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Posts posted by easytarget

  1. I have taken to playing with the "half-trees" option since it massively improves performance and lets you see a lot better, but then sometimes I forget the trees are even there and can have a major effect on LOS. It also takes away from the immersion quite a bit when you switch back to full trees and realize what you aren't seeing.

    A toggle for "Swaying Trees" would be really nice, since they look great but usually I'm moving the camera around too fast to actually notice them moving all that much.

    If not too difficult to implement, this would be a good soln. As he said, panning around the whole times it's nearly impossible to notice the "swaying trees" and it's killing FPS.

  2. This is just applicable to the demo of course, and in my case anyway, Nvidia video cards. And I've not run FRAPS on it, but I will if anyone expresses any real interest in this topic.

    Anyone checked on how this runs w/ and w/o SLI?

    Don't know if it's optimized for it, and sometimes I've found when it's not, turning it off actually makes the game run better.

  3. Not sure I understand why anyone would format a drive when there is all kinds of software free you can make an image with?!

    There's no way I'd hassle with getting all the settings straight again on my system when I can do it once, make the image, and then restore back to it whenever I feel like it's time for a refresh.

    This is what I use: http://www.macrium.com/reflectfree.asp

    Battle tested, I've restored on multiple occasions to the image this free software creates.

    With an external HD, you can make them as often as you like and even schedule them.

    No brainer.

  4. If anyone figures out a way to get the cmbn demo to load and work in steam (under "add a non steam game to my library") let me know.

    I've got other CM titles loaded successfully which allows easy communication w/ others on steam making it possible to set up games on the fly as it were.

    I suspect this front end thingy that's tacked on when you start up and close the demo is what's jacking things up, so ultimately it won't matter I suspect with the full version.

    But just on the off chance someone figured out how to make this work, thought I'd throw it in here, since the behavior of the error is similar to what some are seeing when it won't load straight up, which is to say, you can hit the play button from steam, the window for play now or buy now comes up, and then when you play, screen goes black as if loading, then an MS window comes up saying CM Normandy Demo has stop working and then it bombs out.

  5. disliked steam myself when it first came out

    gotten to like it though, quite a lot actually

    no going to the store, hated that

    no updates to keep track of, automatic, hated that even more

    no loss of games when the HD crashed, it did, new drive installed O/S, downloaded steam again, viola, games all all available for download

    and just today i was reminded of yet another reason it makes the end user happy, i was offered The World of Goo, critically acclaimed indie darlie i hadn't bothered to buy because even at 20 bucks i just couldn't see bothering with it, today, i log into steam, and lo and behold it's 5 bucks, i mean jesus, i spent more than that on a hamburger at lunch

  6. how does a boutique post up pricing significantly lower than competitors?

    do they have buying power that pushes down price on components? no

    do they buy inferior parts? probably not, certainly not if you have brand level config as you often do at boutiques, in other words, the parts are the parts, and so is the cost of those parts, and so even more significantly are the razor thin margins

    so if it's not in the box, where is this cost savings? hmm?

  7. if you're not building it, and you're going boutique, you better trust them

    in which case my advice to turn to forums where people talk about hardware all day is even more important

    when you buildi yourself you can control the quality or lack thereof

    when you turn to boutiques you're risking going with someone who may or may not do a good job, and probably won't in the end cooperate fully with you should something go wrong

    all the more reason to find out from real purchasers what any mfg you're considering is really like

    you should definitely read up on ibuypower before pulling the trigger

    btw, if you want high configurability, but don't want to build yourself, check out these guys: http://www.avadirect.com/

  8. why turn to the CM forums for info on this in the first place?

    hardocp has people talking about specs for systems they build all day long and most if not all of them know more about it than anyone here, that's just the first forum that comes to mind that i frequented when i built a system last year

    I mean it's not like i'd wander over to hardocp and ask them what the best scenarios are for CMAK or something

  9. I discovered this game about a year ago and have been playing it with a few guys from work since then. Does anyone out there still play at all?

    Yep, still playing it. In fact, I've maintained all along that CMBO was the one most fun to play, and that frankly the realism and fixes that came with CMBB and CMAK didn't make them more fun to actually play. To each his own.

  10. CMBO isn't all that flawed and most of the issues whined about can be worked around if you just do some proper thinking about how to engage the enemy

    CMAK was hardly much of an improvement, barely rating any mention when compared to what had already been done on CMBB

    the real problem for battlefront and the games they make is one they probably couldn't avoid

    they jumped the shark w/ CMBB and everything since then has been pretty much a waste of everyone's time

    in memory of the revolution that was CMBO, i hope they stashed away some dough, because small developers in this recession are going to suffer, a lot

  11. if everyone who ever visited this forum, not posted in a thread here mind you, just anyone who cracked open the CMC forum, bought this, it would still no doubt qualify as a financial disaster for BFC

    the market this targets is so narrow its comical

    we're not even talking about anyone who ever owned and played any of the CMx1 products, which is narrow enough at this point

    net-net: if this thing ever sees the light of day, its impact to the gaming world will be the equivalent of the sound of one hand clapping

  12. since i've no issue with resurrecting anything, including dead posts, i'll comment on your comment

    your following a resurrection posting with one of your own complaining about it is like your brother complaining at the dinner table you've got your eyes open while your dad says grace

    no doubt the point and the irony will be lost on you, why else would you make such a post ;)

  13. which game you're talking about might also prove useful

    and to answer the subject line question: yes, if you bought CMSF or TOW you did indeed just waste your money

    if on the other hand you're inquiring about CMBO, CMBB, or CMAK, then you need to invest the time to figure out how to make it run, it is absolutely worth the trouble of figuring out

  14. J.R. posted the following in between tears:

    "@easytarget-- Dude, this isn't a 'bash Vista' thread. Hari asked a technical question about Vista support. So what does he get? Instead of any kind of rational help, he gets replies of various flavors of 'I hate Vista'. It's not helpful in the least. You don't like Vista? I don't care!"

    Man up dude. Going to the trouble to post on behalf of another forum guy who didn't even need your help, in the wrong forum that's not even for technical support, when a thread about this very topic IS in the tech forum, well, honestly it's either sorta sad or kinda funny. I'll let you chose.

    J.R. wasn't finished defending the honor of Hari and all Vista users, and continued with the following:

    "I don't particularly care for Vista, but it's not painful enough for me to be willing to install XP. Trying to hijack a request for assistance because you don't like the O/S the guy is using is weak."

    This isn't an active forum, yet it would appear you've failed to read the half dozen threads that are here, otherwise you'd know all 6 of them are varitions on "Waiting for Godot".

    So it's effectively impossible to hijack something that is quite literally going nowhere.

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