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Everything posted by 88mm

  1. Well Zapp, as we discussed it i am preparing my takeover of the ladder. Therefor i shall open a new thread for the ladder with the rules and a little comment from me. Whenever i shell Sweden in the future, i shall remember you, zapp
  2. Good to see that a new CM sees the light. Still CM isn't my favorite WW2 game strategic > the campaigns are silly. Way too short and you never get that "campaign" feeling. Across the Rhine did a better job, so does I'Panzer44 and Panzer Commander too. Why not a campaingmode with a REEL Barbarossa to Berlin tour :confused: If you don't succeed at Minks you never get to Moskou (or berlin). tactics > ok. Ai > bad. When i order a vehicle to travel from point A to B it goes as much folllow that straight line, aldo 2 mtrs. away lays a shiny road which is totally ignored. This can simply be resolved with a (stick to road -button) i've seen in other games. Futhermore, when setting a waypoint to go, it shoes a straig line. When set, it still is a straight line. Next turn you check the unit (if at all) to notice it's route is changed into a "complex of waypoints" just because there lies a "tree or wall" in the way. Why does the AI not check and correct this right after you have set the point. So that you can correct it BEFORE! it moves the way you didn't intend to ? :confused: Graphics > Average. Aldo thing look good and there isn't much to complain about that there are some issue's 1) Ton's of steel riding straigt OVER and through the other objects 2) If it isn't for the moving tracks and contact of wheel or you would have a 100% feeling that things slide/hover over the battefield instead of "drivin" 3) Where are the tracks that tanks leave behind ? 4) And where's the dust/clouds they produce when travelling ? Just some issue's, there are more. these are just the ones that i find the most annoying.
  3. wormwood: Nice try You forget however that the 3 subs you're having in 1939 are symbols, they represents a sub-battlegroup not a single sub each or so. If that's what you're after how about the 20+ battleships of brittain and the 50+ cruisers ? The trouble with the subs lies in the fact that they can meet cruisers/battleships (comb. fleets!-where are the detroyers ?) on even terms. Totally off-balance. There were two mayor hits with subs as i recall, the battleship HOOD and a carrier early in the war. After that the subkilling was primairy left to transports and convoys. So my solution would be a sub that can attact battle-ships, but only with a element of surpise they should be have a change to succeed. A little cance however, because these are battle-groups not single units. It's silly to see a wolfpack wipe-out a naval-fleet with ecorts ins't it The supply-lines should be presented with some supply ships, which travel back and forth between the ports. These should be the objective for the wolfpacks. Anyway, these ideas look all fine and it's great to see we discuss it. This doesn't say however that the game will get that "historicle" feeling. In my mind this won't occur simply due to the fact the game-engine have to may flaws and the greatest sittback; it's too compressed
  4. 88mm signs up to the ladder ps: sorry to hear ZAPP* is leaving. I see your comment on AIR. Ever thinked about a max. AIR-units in laddergames ? Just a idea.... [ April 27, 2003, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: 88mm ]
  5. Well, played it a few times now and i can tell you; this game is anything but historicle ! It doesn't even come close There's just too much compression of time and forces that it hardly can be called "historicle". few examples: 1) When i play German from 1939-polen, i never see one britisch unit (BEF) when i am invading france. 2) subs travel 250 miles (5hexes) in one turn, Airplanes 300miles and battleships/cruisers/dlightcarriers travel the world like they were JET/nuclear propelled 3) in a fifty mile radius you can operate with only one unit. Funny when i see that Germany launched "Autum Mist" in 1944 with 2 panzer-armees and a infantry-armee in a very small area. well, you get my point. So if you're after more play-balance, ala. But don't even bother to make Sc more "historicle". In it's current form it will never be...... In a real historicle game there should be many more factors included, where can i get the manpower, resources and money to support your massive armee. Do i put my steel in tanks or battleships ? How can i suffient re-equip and supply my heavily losing material units. Shall i wait another 3 months to equip my PZiii with /L60 or like hitler send them anyway and recall them back later. And the list could go on and on. So any WWII wargame isn't a historicle correct game, it only tries (if that's their intention) to come close to it as much as possible and yet it have to stay "playable" my 0.02cents
  6. In CMBO It feels like the shermans are loaded with the "rare" tungsten Ow well, it's a game rigth? right. Another anoying thing is the 3D engine. Heavy Metal tanks are merging with eacother ? Driving straight THROUGH a wall, or half into a house ? Over there own troops etc.etc. Well you get the point. This is a great disavantage and spoils the gameplay.... Also: why can't you control Panzer-platoons like the infantry. Very anoying and very unrealistic. JBOP ? (just a bunch of Panzers )
  7. Indeed, they had the experience. And the knowledge "Thypoons" were in the area as well. These planes with rockets did rip the tigers to pieces with minimal losses on Allied side. The overwhelming airpower was a major player in combat these days (after D-day invasion). It limited Germans to move there armor only at night. At daylight it was simply a suicide mission. that's why you saw heavyly camuflaged German armor, it gave them a little more protection against those flying buzzers The Allied armor was simply outclassed those days, the Firefly did atleast had a bit more chance to kill a Cat but most of the time they were in a underdog position. Thanks to overwhelming numbers of Allied Armor en more importantly the constant threat in the Air gave the Allies the upper hand. Without Air-supremacy they would have knocked out of Normandy without a hitch
  8. The Tiger is very much underpowered in CMBO, i lost 5 tigers at ranges 1200 and up against 3 sherman firefly's. One thing i noticed which aint correct is the unbalanced mix of allied armor. 50% Fireflies of the allied armor is hardly correct. The firefly's were a minority in Britisch/American armor. Most of the time there was 1 flirefly as platoon-leader with 3 a 4 average 75mm shermans to fill it up. That's a 4 to 1 ratio. Take the 1 on 1 balance in CMBO and you see why the Tigers are not "so good". Also, the firefly itself is too powerfull itself compared to the tiger. That are 2 reasons why the Tiger isn't performing well where it should... Historicle fact is that only about 5% of the tiger/panter kills were made by Allied armor. Most of the losses were made by Allied Airpower. It took the Allied Commanders a long time to reconise the need for more then the moderate 75mm guns.....
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