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Posts posted by nevermind

  1. Snarker i know the feeling man.Who would've thought that doubling the # of opponents would result in less :mad: turns?? :mad:

    Axe , Dave ......

    nevermind is :mad:

    But while we all wait,why not try out my very first scenario.It should fit in well with you fellow wafflers :mad: :D

    Decapitation Strike

    The briefing and such is going to suck,but i am still very early in development.I just quickly typed enough to set the stage.Have fun!

  2. Sorry guys,i know these have been answered somewhere,but i am really trying to finish this scenario(my first one btw).

    Could someone please tell me how to do the follow:

    1)Change the emotional state of your units.

    2)Is there a unit or way that i can have crews in trucks?I want them to be just like a crew that has abandoned it mortar.I want them to arrive in the truck as reinforcements.

    3)how do i edit the exact location of the reinforcements,other than the flag marker.

    Thansk very much in advance!!

    [ January 28, 2004, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  3. Originally posted by Sanok:

    I have questions about HQs.

    1. Can an HQ give its bonuses while hiding?

    2. Just what do the bonuses mean? Say a platoon of regular infantry has a regular HQ with a +2 combat bonus. Does this mean the infantry fights as though they were elite?

    1.Yes,as long as you see the red line between your HQ and your squads(i think you have to have play aids cut on to see the lines).Or you see the green indicator in the lower left portion of the unit selection window.

    2.If they are regular,it is my understanding,that IIRC each + to a attribute will essentially make your attached units(squads,LMG..etc)go up a level of experience in that ability.IOW,your regular squad with a HQ that gives +1 to stealth would then be like a veteran at stealth.A +2 would make the unit crack at stealth.

    The other bonuses are:


    Increases the firepower of units under his command.This doesnt,to my knowledge,add speed to the firing and reloading of a IG or ATG.I think there was a post about it giving a plus to the % chance to hit for ATGs.Is this right someone?


    I guess this means that someone in the HQ has a loud mouth,because it extends the range of the HQ.


    This is pretty obvious i would think.

    [ January 27, 2004, 11:33 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  4. First off,they dont always help morale,but they do contribute whatever attributes they do have,like a bonus to stealth or command or combat.A HQ with a plus +2 to combat can significantly increase a HMGs firepower,allowing it to have more of a suppressive effect from a greater distance,or killing power depending on how close the HMG is to the enemy.

    A +2 to stealth makes units under its command harder to spot(think AT gun and how quickly they can die,or those pesky long range HMGs that you get nothing but sound contacts from).

    To my knowledge,their effects arent magnified at high experience levels,but IIRC the higher they are in experience,the better chance of them having one or more +2 to attributes.

    Another thing i like to use them for is general spotting.Keep your squads hiding and let the HQ(that has binoculars)do the spotting.

    Hope some of this helped.

  5. Originally posted by Dave H:

    Nevermind, class just oozes out of every pore of your body, doesn't it? Send me a setup, maggot. CMBB or CMAK, your choice. Something reasonably small, not one of MasterGoodale's 4,000 point extravaganzas. :rolleyes::D:D

    Dave ,i accept your challene. :mad: In keeping with my "theme" of posting today,i will now recite the opening line in my german briefing:

    "Welcome to the ass of the world,Major"

    Looking forward to it,i'll get the setup sent just as soon as im done with it.I'll see you in hell soldier ;):D :mad: :mad:

  6. Originally posted by Dressler:

    Well... being the semi-grog that I am, I'll probably do the ambush scheme on the non-zimmerit version, since I'm pretty sure zimmerit was dropped before the ambush patterns appeared (Sept '44 vs Dec '44 IIRC). Maybe not though, it is just a game, right? :D

    Hmmm,i didnt realize that.Nevertheless,i just meant i liked the color of the one i mentioned.If it looked that way without the zimmerit that would be awesome,IMHO.Not to take away form Bogdans great work either.Matter of fact the way it looks faded on the top is what i think would make the ambush look so good.

    Keep up the great work guys!It is apreciated!

  7. Wait,let me get this straight.Dressler is going to put a ambush pattern on Bogdans' plain yellow King Tiger with zimmerit??

    I hope that is what you mean,if so....that is gonna be sweeet ;):D If not,would it be possible...please?!?!?!? :D:D

    That looks like the perfect base color Bogdan.Then a ambush pattern that looks kinnda like the pines in the background....ooooo and dirty/dusty looking,saaaaweeeeet!!! :D:D

    [ January 27, 2004, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]


    Listen up Maggots ! I come to you out of sheer desperation :( and that makes me :mad: ! Axe-sis (read Axis) of Evil666 has lured me into a scenario in which he has a platoon of t-34s(which he has parked on a flag in some scattered trees :mad: )and i have nothing that can kill them :eek: :mad: .

    Its not what you think.I didnt lose the armor battle,quite the opposite,i was winning until these bad boys showed up(yep,early war,all i have are PzIIC and Pz38(t)s).I was left having to pray that the luftwaffe were not complete idiots.I mean when you see the whole german army engaging like 5 frecking tanks in a small patch of scat.trees,with a giant flag sticking out of it,you would think that they would do their job well,am i right?What would you do if your plane failed?He has most of the flags,and i think that i have killed alot more of his armor.I am trying out an ingenius scheme where i send my PzIIs toward the enemy tanks in the scat.trees.I have them exposing themselves at just the right spot so that they will "pop smoke"(before dying)and provide cover for my advancing infantry.Will it continue to work?Should i even bother with trying to close assualt the tanks?

    I am not going to say the outcome of the bombing raid just yet,since Axe-sis hasnt seen it.Let me just say,it was beautiful to see ;) :cool: :D

    I also saw my other opponent DIED SOM ON PUSS (I swear to god,that is what you get when you put "PseudoSimonds" into one of those anagram thingies)came in here the other day.I gotta tell you folks hes a tough opponent.Somewhere along the line of him "offering up" the bodies and souls of around a company of infanrty+support weapons to 120mm mortars(in scat trees,and woods no less) and a flamethrower HT,in addition to a few AFVs,he said this to my question of(something like),"What do you think so far?" or something(since i am one of his first human opponents).

    Here's my AAR so far:

    infantry moves forward - infantry meets flamethrower - infantry =


    plane sees tank - plane destroys tank - other tanks scared - tanks move

    forward - plane sees tanks, AT gun sees tanks, panthers see tanks, they all

    laugh giddily, plane+AT gun+panthers = a lot more "I regret to inform

    you..." letters.

    Did I miss anything?

    Needless to say i rolled around on the floor for awhile when i read that.Especially the "other tanks scared" part(i would insert the following Graemlins here if i werent so horribly oppressed by the limit of 8 of them:

    Stick out tounge

    Big smile

    Big smile

    Big smile





    Sorry for the long post,but its kinnda like when you have diarrhea,its wants to flow,it needs to flow,and you just cant stop it(big smile,big smile,mad,mad....)

    That is all Maggots

    [ January 27, 2004, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

  9. Originally posted by Soddball:

    I've finished demolishing my dad's garage (and putting a nail through my foot in the process) and I'm off up the pub to pickle the Tetanus germs. :mad:

    Damn soddy,when you recieve a bad turn,you just walk it off man.I mean damn,your own dads garage?

    :eek: tongue.gif:D

    Thats some seriously angry TNT your trying to dish out :mad: :mad: :D

    [ January 24, 2004, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]


    Where are all you MAGGOTS?

    Axe for the love of Furious Molten TNT,some of us are on dial-up and it takes an hour to download your purdy pictures :mad: :mad: Secondly,you should rag on me for whinning in that email.I'm a big boy and i both deserve it and can take it :mad: :mad: :mad: (The ridicule i mean.You damn pervs!)

    POP GUNS I SAY,POP GUNS!!!!! :mad: :mad:

    [ January 24, 2004, 01:46 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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