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Posts posted by nevermind

  1. If some kind individual "i the know" would provide a list of what .wav files apply to which weapons/tanks..etc(just so you know,its seems that all weapons have about 4 different .wav files,for different firing conditions i guess),then you could do it yourself.It would be easy,just rename the old BO .wav file(in this case the "heavy tank" sound)to match the BB .wav file you want to replace,copy and paste,replace file?....yes. smile.gif

  2. A very very long time,maybe even months.While you sit and wait and suffer,let me assure you are missing out BIG time :D Wow,it is really fun being sadistic sometimes tongue.gif Truthfully,maybe a week,two at the most.My guess about what patch versions will it be,i would say 1.01,since it was back in stock prior to the last patch release.But what do i know.

  3. Im trying to alter some of the weapon sounds.Im trying to use some old .wav files from BO.It is working for the most part,but i am getting cross over.Meaning that some of the sounds i want for the MG 42 are mixing with the MG 34,and vice versa.Does anyone know of a list or some reference to a file that shows which .wav files apply to which weapons?Mainly just looking for the MG 34,42's.Thank You!

  4. First off let me say you have the best sound mods i have ever heard.Frankly,your sound mods are the thing holding me back from full enjoyment of CMBB.I noticed that some of the BO mods were BB compatible,but the infantry weapons(which are the best by far,the MG 42 is badass :eek: )arent.I thought i could just rename them,and replace the ones in BB,but dont want to screw it up,and got through the trouble of trying to replace them.Are you going to be doing those same sounds for BB,or could you inform me if,and/or how it might be possible to make the ones from BO BB compatible?

    Thanks,and keep those great mods coming!!!

    I dont know if Scipio comes around much,so if anyone knows him could you kindly pass this message along?Thank You!

    [ February 12, 2003, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Ares_the_Great ]

  5. Ive already posted on this matter,and i have a bias towards CMBO,but if you have an interest in both fronts then i would say to get both.You'll have to understand that BO is a more "primative"(so if your used to BB it will seem like a step down) version of BB,they have the same engine,but BB's was reworked.There are features in BB that arent in BO,and BB graphics are much better.There are alot of mods out there for BO that will alter its sound and appearance big time.It took alot of work(for me,because i didnt go the CMMOS route),but i now have a great looking BO.Its not as sharp or crisp looking as BB but it looks just as good IMHO.I also found that searching for the right mods became a game of its own :mad: BO is less expensive than BB,so even if after a few weeks/months you go back to BB exclusively,it wont be a waste of money.In fact,it will be helping BTS make improvements to BB,and the future of CM.I doubt that they are hurting for money,but they wouldnt mind more,right Steve :D So again,i say it wont hurt to get both,heck i might even get tired of BO one day and play BB more,but i doubt it.


    Glenn,when you get your cd's,i would be more than happy to beat....err,umm play you sometime tongue.gif

    [ February 11, 2003, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: Ares_the_Great ]

  6. I wouldnt do it then.Might be nice to have just in case,but i got the bundle about 6 months ago and have played CMBB only a few times.They added some nice stuff in CMBB,but i feel some/most of the fetures added remove some of the "human error" elements of the game(am i hull down or not?).I feel the same as you about the western front,and until CM3 where the yanks and brits return,i think ill stick to CMBO.My 2 cents.

  7. Makes perfect sense,thank you.I guess what i was primarily looking for was a "total conversion" kinnda mod.It just always bugged my that in winter maps,the vehicles didnt have a drop of snow on them.I have found as many "snow covered",or "whitewashed" as i think there are,but it seems that there arent many making mods for CMBO anymore :( Now i have almost what i wanted,then i play a scenario like "Elsdorf" and i have all snowy equipment,until the M 26(which i love),and M 24 show up.I have found only a few winterized versions of those,but they arent CMMOS compliant,or i just cant get them to work.So i guess im just giving up.Maybe in CM3,(i belive will be in the Med.(?),which should be primarily n.africa)someone will make some winterized versions of them.Since there was so much snow in n.africa and all :D

    [ February 10, 2003, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: Ares_the_Great ]

  8. So lemme get this straight.If you lose all your armor,and have only "zooks" left to KO a Tiger,you would probably do just as well to have your AT team walk up and "knock...knock..knock" on the side of the Tiger and ask them to play fair? :D Just a lil attempt at humor.

    [ February 10, 2003, 03:20 AM: Message edited by: Ares_the_Great ]

  9. Thanks to all for the response.I now understand and agree with the statement about the .50 cal.

    However,dealing with the mortar,(and this ecspecially goes to Tom Russ)in the event that you have two HT's perched atop a hill,in perfect line of sight,but one is maybe 200-300m closer than the other,and neither is moving.When targeting with a mortar(which from playing and reading AAR's/posts of others who played "Last Defense" is often done)shouldnt the mortar have an "optimal" range?I think its varying range is 100m-1000+m(?).Now i know nothing of ballistics,or mortars at all for that matter,but its seems that at its furthest and nearest range it would be the least accurate.In a battle with alot of turns you can run out of mortar rounds quickly,and i know it would be very minute,but if it said i had a 1% chance of hitting HT at 150m and a 2% chance(due to my optimal range theory)of hitting HT at 450m,well i would of course go with the better percentage.This is probably very much like crying over the milk spilt on the floor,but its mainly out of curiosity.I know the mortar was an indirect fire weapon,and mainly a suppression weapon.I also believe it is one of the weapons in the game that is the least used,and the most used incorrectly/least used correctly(lol).(ehh,i hate grammar,but you get my point,i hope :( )

    If anyone out there knows if WWII mortar teams were permitted/instructed to fire on HT's(ecspecially non moving ones) this would clear up alot of my questions. ;)



    [ February 10, 2003, 03:09 AM: Message edited by: Ares_the_Great ]

  10. Not sure i understand.You got it from a friend and your trying to download it? or install it?I assume install it.If that is the case,pop in the CD(if it doesnt autorun)go to whatever drive your cdrom drive is and open it.Run the setup.exe file.After the install,i(dont know about anyone else) had to create a shortcut to the combatmissions.exe that was in my CMBO folder(dont do a shortcut to your cdrom drive,it wont show any of the scenarios,or ops you download in the future).That should do it,but what do i know.If not,sorry.

    [ February 09, 2003, 02:19 PM: Message edited by: Ares_the_Great ]

  11. Sorry,not a reference to age,just meaning the ones who were around during the start of this board and the CM game itself.I was reading through the old archives back to '99 and '00(gaining very useful info),and having played the end product of CMBO,i was amazed to read that at one time BTS wasnt going to have dead bodies,or any representation of casualties.Now i know from reading those posts that this poor dead horse has been beaten more times than a red headed step child smile.gif ,but i was curious to the evoulution of this.It is a very hard subject to follow(as it spans the years,and is under many different subject titles,and etc.),and i couldnt find any search results that told how it came to pass that BTS changed their minds.Dont get me wrong,im not asking for more animation of any sort,(the game is close enough to perfect as is)i was just pulled in by the disscussions,and wanted to see the conclusion.In an attempt to avoid any potential future debates about this(if there are any),feel free to close/lock/delete this question,and e-mail me the response if need be.Thank You for your response!hunter77@bellsouth.net

    Two additional questions:(open to anyone)

    1)If a .50 cal hmg can kill a HT,then why when you target it with either a vehicle mounted,or a .50 cal team,doesnt it show a hit % or a kill message(good,ok,none etc.)

    2)The same for a mortar.We'll say a 60mm mortar for example.No%,no kill message.

    Both just give a nice light blue line when told to target them.

    [ February 09, 2003, 06:37 AM: Message edited by: Ares_the_Great ]

  12. Thank You

    I actually had CMMOS at one time,but didnt put enough effort into learning it.I thought it was for people wanting to create mods,i hate it when i show me smarts :confused: Since i do have CMBB i will give it another shot.BTW,i had already installed most of the stuff from the links you provided,but they just dont cover everything.Kinnda ruins it to have some vehicles snow covered for example,and the one next to it not.Who knows,maybe this will be inspiration to try some modding of my own.Hmmm,or maybe ill just go play some more. :D

    [ February 07, 2003, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: Ares_the_Great ]

  13. I need some help.I have been trying to download and install some nice mods.I have found many,and thats not such a good thing.I seem to be simply installing new ones over the ones i just got :mad: Are there any all in one mods out there?Like one to "winterize" all american vehicles?Ive found lots that will do it,but they are mostly individual units.Ill have snow covered sherms,but a nice shiny green halftrack right beside it :( I would apreciate any help.Again,i would like one to winterize all,and if anyone knows of a all in one mod from Tiger,that would be great.If not from Tiger than any that are all in one will do.

    Thank You!


  14. Hello all,

    First off let me say i have been around for awhile,however i lack any real military knowledge to be of any use to most who are asking questions.I come here almost everyday,and love to read all posts no matter how "noob" or expert they may be(so please,IMHO,post away,it keeps this forum fun).This is without a doubt the best forum i have ever seen,(for the best game(s) ive ever seen)with some of the most helpful,and knowledgeable people.I was curious if anyone knows of a site(s),posts,or whatever that will give me effective ranges for weaponry(allied or axis).As a side question,does BTS or battle front.com have a history of announcing upcoming games or ideas,or do they just spring their wonderful goodness apoun us?Again,CHEERS!! to all involved with this game.If it be here in the forums,or hashing out this wonderful code that we all love.I will now crawl back under this rock that i call home.Thank You for any and all responses. smile.gif

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