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Posts posted by nevermind

  1. Originally posted by sgtabell:

    To Nevermind, I have sent you numerous emails about our PBEM game, and remember you said something about the cherry waffle thread. Contact me to tell me you aren't interested. I got stood up in high school too much, I have a complex!

    Are you there, or cowering? ;)


    You really should look into getting your email problems fixed.I have many PBEM opponents and you are the only one who never gets any of the turns I send.I have sent you another email.It will be the last one.
  2. Ah,ok.Thanks guys.


    Sorry,I was trying to get out PBEM turns and didnt see you had responded.I thought only Bone_Vulture had responded.Otherwise I wouldnt have posted exactly what i did.Also,I am in a situation where,atleast in this battle of the operation,the likelyhood of there being any flanking manuevers,is slim.Unless my opponent wants to come out of his entrenchments?In which case I would be... :D

  3. Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:

    As to my second question.It may be obvious to others,though i have never heard it mentioned,but isnt keeping a Pz VIE hull up a good thing?Seeing as the front upper hull is the weakest(?) piece of front armor.Or would that just make it more vunerable to track hits and immobilization?This question is also open to anyone/everyone.

    Uhh... I wager you confused the terminology: Tiger is an exception, since it's turret is theoretically more durable than the hull. Also, Tiger is one of the few tanks that has a nearly impregnable turret armor in it's prime time (another example would be the KV-1 models before '42).

    So, unlike with most of the other fine German tanks, the Tiger should be kept hull down (behind the crest of a hill so only its turret is visible). Another reason to avoid advancing towards the enemy is Tiger's poor mobility in comparison to Russian T-34 models: with high ground pressure, below average speed and a slow turret, you'll risk exposing your precious tank to flank shots. Shot to the side at extremely close ranges, even the vanilla Russian AP round may breach the Tiger armor - or cause spalling. </font>

  4. Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:


    Ok, since Jason decided to follow the Battlefront forum guideline of "sickeningly lousy humor", I'll give you the straight answer:

    If the Tiger turret front suffers a hit, the penetration is calculated with a random armor thickness from 102mm to somewhere around 130, to simulate the reinforced turret mantle (which didn't cover the entire face of the turret). </font>

  5. The Pz VIEs' turret front is 102mm/8,but it is reinforced.So what exactly does this mean?Does it add like 10 degrees of angle to the turret front?Making it 102mm/18(?),or something along those lines.Or is the effect of the reinforced turret front more subdued?

    Also,in regard to some recent disscussion on the forum about Pz IV tactics and usage,I noticed that the Pz VIEs' lower front hull was 102mm/24.Since it was agreed by most(?)that it would be beneficial for the Pz IV to stay hull up,to lessen the exposure of the weaker turret front,would'nt it also help the Pz VIEs' weaker front upper hull(102mm/10)?

    Thanks in advance.

    [ February 20, 2004, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  6. Originally posted by Glider:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:


    You're talking about selecting your tank and then hitting shift-V and then area targeting under the enemy tank,with your tanks main gun,right?

    No, I am talking about an enemy tank that your tanks cannot see, but they can see a point few meters from it.

    So you fire at that point with HE ammo, hoping that the blasts will damage the gun or tracks.

    Not very effective though, out of 20-25 tanks I destroyed only 2 have been damaged that way. </font>

  7. Hey Boo ,

    ....circling buzzards may feast upon the still warm remains of your blasted troops.
    If they dont have enough to eat,perhaps Pseudo-Pod will be nice enough to send over some.He has plenty from the bleeding wound of an operation we are playing,and most of them are already BBQ'd :mad: :mad:

    L-axe-ative regardless if he likes it or not,has just become my Arch Maggot :mad: I have never seen anyone always get the first shot off.He is making me trade tank for tank,in what will always be thought of as a heart pounding night attack scenario.It is looking bleak in this one,though im not sure about the play balance,but we shall see.

    Kitty is begining to feel the weight of the massive grey wall that is desending upon her.... FIRE!!! :mad: :mad:

    DaveH has finally sent me another turn :eek: I'll be looking forward to next weeks installment :mad:

    Make with the turns Maggots!!! :mad:

    [ February 09, 2004, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  8. Originally posted by WWB:

    I think we got off on the wrong foot here. I do thank you for the nomination (see preceeding post), and I was not quite being snide. Unfortunatly, I was writing well before morning coffee so I probably came off a bit on the harsh side.

    Regarding the "having been around this block" statement, remember Boots & Tracks was once at militarygameronline.com. We are no longer there for a reason--controlling our own destiny became a necessity.

    Also, I just spent 70+ hours retooling the site. It was essentially a ground up redesign using many cutting-edge techniques. So to hearing it is not quite up to "professional" standards is a bit rough to hear. I am quite open to criticism, I have even openly solicited critiques on the matter. I understand quite well that any website is a work in progress.

    So, if you think something needs work, feel free to point it out. But saying what needs fixing/tweaking/updating is pretty necessary to fix/tweak/update anything. I don't think making a third URL move in as many years to a different platform will help anything at all.


    No worries smile.gif

    All that i have said was with the best intentions in mind.It seems my terminal condition of "not being on speaking terms" with the written word,has got the best of me again.

    Sorry for the confusion.Wishing you guys the best of luck in your future endeavors,and continued success with your awesome scenarios and operations.

    Are you guys still looking for playtesters?

  9. Aside from this speed issue, how is it "not up to the standards of execllence"?
    Dont tell me that your going to take what i said and turn it around on me.I didnt know that you all,

    ....have been around that block before, and it was not pretty.
    There is nothing wrong with the current site,as is,but something can always be made better.And frankly,i was just trying to give you guys your "just dessert"(or however you say it),for giving us such great sceanarios and operations over the past years.

    Sorry for having a "good" idea,and for trying to "help".Wont happen again!

  10. redwolfs' post brings up a good question.Has there been any progress on any of this?

    One of the main reasons i ask,i thought of a well deserving site that should be given a shot at this.The site i am speaking of is:

    Boots and Tracks Who can argue,that some of the best scenarios and operations out there came from the great folks at B&T?

    I dont know how it would work,or even IF it would work,but the site it is on now is always kinnda slow and just doesnt seem up to the standards of excellence that the great scenario designers deliver us.If nothing else,and this is all dependant on the owners/operators of B&T,could the pages for B&T be stored with whatever other kind of site gets this offer?Primarily if it will benefit B&T in some way(speed,storage..etc).

    Just a thought......

  11. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 86smopuim:

    Striding across the desert, cutting down all who dare stand in the way using a mighty sword, cometh 86smopuim! And he gives a mighty scream:

    "For the love of beatings, I sow darkness and discord until my glands are satisfied!!"


    Sprinting amidst the terrain, brandishing a thorned whip, cometh 86smopuiM! And he gives a bloodthirsty howl:

    "Blood and souls for my dark lord! I shall make bloody music with your nation's populace!!"

    Up for a game gimp? No sigs, just bragging rights. </font>
  12. When you >right click your desktop>go to the settings tab>click advanced(lower right)>Here you should see a tab for monitor,(hopefully)a tab for your video card....etc>click the tab for your video card.If a smaller window pops up,click on the words "desktop utilities",it should then be showing the "media center" window in which there is an option to turn on "display media center icon in taskbar",check that and click apply.

    Now in your system tray,you will see the icon.Right click it and go to "Performance and quaility settings",and there you will see the section for AA.

    Also check to make sure "Anisotropic Filtering" is set to atleast 4X.It will make all the CMs look sweet,but will really bog down your rig if your playing something like a high graphical quality FPS or something.

    I say all this with the hope that i too have the detonator 44.3 drivers(which i think i do?).If you dont,then there are drivers out there that will add this feature,and i really like it.

  13. Originally posted by tar:

    I can't right now recall for certain whether CM models the pitch of target vehicles when computing impact angles. If it does, then a situation where a unit on one hill is shooting at a tank climbing the opposite wall of a valley might be able to get a fairly decent angle on the top armor.

    I'll give it an attempt in text pictures:

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">


    \==> * * /

    \ * * / A /

    \ * * * OA / Tank

    \ V /

    \ /



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