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Posts posted by nevermind

  1. I do not know how many people use this comand this way,but i often(especially at the begining of a game,while advancing to contact)double click a platoon HQ and issue a move to contact & hide command.This of course issues the order to all units in c&c of the platoon HQ.

    The problem that i have found is that while moving to contact,an element or squad in c&c of the platoon HQ will either spot an enemy unit,or come under fire from an enemy unit,and will then stop and hide.So,if this unit has made contact and is in c&c of the platoon HQ,why does the rest of the platoon continue moving,often times to the effect of also coming under fire.If the whole platoon is issued a move to contact,then why when contact is made by some part of that platoon doesnt the whole platoon stop?I would imagine that the squad that has spotted the enemy would yell to or give hand signals to their HQ telling him of what they have found.Or if a squad is fired on,the rest of the platoon would hear it,and see them hit the deck.

    Am i wrong on how this feature is supposed to work?Am i using this command in the wrong way?Any ideas or opinions welcome.

    If this isnt an outright bug,could it be added in CMAK or CMX2?

    [ April 10, 2003, 06:43 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  2. Originally posted by Keke:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:

    Damn,this is very theraputic.Say,when do i get to start yelling and ranting at the rest of you?

    If you feel like it, send me a setup. That goat-porn-downloading sorry excuse for MasterGoodale, has send me nuffink since his latest forum bunkum. :mad:

    Edit: For the most retarted of you, 'sorry excuse for Mastergoodale' = Soddball </font>

  3. Snotball,

    I dont want to cut into your self pleasuring time by making you look back a few pages at the post that you responded to not once,but twice that contained my email.

    Here it is again hunter77@bellsouth.net .Be careful that the lube on your hands doesnt cause your fingers to slip when typing it,ive already had to wait(lets see,whats it been now,two weeks?)for frecking ever :mad: :mad: to get this setup,i dont want to give you another excuse.Im sorry to tear you away from your copy of "Bovine:Utter of the Year Awards",but can we please get your lesson started? :mad: :mad: tongue.gif:D

    Damn,this is very theraputic.Say,when do i get to start yelling and ranting at the rest of you? :D:D

    [ April 08, 2003, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  4. Go to CMMODs ,and in the "other" category you will find a file called "CMBB wav map".

    I must tell you though,CMBB has about twice as many wav files for each small arms gun than does CMBO.I,for example,used Scipios' MG42 sound mod in CMBB.To do this i had to take copies of his wavs and renumber them.You will also have to have sounds for the MG 34,which from what i understand,is the same gun,but it has different wav files for it.I think all together,the mg42-34 have about 8 wav files for them,im not sure of the exact number though,it might even be more.

    Hopes this makes sense,if not,ask and ill clear things up.

    [ April 06, 2003, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  5. Originally posted by Soddball:

    [sNIPS]My turns went out to everyone first thing.

    Isn't there someone else I should be fighting?

    Snotball You slack ass,challenge taking,no setup sending,waste of CM playing space,what is the malfunction you wanker? :mad: :mad: Now i see why everyone in here is so :mad: :mad: :mad: How am i to force humility on you if you wont send the setup? :mad: :mad:

    :D I like this thread.

  6. Originally posted by MeatEtr:

    Guess im a fortunate one, i have no problems at all with nvidias 41.09 drivers. For both CMBO and CMBB and any other game for that matter. I used to have major problems with their drivers like a year or 2 ago. Don't know what to tell you, my problem went away when nvidia released more drivers.

    Nor do i,i was refering to the 43.45 drivers.Not sure which Jaws was refering to though.
  7. Lots and lots of bodybags!

    I had asked this question a few days ago,and it was as usual overlooked.How the heck are you going to use infantry in CMAK?Its hard enough in BB to get them to advance with cover,now picture lots of open sand,and nothing to server as cover other than LOS blocking sand dunes.

    Lots and lots of smoke?

    Just make sure you win the armor battle?

    Only play defense?


  8. Madmatt,

    Thank you for your response.I have to admit,it is a very sticky situation for us all.One of the things i considered when buying my(at the time)brand new GeForce4 Ti4400(which i paid out the a*s for),was compatibility.I thought that by getting one of the larger graphics card manufacturers' products that i wouldnt run into these types of problems,but i guess they are universal problems.

    I sincerely hope that this wont be a problem when CMAK is relesed,but as you said it is too soon to say for sure.

    Thank You for your time,and keep up the good work!

  9. To anyone from BTS/BFC,

    One HUGE question.This was taken from another post by someone else,but it also applys to me.

    Originally posted by Jaws:


    .....CMBB doesn't work with the latest NVIDIA drivers and I see that as a major problem because there will be a time in the near future we will have to switch to new drivers to run other applications.

    So,since CMAK is simply a rework of CMBB engine,will this be addressed in CMAK?If not,im screwed,and so is BTS/BFC if they want my money.I will not buy a different graphic card just to play it,and of course wont buy CMAK.

    [EDITED to ensure this get answered]

    [ April 04, 2003, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  10. Hello all,

    In a recent and odd Nutscrape(Netscape)crash,i lost all my bookmarks.I have found alot of them,but i need some help with the others.If you could please share any/all CM and WWII related sites that you have,i would apreciate it.Exclude the obvious ones like CMHQ and CMMODS,etc.Im mainly looking for the WWII related ones,from any front.

    Thank You!


    As an after thought,has anyone considered what CM3 is going to be like?Picture BBs' suppression model,then picture N.Africa.Lots of rolling sand,and you have to get your guys across it and attack bunkers with MGs,and infantry entrenched behind sandbags(which i asssume will be added,as i think(?) they were used).What does everyone think about this?

    [ April 01, 2003, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  11. Originally posted by fabs:


    ......Are there any plans to update CMBO or bring out modules that would allow the covering of those other periods/theaters?

    There are no plans of updating or even patching CMBO,it is a finished product.You can find a desert mod

    CLICK HERE ,but i have never tried it.A couple/few years form now,it is said/rumored that the next CM to be released will be in the mediterrainian(?),and i would imagine the graphics will be as good if not better than CMBB.CM is a work in progress,it will cover different theaters of the war with each new realese.I think the exception to this is the pacific,and i think the reason was the designers limited knowledge of said theater.

    There were also some D-Day total conversionm mods somewhere,but i be damned if i can find them.The one im thinking of even came with a scenario,anyone know where this can be found?

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