [ May 16, 2003, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  12. I have been trying to download your scenario at The Scenario Depot for a few days now.The scenario is question is "Small Battles, Bidermann's Gun".Seems all i get is an empty zip file :confused: .I dont have problems d/l'ing any others from there,could you or someone show my what im doing wrong,or please fix the file or somefink!

    BTW,i love the smaller battles you have done,great for tcp/ip or PBEM,but also great against the AI.When im looking for a litle CM action,and dont want a ridiculous looking QB,your scenarios "hit the spot",not too short,not too long.I also like the smaller amount of points involved.I encourage you,as well as others,to keep making scenarios like these.


  13. Originally posted by Soddball:

    Nevermind gets his glad rags on for a big Friday night out "with the boys".


    With two US Navy destroyers due in harbour this afternoon, Nevermind is likely to have a particularly exhausting weekend ahead of him.

    Damn it Soddy ,how many time i gotta say it? Stop following me around!!!!!!

    And for the love of gawd,send me a fecking turn,will ya?Im serious you evil bastid,i cant even remember which side i had,or what i was doing. SEND TURNS or the sailors this weekend will have to wait,as i am coming to see you instead :eek: :mad: :mad: :mad: XOXOXO :D

    [edit to add]

    You really do have a knack at catching people in good moments.Dont i look cute in that pic?

    [ May 16, 2003, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  14. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:

    How bout instead i educate you in the ways of handing over your sig with your tail between your legs MAGGOT That is,unless yew is scared :( (or if you are like Snottball and send one frekin turn a week)MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:



    Grrr. (My fiance's asleep


  15. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    GRAGGARGARAA!! :mad: :mad:

    I'm so full of fury I messed up! I meant Nevermind. :mad:

    Trust me, I know where Snarker is. He's taking a dirt nap with his troops!!! :mad:

    S--M--G! S--M--G! S--M--G!

    Jas :mad: n

    Good gawd no!I will never tell,it would give you too much material :mad:

    How bout instead i educate you in the ways of handing over your sig with your tail between your legs MAGGOT That is,unless yew is scared :( (or if you are like Snottball and send one frekin turn a week)MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

    [ May 15, 2003, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  16. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    NO! It was moi.

    Slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered!!!!


    Where do you live Snarker? :mad: :mad: :mad: We need insult material!!!

    That's a painful sig!!!! GRAGRAGRAAAGGAGRRRA!!!!!

    Jas :mad: n


    Click his profile button,Sheeez :rolleyes:tongue.gif :mad: :mad:


    [ May 15, 2003, 09:27 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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