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Posts posted by nevermind

  1. Is that all the points that you can allocate toward your defense?

    I would do away with the bunker entirely.In its place i would get a AP mine field or two and place it where you have the word "enemy".I would also get some FT teams(and have them in your trench line) to make the then sneaking(because of being on the mines)smg squads nice and toasty ;):D

    If thats not enough,a couple of mortar teams(50mm will do nicely) behind the trenchline and out of LOS to the enemy.You then use the HQ to spot for them and drop the mortar rounds on the infantry that are in the mines and now burning :D Instant rout of all of them.God you gotta love CM!!

  2. Originally posted by WineCape:

    ......I wade in this filthy, but esteemed pool


    Pool?!?!?!?!Oh no he didnt just call the Waffle thread a pool!!!!! :mad: :mad:

    ANGRY OUT LOUDER :mad: :mad:

    Someone hold me back!!!!What the heck is going on in here,penguins running amuck,the glorious Cheery Waffle being called a pool.AXE is so shell shocked from the last couple of turns that he now wont send me turns.I demand reparations!!!


    Edited to convey my :mad: :mad:

  3. WTF?!?!?!?No more Cheery Waffle thread?Why,what did we do?I ask this because you locked it,and said "One Peng thread is enough. No more upstarts and imitators."

    In case there was some sort of error,the other thread entitled "Historical Frequency of Jams with Goodale's Cheery Waffles" is busted,all post inside it are gone.That is why Snarker started a new one.I sincerely hope that this was an error,otherwise it will be a sad day indeed :(

  4. Originally posted by GJK:

    Give Assault, Guns Forward! a try. I think it's pretty close to what you're looking for. I had a blast playtesting this one, I was down to just a couple of men trying to hold the town, which I did. I'd give the AI a bonus and let the author (Patrocles) know if you found it just a bit unbalanced or if I just got lucky defending.

    Thank You GJK!!If it even comes close to what im looking for it will be great!

    Happy to see your website is flourishing!

  5. *pacing back and forth in front of PC*

    Wait!!...is it back?!??!?

    *rushes to pc and hugs and strokes monitor*

    Oh sweet forum and Cheery Waffle thread,please dont leave me again!!!


    Ass666 the Evil Maggot has been busy getting the snot pounded out of his early war rooskies.The shock of losing almost all of his AFVs in one turn will probably take him a few days to recover tongue.gif:D :mad: :mad:

    As for the rest of you amatuer TNT chuckers,your days are numbered!!!

    MUAHAHAHAHA <---evil lugh!! :mad: :mad: Fear it!!!! :eek:

  6. Originally posted by YK2:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:

    Its not a virus :rolleyes: My guess is that it is some kinnda automated maintanence or somefink.It starts every night @ around 3:00 am EST.And lasts for a few hours.

    Awwwwwwwwwww shut up and go away...

    It is a bloody Virus I tell you...

    Can you not see Soddballs face?

    He is covered in the most awful rash.. And what's the green stuff eh?

    It's a virus alright... </font>

  7. First off,i suck at using the editor,and its impossible to get a good map/battle from a QB.That being said,i have an itch that needs scratching.I am looking for a scenario(historical/semi/fictional,i dont care)that is essentially a small infantry only defense in a town vs. a russian armored horde,that is supported by a small amount of russian infantry.

    Kinnda like a ridiculous amount of armor and a very small amount(two platoons,or a company)of something like Finnish Sisi(?) troops.Just enough support weapons to strip the armor of its infantry as it approaches the town.The approach to the town is the key.Then it would be infantry vs armor in the town.Does this make sense?

    If there is one out there,i couldnt find it.At this point it is like looking for a needle in a hay stack when searching through the depot.If someone knows of a scenario like this,please let me know.If there isnt one,you designers should be ashamed tongue.gif:D Just kidding,but if there isnt one,does anyone agree that it sounds like it would make for a good battle?I'd be willing to help someone playtest it and everything! *nudge* *nudge* and ;);)

    Edit to add:

    It doesnt have to be Finnish troops,German pioneers would do fine.I was also hoping to play it vs. the russian AI.

    [ January 19, 2004, 02:20 AM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  8. Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

    nevermind, that PBEM opponent of yours sounds quite clever, not to mention devilishly handsome!! :D

    Just as a warning, I don't post much on the forum (despite being clever, I really don't know much) but I do come here to try and soak up some knowledge.

    If you feel your strategy has been compromised, you'll be happy to know that I'm doing the same thing as you (hmmmm, a tank battle with mostly stationary tanks) because when I played this Op against the AI, my tanks got repeatedly pummelled from the air.

    So just put your tanks out in the open and send me the next turn. smile.gif

    Nah,i waited to post this after you had sent the setup for the second battle.There are other points that i simply cant comment on now,but let me just say,its not gonna be stationary for long ;)

    As far as not posting due to "not knowing much",just look at the Cheery Waffle and MBT threads and you'll see that you can know next to nothing and still post tongue.gif

    I sent you a turn hours ago,i'll resend.

  9. Originally posted by AstroCat:

    As for re-uploading them to cmmods...I'm pretty far along now. The one thing I have not been doing generally is re-uploading mods that have been "cmmos'ed" with the latest version. You can get a bunch more mods over at www.combatmission.com using the CMMOS format. These would include but are not limited to:

    A ton of Canon's Grau mods

    A ton of MrNoobies soviet armor mods

    So, other than CMMOS mods that are still available I have been uploading everything I have.

    After I am done with all that I have I am going to see if anyone has a few that I think are missing. Mainly winter mods.

    Ok, back to uploading...

    Jordan "AstroCat"

    I think all i have of Mr.Noobies are the Soviet armor ones.The two i have of PanzerMartins are winter ones:

    Winter Pz38T

    Winter PzIIIH

    As i said though,i have around 150.All kinnda different ones,including sounds and some for title screen pics and such.Let me know if i can help down the road.I'd be glad to.

  10. Whoa :eek: ,i was gone for awhile.This is the first i have heard of this.I have some of Mr.Noobies Mods,and i think two of PanzerMartins mods.I have around 150(?) mods in all(the zip files i mean),but im on a dial-up now :(

    Oh well,guess i'll bask in the glow of these nice mods :cool: :D

    [ January 17, 2004, 09:25 AM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  11. Originally posted by von Lucke:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:

    I have the Wirbelwind as close to the "main body"(for lack of a better description)of my force as i can.If nothing else it is protecting my most valuable assets.

    Don't know as I'd keep it that close. Self-propelled AAA tends to draw the attention of any passing jabo, and get's strafed first.

    Keep it about 1000m away, in scattered trees, and don't move it around. </font>

  12. I did a search with mixed results,and really need this info for a current CMBB PBEM Op.(sorry for posting in here,but i wanted to draw as much attention as possible)I am Germans and it is Aug.'44 and i suspect that the allies will have air support.Mainly because it is late war,and i have been provided with a Wirblewind.

    Anyhow,i am on the attack,and have lots of nice armor with Very little cover on a large/huge map.I have as much armor as i can(including the Wirbelwind)in scattered trees,but im attacking and i simply cant have all of it hidden.In addition,i am having to use dips in terrain to block LOS,or use as jumping off points,and that is resulting in "bunching up" of my AFVs.I have the Wirbelwind as close to the "main body"(for lack of a better description)of my force as i can.If nothing else it is protecting my most valuable assets.

    I would like as much info as i can get,even if its just theory,or something that works for you.Is there a direction it should be facing?Cover arc?Etc...etc...etc...The main reason for my concern is that i really cant afford to lose much armor(or my AA),and have had mixed results in the past with AA.Often times the planes wouldnt be targeted until the second or third pass,i suppose because of poor placement,and that may be too late.IOW,i need it to be as effective as possible as soon as the plane shows up.

    All info and help very much appreciated.

  13. Originally posted by Chappie:

    Excuse my ignorance, but where can I get these impressive and other such skins from?

    Wow Chappie,you are new tongue.gif:D

    Go to the site of all sites for mods CMMODS

    Hope you have broadband :D

    Edit to add:

    You should also check out CM HQ

    There you will find a proram called CMMOS.Depending on how technically savy you are,you may want to try it.

    [ January 16, 2004, 03:38 AM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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