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Posts posted by nevermind

  1. All things considered,i dont have a problem with bogging.As long as you use common sense and arent either in bad ground conditions,or using late war german equiptment(like the KT).It is atleast acceptable for this iteration of CM.It is typically pretty rare and random that a vehicle gets bogged(for me atleast), outside of the conditions listed above.i use hunt almost always,and stay out of low lying areas,and stick to roads as much as possible.

    The problem i do have.....there is no way that the "hunt" command should result in a vehicle moving faster than "move".I have never gone on a hunting trip and seen hunters sprinting thrrough the wooods after prey.You move slowly and carefully while scanning the horizon and etc.

  2. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Welcome back Nevermind. I'm still game for a game if you're game to play a game. You gamey gomer. :mad: :mad:

    I was hoping someone would ask :D :mad:

    I do not have CMAK :( ,so it will have to be CMBB,hope thats ok.I'll play anything,but im on dialup now so lets go with something small until i can see how the download times are.

    I prefer Germans,but it doesnt matter.Send me your worst tongue.gif:D :mad:


  3. Axe2121

    You sorry maggot!Just wanted to say sorry for not finishing(or really starting)our last game.Seems the DSL company didnt actually disconnect the DSL for about 15 days after it was supposed to be cancelled.I thought i made a mistake and still had another month to go.I wouldnt have setup a game if i had realized.No matter,im sure i saved you from another sound and humiliating defeat at the hands of such superiour(<----see how inferior you are :D )CM players like myself,and possibly some of theses other MAGGOTS in here.

    Speaking of which,you say Moldy-gone -for-good blew himself up in an last ditch attempt to rid himself of mold and ants?!?!?!?!?!

    Whats this i hear about Mike the Whino getting run over by a reindeer,walking home drunk from the wine factory christmas eve?You can say theres no such thing as santa,but as for me and Whino ,we believe :mad: :D

    And damnit,did someone leave the door open again,im afraid Kinky has run away again,and a feril cat has taken up residency in here.*Phew*...smells like cat food and kitty litter in here :mad: :D

    And let us not forget Snotball ,...........does any more really need to be said?

    *SIGH*..........gone for 6 months and the place goes to hell..........


  4. Originally posted by Soddball:

    You Nonce. He means the up-to-date version of Cheery Waffles, not an old-game version of it. :mad:



    WHERE ARE MY TURNS, MAGGOTS!?!?!? :mad: :mad:

    If I don't get turns soon, I'm going to churn out scenarios that make Cheery Waffles look like a Sunday picnic. :mad: :mad:

    It says(when i try to open the file)
    Opponent has diff version of Cm,you should both upgrade at bf.c......
  5. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Nevermind!! What's your e-mail address you fool?!? I have a shiny new copy of Cheery Waffle v1.02 in my digital hands just waiting to be hurled in your digital face with extreme prejudice.

    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Hurry before the ants, mold, work, in-laws, sick daughter, vacation and snow stop me from being able to send it.

    Jas :mad: n

    You sorry Maggot :mad: get me all excited about a game and then send me a setup in version 1.02?WTF??? Why havent you patched to 1.03,and what are we supposed to do about this?



    Seriously,i only have version 1.03.I have just found out that to play games in 1.02 i Should have kept a copy of the 1.02 thingie,which i did not.So,what am i supposed to do?

    [ July 11, 2003, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  6. Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

    ......and their Queen appears to be experiencing "morning sickness".......

    Anyone remember that part in the movie "Braveheart" where Edward the Long Shanks was talking about pre ma nactu(?),or first night for all scottish women getting married?Remember how he said that if you cant drive them out,breed them out?

    So MG whatcha been doing?? :D:D :mad: :mad:

  7. Originally posted by Sgt_Kelly:

    I have set up infantry in the open steppe a couple of times (because of a complete and total lack of any cover, try Biltong's campaign...) and it seems they're safe as long as they don't move (no sneaking either). Woe betide them if they get spotted though. The tiniest amount of fire will send them into 'aimless irretrievable squirm' mode until death ensues.

    So what about short advances that dont take the entire turn,and at the end you add a hide command?So say advance 20m and hide,then maybe leave them hiden for the next turn while another squad or platoon advances.Will the previously advancing squad still be visible(in EFOW)or will it do that magical disappear thing?I know they may receive more fire,and may panic or start sneaking,but if the defender has other moving targets to fire at,it just might work.

    This could change my entire approach to advancing across Steppe.Did anyone else know this,or did we all over-look this?

    Sorry for not doing tests myself,i seem to be inept at the editor,and if im gonna spend time in CM,its playing time baby! :D

  8. I dont know for sure,but im gonna go out on a limb here and guess that it is one of the 200 number wav files.I think it and like a 50mm mortar impact are the same.Compare the sound of in game AP round striking the ground to one of the 200 numbered files in media player.

    Sorry but best i can do.

  9. I think i see what your talking about,though i may be wrong.The reason that a HQs firepower with a + to combat is higher when you selesct it and hit enter is that it will permanently be higher since it is the HQ.

    For controlled units,their firepower will not increase in the unit info screen,but it will be higher when you target or do a LOS check to an enemy unit.

    Does this make sense?I did no research on this,just as assumption.If not then the question still stands,and i would like to know the answer as well.(AKA BUMP)

    [ July 06, 2003, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  10. This is probably going to be a dumb question,but while thumbing thru the manual(during a moment of boredum),i came to the terrain section and the entry about Steppe.It says "....It consists of waist-high grass which provides excellent concealment for hiding infantry...." I did not know this! :rolleyes:

    My question is,since veteran squads can sneak undetected through summer wheatfields,can vet and higher squads,or lower experience squads boosted with HQ stealth bonus to the level of vet,sneak undetected through Steppe?


    I did a quick search and found nothing.

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