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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by easytarget

  1. J.R. posted the following in between tears:

    "@easytarget-- Dude, this isn't a 'bash Vista' thread. Hari asked a technical question about Vista support. So what does he get? Instead of any kind of rational help, he gets replies of various flavors of 'I hate Vista'. It's not helpful in the least. You don't like Vista? I don't care!"

    Man up dude. Going to the trouble to post on behalf of another forum guy who didn't even need your help, in the wrong forum that's not even for technical support, when a thread about this very topic IS in the tech forum, well, honestly it's either sorta sad or kinda funny. I'll let you chose.

    J.R. wasn't finished defending the honor of Hari and all Vista users, and continued with the following:

    "I don't particularly care for Vista, but it's not painful enough for me to be willing to install XP. Trying to hijack a request for assistance because you don't like the O/S the guy is using is weak."

    This isn't an active forum, yet it would appear you've failed to read the half dozen threads that are here, otherwise you'd know all 6 of them are varitions on "Waiting for Godot".

    So it's effectively impossible to hijack something that is quite literally going nowhere.

  2. Originally posted by J.R.:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />oh, and as for vista, who cares?

    i mean who's running it?

    I am, on my laptop. I really could not care less for your opinion of my O/S choices.

    Hari, to answer your original question, I doubt it will be Vista compatible, since from what I've read the CMC game will produce a scenario to be run on the original CMBB game. As it's the case that many of us, including myself, are having problems getting CMBB to run properly on Vista, that kind of shoots the whole idea down the crapper. </font>

  3. i guess you're right, still a shame though, i always thought they worked as a series of 3 movies because they had decent endings to each one, so you could sustain each one as a story unto itself

    but as you say, there is a lot of dialogue

    in that case, my revised wish list for this one would be for BBC or PBS to make it, the job BBC did with Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy was impressive, and at 9 hours that didn't exactly streak across the screen, lots of dialogue going on, come to think of it, Brideshead Revisited falls under the same category

    btw, might as well conclude with a book recommendation for no particular reason, other than I like this book a lot, do a google of Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson, if you have any interest in cryptography, computers, history or world war 2, you'll like this one

  4. thx philippe, had a HD crash on me recently and after the rebuild i couldn't for the life of me remember where i got all the scenarios after SD went down

    now i know, and now i've got them again

    yeah, i know it's peculiar, but i like cmbo better than cmbb or cmak

    probably becasue it was the one that blew me away when it came out, the next two were really just refinements of the same thing

  5. back to the original question, and not that it matters mind you, just passing the time

    how much would i pay for an upgraded and modernized cmbo?

    hell, i wouldn't even need upgraded graphics

    just take CMBB or CMAK and make CMBO w/ it and i'd pay 50 bucks

    btw, since i'm just talking to myself here anyway, i'll extrapolate a bit and suggest there's another game out there that ranks easily in the top 5 of all time that could be re-made with nothing about it changed other than modern graphics and the ability to play it on modern machines and i'd pay 75 or even 100 bucks for it, and i'm far from alone on this:

    X-Com: UFO Defense

  6. hari,

    don't expect too much in the way of communication from battlefront, they're a tad busy finding new ways to destroy their brand

    should only take about 1 or 2 CMSF's to finish off the job, at which point they'll have the time to get back to you

    meanwhile, let's talk about your name, are you that into the foundation series?

    and if so, got any idea why no one has ever bothered in 50 years to make the trilogy into movies?

  7. Originally posted by Melnibone:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Cid250:

    Anyway... reading several European forums, the average opinions are very close to the points exposed here.

    No what's exposed is your desperation to find bad news about the game you don't like. </font>
  8. folks have been asking for an updated cmbo for years, steve ain't listening

    know how you can tell?

    they released a niche product called CMSF absolutely no one was asking for

    just try and sit down with anyone you know that's into wargaming at all and try and pitch the idea of CMSF w/o falling out of your chair laughing at the absurdity of it

    so there's your answer in the form of released product proving the company ain't paying attention

    even better, not only are they not listening to their customers, they aren't listening to them when they take the time to actively start threads like this one over and over on their own freaking forum telling them what their customers want

    again, it makes me laugh out loud, it really does

    this is the sort of info marketing depts KILL for, here it is sitting here for free to be acted upon, and all we get in return are tantrum responses saying in effect, piss off with this CMBO nonsense

  9. Originally posted by Normal Dude:

    and this why I dont buy brand new cards.

    and those who bought 8800's didn't buy new cards, anything on the vid card market for more than 6 months is by definition not new, and the 8800GTX was released end of last year

    if there are issues running SF on it, it's not because the card hasn't been readily available for testing for some time now

    is this specific to just the GTS?

  10. yeah, i mean after all, there's got to be at least 5 people in the world at this point that owned CMBB, still play it, and actually care whether CMC ever makes the light of day - they deserve an update!

    Really, it's all just a part of a plan by battlefront to lower expectations with a lot of really lousy products, and CMC needs to be released soon to aid in that strategy since TOW is out and shockforce presumably soon to release.

    Then, when everyone has given up hope that battlefront will ever do the brain dead obvious thing and simply modernize CM /w 3D graphics, they'll pull a fast one and announce that's exactly what they've done, and own up to the fact that all this crap they've been releasing the last few years was really just a stalling tatic.


  11. ttomm146,

    sent ya an email responding

    the main gist being buy'em all!

    i've seen them at Fry's here in Austin as a one box package deal including all 3 CM's for 29 bucks - don't know if it included the book manual like i got with the 1st two (which they didn't include w/ the 3rd), but you can track down plenty of resources here to answer questions anway

    don't hesitate on buying these - more replay than anything else you'll find elsewhere - particularly when you play humans, then it's pretty much infinite

  12. anyone else think there's some similarity between id software and battlefront?

    both companies came out with ground breaking products - id basically invented FPS w/ Doom/Quake and BF created 3d wargaming

    both companies through subsequent releases put out refinements to the original product that were evolutionary rather than revolutionary - and in each case well received

    this evolved into an engine development phase, for lack of a better term - and in each case the respective companies sort of stopped making games and started outsourcing to 3rd parties for this part of their business

    and this last part is what concerns me, because product focus is spread out - it seems like it's much easier for the respective companies and the consumer of their products to lose sight of what the next big thing is - while i can see the attraction of this model from the companies side because it spreads your bets ands scales your business (don't have to carry the heads) i think from my side of the coin as the consumer, i'm being presented w/ so many choices that it's hard not to think they're delayed because of a lack of focus on one in particular - which could lead to a distracted and less clear marketing campaign on all of them, what after does id or BF stand for now in the mind of the avg customer? in the past one stood for all things FPS and the other 3D WW2 games of surpassing accuracy - now, both really have become engine houses, distributors, licensing businesses, and not necessarily viewed any longer as makers of games

    just thinking out loud about two companies that look a lot a like to me in thier various phases of developement, and the possible hazards to their seemingly similiar business trajectories

    p.s. i guess you'd be wondering why i posted this hear, it's because CMC to me is a text book example of how this new model can, and perhaps already has, lead BF down a blind alley, product windows are narrow, this one imho has passed, and the efforts put into it could of been allocated elsewhere to achieve that product going gold sooner

    but in deference to BF, i realize all choices are trade offs, you place your bets, some pay of and some don't, i'm just musing over similarities between two great gaming companies and where their paths have led them

    [ January 13, 2007, 09:06 AM: Message edited by: easytarget ]

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